22 research outputs found
Structuration de la diversité génétique chez la luzerne cultivée, conséquence pour l'identification de gènes liés à des caractères agronomiques
La luzerne, espèce allogame et autotétraploïde, est une légumineuse fourragère dont l’intérêt connaît un renouveau certain grâce à ses atouts pour le développement durable de l’agriculture. L’amélioration des variétés nécessite de mieux connaître les ressources génétiques, pour les exploiter, que ce soit en sélection classique ou en utilisant les outils moléculaires pour implémenter la sélection assistée par marqueurs. En étudiant 10 variétés européennes, nous avons montré que la diversité à l’intérieur des variétés est grande (hétérozygotie attendue de 0.75, déviation standard de 0.80, pour des caractères phénotypiques et des marqueurs moléculaires neutres, respectivement). La différenciation entre variétés est notable pour les caractères phénotypiques. Cette structuration de la diversité est favorable à l’utilisation de la génétique d’association basée sur des gènes candidats pour identifier des gènes liés à des caractères agronomiques. Une telle étude a permis de montrer que le gène Constans-like contribue à expliquer les différences de longueur de tiges chez la luzerne, une composante du rendement fourrager. Alfalfa, an allogamous and autotetraploid species, is a forage legume for which a renewed interest has raised because of its advantages for a sustainable agriculture. Variety improvement requires a better knowledge of the genetic resources in order to exploit them, with classical breeding methods or with molecular tools to implement marker assisted selection. We have described 10 European varieties and found a large within-variety diversity (expected heterozygozity of 0.75, standard deviation of 0.80, with phenotypic traits and neutral molecular markers, respectively). Differentiation between varieties was noticeable for phenotypic traits. This genetic structure of diversity is favourable to the use of association genetics based on candidate genes to identify genes related to agronomic traits. Such a study showed that Constans-like gene contributes to explain differences in alfalfa stem length, a component of forage yield
Genetic Diversity Among Alfalfa Cultivars Using SSR Markers
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is an autotetraploid, allogamous and heterozygous species. Cultivated varieties are synthetic cultivars, usually obtained through 3 or 4 generations of panmictic reproduction of a set of various numbers of parents. The parents can be clones, half-sib or full-sib families. The breeders apply selection pressure for some agronomic traits, to induce changes in the genetic background. The objective of this study was to investigate the differentiation level among seven cultivars originating from one breeding program, and between these cultivars and the breeding pool, with eight SSR markers
Both selection and plasticity drive niche differentiation in experimental grasslands
The way species avoid each other in a community by using resources differently across space and time is one of the main drivers of species coexistence in nature1,2. This mechanism, known as niche differentiation, has been widely examined theoretically but still lacks thorough experimental validation in plants. To shape niche differences over time, species within communities can reduce the overlap between their niches or find unexploited environmental space3. Selection and phenotypic plasticity have been advanced as two candidate processes driving niche differentiation4,5, but their respective role remains to be quantified6. Here, we tracked changes in plant height, as a candidate trait for light capture7, in 5-year multispecies sown grasslands. We found increasing among-species height differences over time. Phenotypic plasticity promotes this change, which explains the rapid setting of differentiation in our system. Through the inspection of changes in genetic structure, we also highlighted the contribution of selection. Altogether, we experimentally demonstrated the occurrence of species niche differentiation within artificial grassland communities over a short time scale through the joined action of both plasticity and selection
A novel statistical method for assessing SSR variation in autotetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
Population structure and linkage disequilibrium unravelled in tetraploid potato
Association mapping is considered to be an important alternative strategy for the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) as compared to traditional QTL mapping. A necessary prerequisite for association analysis to succeed is detailed information regarding hidden population structure and the extent of linkage disequilibrium. A collection of 430 tetraploid potato cultivars, comprising two association panels, has been analysed with 41 AFLP® and 53 SSR primer combinations yielding 3364 AFLP fragments and 653 microsatellite alleles, respectively. Polymorphism information content values and detected number of alleles for the SSRs studied illustrate that commercial potato germplasm seems to be equally diverse as Latin American landrace material. Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD)—reported for the first time for tetraploid potato—was observed up to approximately 5 cM using r2 higher than 0.1 as a criterion for significant LD. Within-group LD, however, stretched on average twice as far when compared to overall LD. A Bayesian approach, a distance-based hierarchical clustering approach as well as principal coordinate analysis were adopted to enquire into population structure. Groups differing in year of market release and market segment (starch, processing industry and fresh consumption) were repeatedly detected. The observation of LD up to 5 cM is promising because the required marker density is not likely to disable the possibilities for association mapping research in tetraploid potato. Population structure appeared to be weak, but strong enough to demand careful modelling of genetic relationships in subsequent marker-trait association analyses. There seems to be a good chance that linkage-based marker-trait associations can be identified at moderate marker densities
Sample size for diversity studies in tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa) based on codominantly coded SSR markers
Comparison of morphological traits and molecular markers to analyse diversity and structure of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars
Diversity and structure of populations may differ substantially between morphological traits and molecular markers. Explanations of such discrepancies are crucial for further progress in breeding as well as for the maintenance of genetic resources. Our objective was to compare indices of among-cultivars differentiation for morphological traits (QST) and molecular markers (FST) in alfalfa (Medicago sativa), a legume forage species. Ten cultivars representing the Northern and Southern types commonly grown in Europe were investigated. For each cultivar, 40 genotypes were analysed with 16 SSR markers and four morphological traits measured in two locations and several cuts. QST values were in general high (0.02–0.39) compared to the differentiation observed with molecular markers (FST = 0.01), especially for growth habit, indicating that morphological traits were more efficient to structure the diversity than molecular markers. For morphological traits, a clear separation of Northern and Southern cultivars was observed, whereas for molecular markers, no clear structure was detected. Nevertheless, the grazing type cultivar Luzelle was separated from the rest of the cultivars for both morphological traits and molecular markers. Although pairwise differences between cultivars were significant for both morphological traits and molecular markers, the main part of the variation was found within cultivars. This large within-cultivar variation may be explained, besides the outcrossing reproductive mode and autotetraploid genetics, by the recent history of M. sativa domestication in Europe and the frequent seed exchanges. Selection for morphological traits (QST > FST) was achieved without modification of within-cultivar neutral diversity
Comparison of morphological traits and molecular markers to analyse diversity and structure of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars
Análise da diversidade genética de cornichão com o uso de marcadores microssatélites Lotus corniculatus L. genetic diversity analysis through microsatellite markers
O objetivo neste trabalho foi analisar a diversidade genética de 14 materiais de Lotus corniculatus L. por meio de marcadores microssatélites. Foram analisados quatro cultivares e uma população de L. corniculatus e seus respectivos genótipos selecionados visando tolerância e sensibilidade ao alumínio. Foram utilizados 17 pares de primers que detectaram 36 alelos nos 17 locos microssatélites, com média de 2,25 alelos por loco. O resultado da análise de agrupamento com base nos índices de similaridade mostrou a formação de três grupos: um englobando germoplasmas e genótipos selecionados para sensibilidade ao alumínio e outros dois formados por genótipos selecionados visando tolerância ao alumínio tóxico. A análise molecular foi eficiente para detectar e quantificar a variabilidade entre os genótipos, acrescentando informações úteis ao programa de melhoramento. O uso de marcadores microssatélites permite a distinção de genótipos oriundos de um programa de seleção visando tolerância à toxidez por alumínio. As seleções realizadas originam genótipos polimórficos em relação às populações originais.<br>The aim of this work was to analyze the genetic diversity of 14 Lotus corniculatus L. materials through microsatellite markers. Four cultivars and one population of L. corniculatus and their respective genotypes selected were analyzed aiming aluminium tolerance and sensibility. The 17 markers used detected a total of 36 alleles, with an average of 2.25 alleles per locus. The result of the similarity analyses showed the formation of three groups: one enclosing germplasm and selected genotypes for aluminium sensibility, while the other two groups were formed by selected genotypes for aluminium tolerance. The molecular analysis was efficient in detecting and quantifying the variability among the genotypes, adding useful information to the breeding program. The utilization of microsatellite markers permitted the distinction of genotypes originated from a selection program aiming aluminium tolerance. The performed selections originate polymorphic genotypes in relation to the original populations