27 research outputs found

    Involvement of Complexin 2 in Docking, Locking and Unlocking of Different SNARE Complexes during Sperm Capacitation and Induced Acrosomal Exocytosis

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    Acrosomal exocytosis (AE) is an intracellular multipoint fusion reaction of the sperm plasma membrane (PM) with the outer acrosomal membrane (OAM). This unique exocytotic event enables the penetration of the sperm through the zona pellucida of the oocyte. We previously observed a stable docking of OAM to the PM brought about by the formation of the trans-SNARE complex (syntaxin 1B, SNAP 23 and VAMP 3). By using electron microscopy, immunochemistry and immunofluorescence techniques in combination with functional studies and proteomic approaches, we here demonstrate that calcium ionophore-induced AE results in the formation of unilamellar hybrid membrane vesicles containing a mixture of components originating from the two fused membranes. These mixed vesicles (MV) do not contain the earlier reported trimeric SNARE complex but instead possess a novel trimeric SNARE complex that contained syntaxin 3, SNAP 23 and VAMP 2, with an additional SNARE interacting protein, complexin 2. Our data indicate that the earlier reported raft and capacitation-dependent docking phenomenon between the PM and OAM allows a specific rearrangement of molecules between the two docked membranes and is involved in (1) recruiting SNAREs and complexin 2 in the newly formed lipid-ordered microdomains, (2) the assembly of a fusion-driving SNARE complex which executes Ca2+-dependent AE, (3) the disassembly of the earlier reported docking SNARE complex, (4) the recruitment of secondary zona binding proteins at the zona interacting sperm surface. The possibility to study separate and dynamic interactions between SNARE proteins, complexin and Ca2+ which are all involved in AE make sperm an ideal model for studying exocytosis

    Learning pair-wise gene functional similarity by multiplex gene expression maps

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    Abstract Background The relationships between the gene functional similarity and gene expression profile, and between gene function annotation and gene sequence have been studied extensively. However, not much work has considered the connection between gene functions and location of a gene's expression in the mammalian tissues. On the other hand, although unsupervised learning methods have been commonly used in functional genomics, supervised learning cannot be directly applied to a set of normal genes without having a target (class) attribute. Results Here, we propose a supervised learning methodology to predict pair-wise gene functional similarity from multiplex gene expression maps that provide information about the location of gene expression. The features are extracted from expression maps and the labels denote the functional similarities of pairs of genes. We make use of wavelet features, original expression values, difference and average values of neighboring voxels and other features to perform boosting analysis. The experimental results show that with increasing similarities of gene expression maps, the functional similarities are increased too. The model predicts the functional similarities between genes to a certain degree. The weights of the features in the model indicate the features that are more significant for this prediction. Conclusions By considering pairs of genes, we propose a supervised learning methodology to predict pair-wise gene functional similarity from multiplex gene expression maps. We also explore the relationship between similarities of gene maps and gene functions. By using AdaBoost coupled with our proposed weak classifier we analyze a large-scale gene expression dataset and predict gene functional similarities. We also detect the most significant single voxels and pairs of neighboring voxels and visualize them in the expression map image of a mouse brain. This work is very important for predicting functions of unknown genes. It also has broader applicability since the methodology can be applied to analyze any large-scale dataset without a target attribute and is not restricted to gene expressions

    Evaluation of oxidative stress parameters and metabolic activities of nurses working day and night shifts

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the oxidative stress and metabolic activities of nurses working day and night shifts. Intensive care unit (ICU) (n=70) and ordinary service (OS) nurses (n=70) were enrolled in the study. Just before and the end of the shifts, blood samples were obtained to measure the participants' oxidative stress parameters. Metabolic activities were analyzed using the SenseWear Armband. Oxidative stress parameters were increased at the end of the shifts for all OS and ICU nurses compared to the beginning of the shifts. Compared to the OS nurses, the ICU nurses' TAS, TOS, and OSI levels were not significantly different at the end of the day and night shifts. The metabolic activities of the OS and ICU nurses were found to be similar. As a result, the OS and ICU nurses' oxidative stress parameters and metabolic activities were not different, and all of the nurses experienced similar effects from both the day and night shifts