31,159 research outputs found

    Hierarchical solutions of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model: Exact asymptotic behavior near the critical temperature

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    We analyze the replica-symmetry-breaking construction in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model of a spin glass. We present a general scheme for deriving an exact asymptotic behavior near the critical temperature of the solution with an arbitrary number of discrete hierarchies of the broken replica symmetry. We show that all solutions with finite-many hierarchies are unstable and only the scheme with infinite-many hierarchies becomes marginally stable. We show how the solutions from the discrete replica-symmetry-breaking scheme go over to the continuous one with increasing the number of hierarchies.Comment: REVTeX4, 11 pages, no figure

    Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Large-Aspect-Ratio Domains

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    The coarsening and wavenumber selection of striped states growing from random initial conditions are studied in a non-relaxational, spatially extended, and far-from-equilibrium system by performing large-scale numerical simulations of Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection in a large-aspect-ratio cylindrical domain with experimentally realistic boundaries. We find evidence that various measures of the coarsening dynamics scale in time with different power-law exponents, indicating that multiple length scales are required in describing the time dependent pattern evolution. The translational correlation length scales with time as t0.12t^{0.12}, the orientational correlation length scales as t0.54t^{0.54}, and the density of defects scale as t0.45t^{-0.45}. The final pattern evolves toward the wavenumber where isolated dislocations become motionless, suggesting a possible wavenumber selection mechanism for large-aspect-ratio convection.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Discovery of a New Quadruple Lens HST 1411+5211

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    Gravitational lensing is an important tool for probing the mass distribution of galaxies. In this letter we report the discovery of a new quadruple lens HST 1411+5211 found in archived WFPC2 images of the galaxy cluster CL140933+5226. If the galaxy is a cluster member then its redshift is z=0.46z=0.46. The images of the source appear unresolved in the WFC implying that the source is a quasar. We have modeled the lens as both a single galaxy and a galaxy plus a cluster. The latter model yields excellent fits to the image positions along with reasonable parameters for the galaxy and cluster making HST 1411+5211 a likely gravitational lens. Determination of the source redshift and confirmation of the lens redshift would allow us to put strong constraints on the mass distribution of the lensing galaxy.Comment: 11 pages including 1 postscript figure, aastex. Accepted to the ApJL. Also available from: http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu:80/users/philf/www/papers/list.htm

    Field-tuned quantum critical point of antiferromagnetic metals

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    A magnetic field applied to a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic metal can destroy the long-range order and thereby induce a quantum critical point. Such field-induced quantum critical behavior is the focus of many recent experiments. We investigate theoretically the quantum critical behavior of clean antiferromagnetic metals subject to a static, spatially uniform external magnetic field. The external field does not only suppress (or induce in some systems) antiferromagnetism but also influences the dynamics of the order parameter by inducing spin precession. This leads to an exactly marginal correction to spin-fluctuation theory. We investigate how the interplay of precession and damping determines the specific heat, magnetization, magnetocaloric effect, susceptibility and scattering rates. We point out that the precession can change the sign of the leading \sqrt{T} correction to the specific heat coefficient c(T)/T and can induce a characteristic maximum in c(T)/T for certain parameters. We argue that the susceptibility \chi =\partial M/\partial B is the thermodynamic quantity which shows the most significant change upon approaching the quantum critical point and which gives experimental access to the (dangerously irrelevant) spin-spin interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Rare earth spin ensemble magnetically coupled to a superconducting resonator

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    Interfacing superconducting quantum processors, working in the GHz frequency range, with optical quantum networks and atomic qubits is a challenging task for the implementation of distributed quantum information processing as well as for quantum communication. Using spin ensembles of rare earth ions provide an excellent opportunity to bridge microwave and optical domains at the quantum level. In this letter, we demonstrate magnetic coupling of Er3+^{3+} spins doped in Y2_{2}SiO5_{5} crystal to a high-Q coplanar superconducting resonator.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamical properties of mutually delayed coupled semiconductor lasers

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    We theoretically investigate the dynamical properties of a system of two semiconductor lasers that are mutually coupled via their optical fields. An intrinsic feature of the coupling is its time delay which generically arises from the finite propagation time of the light form one laser to the other. In our system the coupling time is in the sub-ns range, which is of the same order of magnitude as the period of laser's internal relaxation oscillations. We model this system with Lang-Kobayashi-type rate equations where we account for the mutual coupling of the two lasers by a delay term. The resulting set of nonlinear delay differential equations is analyzed by using recently developed numerical continuation. We consider the case of two nearly identical lasers with symmetrical coupling conditions but different frequencies, and present an analysis of the coupled laser modes (CLMs) of the system

    Reduction of Dilute Ising Spin Glasses

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    The recently proposed reduction method for diluted spin glasses is investigated in depth. In particular, the Edwards-Anderson model with \pm J and Gaussian bond disorder on hyper-cubic lattices in d=2, 3, and 4 is studied for a range of bond dilutions. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of using bond dilution to elucidate low-temperature properties of Ising spin glasses, and provide a starting point to enhance the methods used in reduction. Based on that, a greedy heuristic call ``Dominant Bond Reduction'' is introduced and explored.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, final version, find related material at http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    Alternative Solution of the Path Integral for the Radial Coulomb Problem

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    In this Letter I present an alternative solution of the path integral for the radial Coulomb problem which is based on a two-dimensional singular version of the Levi-Civita transformation.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    A Numerical Approach to Coulomb Gauge QCD

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    We calculate the ghost two-point function in Coulomb gauge QCD with a simple model vacuum gluon wavefunction using Monte Carlo integration. This approach extends the previous analytic studies of the ghost propagator with this ansatz, where a ladder-rainbow expansion was unavoidable for calculating the path integral over gluon field configurations. The new approach allows us to study the possible critical behavior of the coupling constant, as well as the Coulomb potential derived from the ghost dressing function. We demonstrate that IR enhancement of the ghost correlator or Coulomb form factor fails to quantitatively reproduce confinement using Gaussian vacuum wavefunctional