31 research outputs found

    Neuropathological Similarities and Differences between Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A Flow Cytometric Postmortem Brain Study

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    Recent studies suggest that schizophrenia (SCH) and bipolar disorder (BPD) may share a similar etiopathology. However, their precise neuropathological natures have rarely been characterized in a comprehensive and quantitative fashion. We have recently developed a rapid, quantitative cell-counting method for frozen unfixed postmortem brains using a flow cytometer. In the present study, we not only counted stained nuclei, but also measured their sizes in the gray matter of frontopolar cortices (FPCs) and inferior temporal cortices (ITCs) from patients with SCH or BPD, as well as in that from normal controls. In terms of NeuN(+) neuronal nuclei size, particularly in the reduced densities of small NeuN(+) nuclei, we found abnormal distributions present in the ITC gray matter of both patient groups. These same abnormalities were also found in the FPCs of SCH patients, whereas in the FPCs of BPD patients, a reduction in oligodendrocyte lineage (olig2(+)) cells was much more common. Surprisingly, in the SCH FPC, normal left-greater-than-right asymmetry in neural nuclei densities was almost completely reversed. In the BPD FPC, this asymmetry, though not obvious, differed significantly from that in the SCH FPC. These findings indicate that while similar neuropathological abnormalities are shared by patients with SCH or BPD, differences also exist, mainly in the FPC, which may at least partially explain the differences observed in many aspects in these disorders

    Effects of Aversive Stimuli on Prospective Memory. An Event-Related fMRI Study

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    Prospective memory (PM) describes the ability to execute a previously planned action at the appropriate point in time. Although behavioral studies clearly showed that prospective memory performance is affected by the emotional significance attributed to the intended action, no study so far investigated the brain mechanisms subserving the modulatory effect of emotional salience on PM performance. The general aim of the present study was to explore brain regions involved in prospective memory processes when PM cues are associated with emotional stimuli. In particular, based on the hypothesised critical role of the prefrontal cortex in prospective memory in the presence of emotionally salient stimuli, we expected a stronger involvement of aPFC when the retrieval and execution of the intended action is cued by an aversive stimulus. To this aim BOLD responses of PM trials cued by aversive facial expressions were compared to PM trials cued by neutral facial expressions. Whole brain analysis showed that PM task cued by aversive stimuli is differentially associated with activity in the right lateral prefrontal area (BA 10) and in the left caudate nucleus. Moreover a temporal shift between the response of the caudate nucleus that preceded that of aPFC was observed. These findings suggest that the caudate nucleus might provide an early analysis of the affective properties of the stimuli, whereas the anterior lateral prefrontal cortex (BA10) would be involved in a slower and more deliberative analysis to guide goal-directed behaviour

    Neural Correlates of Motor Vigour and Motor Urgency During Exercise

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    Weed or wheel! FMRI, behavioural, and toxicological investigations of how cannabis smoking affects skills necessary for driving.

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    Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug, however its effects on cognitive functions underling safe driving remain mostly unexplored. Our goal was to evaluate the impact of cannabis on the driving ability of occasional smokers, by investigating changes in the brain network involved in a tracking task. The subject characteristics, the percentage of Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol in the joint, and the inhaled dose were in accordance with real-life conditions. Thirty-one male volunteers were enrolled in this study that includes clinical and toxicological aspects together with functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and measurements of psychomotor skills. The fMRI paradigm was based on a visuo-motor tracking task, alternating active tracking blocks with passive tracking viewing and rest condition. We show that cannabis smoking, even at low Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol blood concentrations, decreases psychomotor skills and alters the activity of the brain networks involved in cognition. The relative decrease of Blood Oxygen Level Dependent response (BOLD) after cannabis smoking in the anterior insula, dorsomedial thalamus, and striatum compared to placebo smoking suggests an alteration of the network involved in saliency detection. In addition, the decrease of BOLD response in the right superior parietal cortex and in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex indicates the involvement of the Control Executive network known to operate once the saliencies are identified. Furthermore, cannabis increases activity in the rostral anterior cingulate cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortices, suggesting an increase in self-oriented mental activity. Subjects are more attracted by intrapersonal stimuli ("self") and fail to attend to task performance, leading to an insufficient allocation of task-oriented resources and to sub-optimal performance. These effects correlate with the subjective feeling of confusion rather than with the blood level of Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol. These findings bolster the zero-tolerance policy adopted in several countries that prohibits the presence of any amount of drugs in blood while driving