63 research outputs found

    Results from FOPI on strangeness production and propagation at SIS energies

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    Heavy ion collisions at SIS energies (1-2 AGeV) offer an unique tool to probe the properties of hot and dense nuclear matter. In particular, the partial restoration of chiral symmetry is predicted to lead in this energy range to in-medium modifications of hadron properties. Strange particle production below or close to the threshold energy is a useful probe to investigate these in-medium effects. The FOPI collaboration has recently measured the production and the propagation of charged and neutral strange particles. The K+ production probability is investigated as a function of the system size at a beam energy of 1.5 AGeV. Results on K0 production in Ru+Ru collisions at 1.69 AGeV are presented, as well as K-/K+ ratio as a function of rapidity. In addition, the sideward flow of charged and neutral strange particles has been measured. Results are compared to predictions of transport calculations (BUU and IQMD).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, talk presented at SQM2001 in Frankfurt, Sept.2001, submitted to Journal of Physics

    On the exact conservation laws in thermal models and the analysis of AGS and SIS experimental results

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    The production of hadrons in relativistic heavy ion collisions is studied using a statistical ensemble with thermal and chemical equilibrium. Special attention is given to exact conservation laws, i.e. certain charges are treated canonically instead of using the usual grand canonical approach. For small systems, the exact conservation of baryon number, strangeness and electric charge is to be taken into account. We have derived compact, analytical expressions for particle abundances in such ensemble. As an application, the change in K/πK/\pi ratios in AGS experiments with different interaction system sizes is well reproduced. The canonical treatment of three charges becomes impractical very quickly with increasing system size. Thus, we draw our attention to exact conservation of strangeness, and treat baryon number and electric charge grand canonically. We present expressions for particle abundances in such ensemble as well, and apply them to reproduce the large variety of particle ratios in GSI SIS 2 A GeV Ni-Ni experiments. At the energies considered here, the exact strangeness conservation fully accounts for strange particle suppression, and no extra chemical factor is needed.Comment: Talk given at Strangeness in Quark Matter '98, Padova, Italy (1998). Submitted to J.Phys. G. 5 pages, 2 figure

    Probing resonance matter with virtual photons

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    In the energy domain of 1-2 GeV per nucleon, HADES has measured rare penetrating probes (e+e-) in C+C, Ar+KCl, d+p, p+p and p+Nb collisions. For the first time the electron pairs were reconstructed from quasi-free n+p sub-reactions by detecting the proton spectator from the deuteron breakup. An experimentally constrained NN reference spectrum was established. Our results demonstrate that the gross features of di-electron spectra in C+C collisions can be explained as a superposition of independent NN collisions. On the other hand, a direct comparison of the NN reference spectrum with the e+e- invariant mass distribution measured in the heavier system Ar+KCl at 1.76 GeV/u shows an excess yield above the reference, which we attribute to radiation from resonance matter. Moreover, the combined measurement of di-electrons and strangeness in Ar+KCl collisions has provided further intriguing results which are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference - INPC 2010, Vancouver, Canada, July 4 - 9 201

    phi puzzle in heavy-ion collisions at 2 AGeV: how many K-from phi decays?

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    The preliminary experimental data on ϕ\phi production in the reaction Ni(1.93 AGeV) + Ni point to a puzzling high ϕ\phi yield which can not be reproduced with present transport codes. We survey the experimental situation and present prospects for dedicated measurements of the ϕ\phi multiplicities with the K+KK^+ K^- and e+ee^+ e^- channels at HADES and FOPI.Comment: talk at Strange Quarks in Matter 2001, Frankfurt Sep. 24 - 29, 200

    Analysis of kaon spectra at SIS energies - what remains from the KN potential

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    We study the reaction Au+Au at 1.48 AGeV and analyze the influence of the KN optical potential on cm spectra and azimuthal distributions at mid-rapidity. We find a significant change of the yields but only slight changes in the shapes of the distributions when turning off the optical potential. However, the spectra show contributions from different reaction times, where early kaons contribute stronger to higher momenta and late kaons to lower momenta. Azimuthal distributions of the kaons at mid-rapidity show a strong centrality dependence. Their shape is influenced by the KN optical potential as well as by re-scattering.Comment: SQM 2003 proceedings, 4 figures, 6 page

    Centrality and sNNDependenceofthe\sqrt{s_{NN}} Dependence of the dE_{T}/d\etaand and dN_{ch}/d\eta$ in Heavy Ion Collisions at Mid-Rapidity

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    The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured transverse energy and charged particle multiplicity at mid-rapidity in Au + Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 19.6, 130, 62.4 and 200 GeV as a function of centrality. The presented results are compared to measurements from other RHIC experiments, and experiments at lower energies. The sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} dependence of dET/dηdE_{T}/d\eta and dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta per pair of participants is consistent with logarithmic scaling for the most central events. The centrality dependence of dET/dηdE_{T}/d\eta and dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta is similar at all measured incident energies. At RHIC energies the ratio of transverse energy per charged particle was found independent of centrality and growing slowly with sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}. A survey of comparisons between the data and available theoretical models is also presented.Comment: Proccedings of the Workshop: Focus on Multiplcity at Bari, Italy, June 17-19,2004. To be submitted to the Jornal of Physics, "Conference series". Includes: 20 Pages, 15 figures, 3 Tables, 80 Referencie

    Directed flow of neutral strange particles at AGS

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    Directed flow of neutral strange particles in heavy ion collisions at AGS is studied in the ART transport model. Using a lambda mean-field potential which is 2/3 of that for a nucleon as predicted by the constituent quark model, lambdas are found to flow with protons but with a smaller flow parameter as observed in experiments. For kaons, their repulsive potential, which is calculated from the impulse approximation using the measured kaon-nucleon scattering length, leads to a smaller anti-flow than that shown in the preliminary E895 data. Implications of this discrepancy are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure