6 research outputs found

    Properties that influence business process management maturity and its effect on organizational performance

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    Abstract BPM maturity is a measure to evaluate how professionally an organization manages its business processes. Previous research provides evidence that higher BPM maturity leads to better performance of processes and of the organization as a whole. It also claims that different organizations should strive for different levels of maturity, depending on their properties. This paper presents an empirical investigation of these claims, based on a sample of 120 organizations and looking at a selection of organizational properties. Our results reveal that higher BPM maturity contributes to better performance, but only up to a point. Interestingly, it contradicts the popular belief that higher innovativeness is associated with lower BPM maturity, rather showing that higher innovativeness is associated with higher BPM maturity. In addition, the paper shows that companies in different regions have a different level of BPM maturity. These findings can be used as a benchmark and a motivation for organizations to increase their BPM maturity

    Effect of Inter-Organizational Systems Use on Supply Chain Capabilities and Performance

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    Part 2: Big Data and Business IntelligenceInternational audienceInter-Organizational Systems (IOS), which are information systems that extend beyond organizational borders, have seen growing use in linking companies to their supply chain partners. This paper empirically explores the relationship between IOS use, Supply Chain Capabilities, and Supply Chain Performance. The research model proposes that IOS use directly enhances Supply Chain Performance, and indirectly enhances Supply Chain Performance through Supply Chain Capabilities. To test the model, a survey of 200 firms operating in Ghana that use IOS was conducted. Analysis of the model was conducted using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling techniques. The results of the study confirmed that IOS use positively impacted Supply Chain Capabilities and Supply Chain Performance. Supply Chain Capabilities also positively impacted Supply Chain Performance. Additionally, Supply Chain Capabilities was found to partially mediate the effect of IOS use on Supply Chain Performance. Implications of the study for research and practice are discussed

    Firm Value And The Impact of Operational Management

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    Operational management has been gaining increasing importance in the financial industry and firms make substantial investments in operations management systems to reduce operational risk. Using a standard model of operational risk, it can be shown that pair trade profits reveal differences in relative operational performance between firms. Consequently, pair trade profits have implications for understanding operational performance. Moreover, although operations management systems are well established sources of firm value creation, their relation to pair trade profits are not well understood. In this paper we investigate the impact of operations management systems upon firm value in the financial sector. Firstly, we show that relative operational performance between firms can be evaluated from pair trade returns, providing a new method of measuring operational performance, and demonstrate this using 11,648 pair trades data, weekly stock price data and operational event data from 2000 to 2007. Secondly, we find that pair trade returns and operational risks vary significantly by business line and event type, implying that operational systems can improve firm performance by strategically reallocating them. Thirdly, we show that investor risk aversion varies significantly with different operational risks, implying firms should manage operational systems more strategically to reduce firm value losses. Finally, this paper offers an alternative explanation to pair trade returns compared to current research