16 research outputs found

    Purificação de IgG de codorna a partir de soro e gema de ovos.

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    The purification of Japanese quail IgG from serum was performed using caprilic acid and ammonium sulfate, and from egg yolk using PEG-6000 and ethanol. After confirming the purification and the concentration of IgG, the yolk samples had twice the amount of protein compared to serum samples. The IgG extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and western blot showing similar results as the ones of chicken IgG used as the standard. So, these methodologies can be used for purifying quail serum or egg yolk IgG, which would enable the development of diagnostic assays

    Molecular studies of the brazilian infectious bronchitis virus isolates.

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    Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolates have been widely characterized by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing. In present study, these techniques were applied to three viral genomic regions comprising the complete and/or a partial S1 segment, S2 and nucleocapsid genes. DNA sequences from viral isolates obtained from 1972 to 1989 and from 2006 to 2008 were compared. High similarity (>90%) was observed among some of the genomic segments, including S1 hypervariable region, which could suggest a common origin or ancestry. DNA sequences from S2 and N protein genes obtained from different infected tissues of the same flock were analyzed, and a clear segregation between respiratory and intestinal tract was observed. Therefore, these data suggest cocirculation of more than one viral strain in the same flock. 57.1% of DNA sequences from the S1 complete segment samples, 53.3% from the S2 fragment and 62.5% from the partial N gene were found to be different from analyzed sequences from reference strains leading to the conclusion that parte of viral isolates included in this study may be considered region specific. Considering the simultaneous analysis of the three genes, a large IBV genetic profile was observed in both old and recent isolates groups. However, most prominent diversity between viral isolates was obtained in the period from 1972 and 1989, showing the presence of a large number of variants in the state of Minas Gerais before the official approval of vaccination (1980)

    Desenvolvimento de um aplicativo web para a busca comparativa de genes de miRNAs e genes alvos de miRNAs específicos de plantas.

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    Neste trabalho é descrita a construção de uma base de dados de miRNAs de plantas e o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de buscas que permite a localização de possíveis seqüências alvos em genes de plantas, a comparação de miRNAs em diferentes espécies vegetais e a identificação de novos miRNAs nestes organismos. No aplicativo Web desenvolvido, as buscas são feitas, com auxílio do programa BLASTN, em uma base de dados de miRNAs específicos de plantas construída a partir da filtragem de bases pré-existentes. Entre outras aplicações, a nova base de dados e a ferramenta de busca poderão ser úteis no estudo comparativo e evolutivo dos miRNAs de plantas e sua possível contribuição na diversidade fenotípica das plantas

    Purificação de IgG de codorna a partir de soro e gema de ovos.

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    The purification of Japanese quail IgG from serum was performed using caprilic acid and ammonium sulfate, and from egg yolk using PEG-6000 and ethanol. After confirming the purification and the concentration of IgG, the yolk samples had twice the amount of protein compared to serum samples. The IgG extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and western blot showing similar results as the ones of chicken IgG used as the standard. So, these methodologies can be used for purifying quail serum or egg yolk IgG, which would enable the development of diagnostic assays.201

    Numerical investigation of vortex-induced vibration of a marine SCR

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    ABSTRACT In this paper the dynamic response and fatigue analysis of a marine SCR (Steel Catenary Riser) due to vortex shedding is numerically investigated. The riser is divided in twodimensional sections along the riser length. The discrete vortex method (DVM) is employed for the assessment of the hydrodynamic forces acting on these two-dimensional sections. The hydrodynamic sections are solved independently, and the coupling among the sections is taken into account by the solution of the structure in the time domain by the finite element method implemented in ANFLEX cod

    Molecular studies of the brazilian infectious bronchitis virus isolates.

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    Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolates have been widely characterized by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing. In present study, these techniques were applied to three viral genomic regions comprising the complete and/or a partial S1 segment, S2 and nucleocapsid genes. DNA sequences from viral isolates obtained from 1972 to 1989 and from 2006 to 2008 were compared. High similarity (>90%) was observed among some of the genomic segments, including S1 hypervariable region, which could suggest a common origin or ancestry. DNA sequences from S2 and N protein genes obtained from different infected tissues of the same flock were analyzed, and a clear segregation between respiratory and intestinal tract was observed. Therefore, these data suggest cocirculation of more than one viral strain in the same flock. 57.1% of DNA sequences from the S1 complete segment samples, 53.3% from the S2 fragment and 62.5% from the partial N gene were found to be different from analyzed sequences from reference strains leading to the conclusion that parte of viral isolates included in this study may be considered region specific. Considering the simultaneous analysis of the three genes, a large IBV genetic profile was observed in both old and recent isolates groups. However, most prominent diversity between viral isolates was obtained in the period from 1972 and 1989, showing the presence of a large number of variants in the state of Minas Gerais before the official approval of vaccination (1980).201

    Metagenomic Analysis of the Microbiota from the Crop of an Invasive Snail Reveals a Rich Reservoir of Novel Genes

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    <div><p>The shortage of petroleum reserves and the increase in CO<sub>2</sub> emissions have raised global concerns and highlighted the importance of adopting sustainable energy sources. Second-generation ethanol made from lignocellulosic materials is considered to be one of the most promising fuels for vehicles. The giant snail <em>Achatina fulica</em> is an agricultural pest whose biotechnological potential has been largely untested. Here, the composition of the microbial population within the crop of this invasive land snail, as well as key genes involved in various biochemical pathways, have been explored for the first time. In a high-throughput approach, 318 Mbp of 454-Titanium shotgun metagenomic sequencing data were obtained. The predominant bacterial phylum found was <em>Proteobacteria</em>, followed by <em>Bacteroidetes</em> and <em>Firmicutes</em>. <em>Viruses</em>, <em>Fungi</em>, and <em>Archaea</em> were present to lesser extents. The functional analysis reveals a variety of microbial genes that could assist the host in the degradation of recalcitrant lignocellulose, detoxification of xenobiotics, and synthesis of essential amino acids and vitamins, contributing to the adaptability and wide-ranging diet of this snail. More than 2,700 genes encoding glycoside hydrolase (GH) domains and carbohydrate-binding modules were detected. When we compared GH profiles, we found an abundance of sequences coding for oligosaccharide-degrading enzymes (36%), very similar to those from wallabies and giant pandas, as well as many novel cellulase and hemicellulase coding sequences, which points to this model as a remarkable potential source of enzymes for the biofuel industry. Furthermore, this work is a major step toward the understanding of the unique genetic profile of the land snail holobiont.</p> </div