286 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Didymella ascospores in western and southern Poland in 2004–2006

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    The concentration of airborne Didymella spores has been investigated at two monitoring sites situated along the west–south transect in Poland (Szczecin, Kraków), i.e. from a height of 100 to 219 m, respectively, above sea level. The aerobiological monitoring of fungal spores was performed by means of two Lanzoni volumetric spore traps. The high Didymella spore numbers were observed at both cities in June, July and August. Statistically significant correlations have been found mainly between the Didymella spore concentrations in the air and the minimum air temperature and relative air humidity. The spore count of Didymella is determined by the diversity of local flora and weather conditions, especially by the relative air humidity. The identification of factors that influence and shape spore concentrations may significantly improve the current methods of allergy prevention

    Designing a HER2/neu promoter to drive α1,3galactosyltransferase expression for targeted anti-αGal antibody-mediated tumor cell killing

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    INTRODUCTION: Our goal was to specifically render tumor cells susceptible to natural cytolytic anti-αGal antibodies by using a murine α1,3galactosyltransferase (mαGalT) transgene driven by a designed form of HER2/neu promoter (pNeu), the transcription of which is frequently observed to be above basal in breast tumors. Indeed, the αGalT activity that promotes Galα1,3Galβ1,4GlcNAc-R (αGal) epitope expression has been mutationally disrupted during the course of evolution, starting from Old World primates, and this has led to the counter-production of large amounts of cytotoxic anti-αGal antibodies in recent primates, including man. METHOD: Expression of the endogenous c-erbB-2 gene was investigated in various cell lines by northern blotting. A mαGalT cDNA was constructed into pcDNA3 vector downstream of the original CMV promoter (pCMV/mαGalT) and various forms of pNeu were prepared by PCR amplification and inserted in the pCMV/mαGalT construct upstream of the mαGalT cDNA, in the place of the CMV promoter. These constructs were transferred into HEK-293 control and breast tumor cell lines. Stably transfected cells were analyzed by northern blotting for their expression of αGalT and c-erbB-2, and by flow cytometry for their binding with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated Griffonia simplicifolia/isolectin B4. RESULTS: We show that expression of the mαGalT was up- or down-modulated according to the level of endogenous pNeu activity and the particular form of constructed pNeu. Among several constructs, two particular forms of the promoter, pNeu250 containing the CCAAT box and the PEA3 motif adjacent to the TATAA box, and pNeu664, which has three additional PEA3 motifs upstream of the CCAAT box, were found to promote differential αGalT expression. CONCLUSION: Our results strengthen current concepts about the crucial role played by the proximal PEA3 motif of pNeu, and may represent a novel therapeutic approach for the development of targeted transgene expression

    Deepening Understanding of Certification Adoption and Non-Adoption of International-Supplier Ethical Standards

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    This study presents a theory of causally complex configurations of antecedent conditions influencing the adoption versus non-adoption of international supplier ethical certification-standards. Using objective measures of antecedents and outcomes, a large-scale study of exporting firms in the cut-flower industry in two South American countries (Colombia and Ecuador) supports the theory. The theory includes the following and additional propositions. No single (simple)-antecedent condition is sufficient for accurately predicting a high membership score in outcome conditions; the outcome conditions include a firm’s adoption or rejection of a product certification. No single (simple)-antecedent condition is necessary for accurately predicting high scores in the outcome condition. A few complex antecedent conditions (configurations) are sufficient but the occurrence of each is not necessary for accurately predicting high scores (e.g., adoption) in an outcome condition. Causal asymmetry of antecedent conditions indicating adoption versus non-adoption of specific ethical standards occurs—that is, causal conditions leading to rejection are not the mirror opposites of causal conditions leading to adoption

    Territory quality and territorial behavior in two sympatric species of hummingbirds

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    Changes in territorial behavior of blackchinned hummingbirds ( Archilochus alexandri ) in response to experimental changes in territory quality were investigated using artificial feeders and simultaneous, pair-wise observations of owners. Some of the responses of A. alexandri were similar to those documented by a previous study of the Anna's hummingbird ( Calypte anna): A. alexandri defending rich territories spent more time on their territories, encountered a greater percentage of intruders, and chased more intruders than did A. alexandri defending poor territories. In contrast to C. anna, A. alexandri supplemented chases with energetically inexpensive threat vocalizations more extensively when territory quality was increased. This difference may be related to A. alexandri's more tenuous control of rich territories. When both species were observed on very poor territories, A. alexandri chased a greater percentage of intruders, consumed a greater proportion of available food, and obtained a greater net energy gain from their territories. When observed simultaneously on territories with ad lib food, both species defended highly exclusive territories but A. alexandri suffered higher intrusion pressure and spent more time and energy in defense. These interspecific differences in territorial behavior may facilitate sympatric coexistence of the two species through aggressive partitioning of flower patches according to productivity: the greater payoff received by C. anna on rich territories and A. alexandri on poor territories should favor a corresponding monopolization of rich areas by C. anna and poor areas by A. alexandri .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46878/1/265_2004_Article_BF00292181.pd

    AKR1C enzymes sustain therapy resistance in paediatric T-ALL

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    BACKGROUND: Despite chemotherapy intensification, a subgroup of high-risk paediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (TALL) patients still experience treatment failure. In this context, we hypothesised that therapy resistance in T-ALL might involve aldo-keto reductase 1C (AKR1C) enzymes as previously reported for solid tumors.METHODS: Expression of NRF2-AKR1C signaling components has been analysed in paediatric T-ALL samples endowed with different treatment outcomes as well as in patient-derived xenografts of T-ALL. The effects of AKR1C enzyme modulation has been investigated in T-ALL cell lines and primary cultures by combining AKR1C inhibition, overexpression, and gene silencing approaches.RESULTS: We show that T-ALL cells overexpress AKR1C1-3 enzymes in therapy-resistant patients. We report that AKR1C1-3 enzymes play a role in the response to vincristine (VCR) treatment, also ex vivo in patient-derived xenografts. Moreover, we demonstrate that the modulation of AKR1C1-3 levels is sufficient to sensitise T-ALL cells to VCR. Finally, we show that T-ALL chemotherapeutics induce overactivation of AKR1C enzymes independent of therapy resistance, thus establishing a potential resistance loop during T-ALL combination treatment.CONCLUSIONS: Here, we demonstrate that expression and activity of AKR1C enzymes correlate with response to chemotherapeutics in T-ALL, posing AKR1C1-3 as potential targets for combination treatments during T-ALL therapy

    The Impact of Local Genome Sequence on Defining Heterochromatin Domains

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    Characterizing how genomic sequence interacts with trans-acting regulatory factors to implement a program of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms is critical to understanding genome function. One means by which patterns of gene expression are achieved is through the differential packaging of DNA into distinct types of chromatin. While chromatin state exerts a major influence on gene expression, the extent to which cis-acting DNA sequences contribute to the specification of chromatin state remains incompletely understood. To address this, we have used a fission yeast sequence element (L5), known to be sufficient to nucleate heterochromatin, to establish de novo heterochromatin domains in the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome. The resulting heterochromatin domains were queried for the presence of H3K9 di-methylation and Swi6p, both hallmarks of heterochromatin, and for levels of gene expression. We describe a major effect of genomic sequences in determining the size and extent of such de novo heterochromatin domains. Heterochromatin spreading is antagonized by the presence of genes, in a manner that can occur independent of strength of transcription. Increasing the dosage of Swi6p results in increased heterochromatin proximal to the L5 element, but does not result in an expansion of the heterochromatin domain, suggesting that in this context genomic effects are dominant over trans effects. Finally, we show that the ratio of Swi6p to H3K9 di-methylation is sequence-dependent and correlates with the extent of gene repression. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the sequence content of a genomic region plays a significant role in shaping its response to encroaching heterochromatin and suggest a role of DNA sequence in specifying chromatin state

    [Fragmenta sancti Augustini, sancti Bernardi, sancti Gregorii et sancti Isidori]

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    Contiene: Vitae Patrum [Historia monachorum] / [traducido por Rufinus Aquiliensis] (h. 1). Vita sancti Pauli eremitae / [Hieronimus Stridonius] (h. 2v.-3r.).Actus vel vita sancti Silvestri Pape Romensis (h. 3v.-9v.). Dicta de civitate Constantinopolim (h. 9v.). Vita sancti Antonii abbatis / Athanasius Alexandrinus ; [traducido por Euagrius Antiochenus] (h. 10r.-24r.) Comemoratio Iheronimi de epitafio sancte paule (h. 24r.-32r.). Vita sanctae Mariae Aegyptiacae / [Sophronius Hierosolymitanus ; traducido por Paulus] (h. 32r.-37r.). Vita sancti Ambrosii / [Paulinus Mediolanus] (h. 37r.- 42v.). Epistola de transitu sancti Isidori / Redemptus Hispalensis (h. 42v.-43r.). Vita sancti Fructuosi (h. 43r.-46v.). Vitae sanctorum Patrum Emeritensium (h. 46v.-49v.). Doctrina mandatorum XII (h. 49v.-52r.) (atrib.) ; Vita Antiochi abbatis (h. 53v.-54r.) / Athanasius [Alexandrinus]; Vita sancti Martialis (h. 54r.-63r.). Vita sancti Germani / Constantinus [Lugdunensis] (h. 63r.-69v.). Vita sancti Augustini / Possidius [Afer] (h. 69v.-78 v.). In festivitate sancti Egidii sermo (h. 78v.-80r.). Vita sancti Hieronymi / Sebastianus [Cassinensis] (h 80r.-83r.). Vita sancti Gregorii / [Paulus Diaconus] (h. 83r.-85v.). De translatione reliquiarum beati Emiliani / Ferdinandus Aemilianensis (h. 85v.-87r.). Liber miraculorum beati Emiliani (h. 87r.-89r.). Vita sancte Pelagie confessor (89r.-91v.). Translatio corporis sancti Felicis / [Grimualdus Aemilianensis] (h. 91v.-95v.). Vita sancti Martini / [Sulpicius Seversus] (h. 95v.-104v.). Vita sancti Emiliani / [Braulio Caesaraugustanus] (h. 105r.-110r.). [De basilica sancti Emiliani] (h. 110r.). Vita sancti Nicolai (h. 110r.-116r.). Vita sancti Massonae (h. 116r.-123v.). Vita sancti Dominici Silensis / [Grimualdus Aemilianensis] (h. 123v.-126r.)Procede de la desamortización del monasterio de San Millán, estuvo depositado en la biblioteca de Cortes desde donde pasó a la biblioteca de la Real Academia de la HistoriaTit. de la cub.: "Vida de los santos Padres orientales: de la de San Millán, de la de San Masona, de la de Santo Domingo de Silos, y de otros santos"Cuadernos de 8 h.; reclamos horizontales; foliación original de color rojo en romanos y moderna en arábigos desde h. 125 hasta el final; pautado con mina de plomo; caja de escr.: 33 x 21 cm; iniciales en rojo; rúbricas; hay algunas lagunas en el textoIniciales primarias historiada