81 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ketotifen terhadap Jumlah Sel Fibroblas dan Kepadatan Sel Kolagen pada Luka Insisi Tikus Wistar

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    Ingga Hadian, S-501202027. PENGARUH PEMBERIAN KETOTIFEN TERHADAP JUMLAH SEL FIBROBLAS DAN KEPADATAN SEL KOLAGEN PADA LUKA INSISI TIKUS WISTAR. Pembimbing I : DR. Untung Alfianto, dr, Sp.Bs, Pembimbing II : dr. Ardana Tri Arianto. Msi. Med. Sp.An-KNA. Program studi Magister Kedokteran Keluarga, Minat Utama Ilmu Biomedik, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, 2016. Latar Belakang : Sel mast merupakan salah satu yang berperan dalam proses inflamasi pada penyembuhan luka. Sel mast dikaitkan dengan kejadian luka kronis, sehingga sel mast diduga ikut memelihara proses inflamasi secara berlebihan. Hambatan pada degranulasi sel mast diharapkan akan mempercepat penyembuhan luka yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah sel fibroblas dan kepadatan sel kolagen. Ketotifen mampu mengurangi dreganulasi sel Mast dan mengurangi pelepasan Histamin, protease sel Mast, myeloperoxidase, leukotriens, PAF dan bermacam-macam Prostaglandin. Ketotifen juga menghambat agregasi polimorfonuklear serta mengurangi respon inflamasi dan mempercepat migrasi fibroblas di fase proliferasi. Tujuan :Mengetahui perbedaan jumlah sel fibroblas dan kepadatan sel kolagen pada tikus wistar yang diberikan Ketotifen oral dosis 0.3 mg/kg dibandingkan plasebo pada penyembuhan luka insisi tikus wistar. Metode : Penelitian ini termasuk true eksperimental laboratorik dengan desain Randomized Controlled Trial yang menggunakan tikus wistar sebagai obyek penelitian. 14 tikus Wistar dibagi dalam 2 kelompok, masing masing kelompok terdiri atas 7 tikus Wistar. Kelompok 1 merupakan kelompok kontrol yang dilakukan insisi sepanjang 2cm pada kulit punggung tikus dan diberikan plasebo per oral selama 6 hari. Kelompok 2 merupakan kelompok perlakuan yang dilakukan insisi sepanjang 2cm pada kulit punggung tikus dan diberikan Ketotifen 0,3 mg/kgBB per oral setiap 12 jam selama 6 hari. Analisis data untuk membandingkan rerata antar kedua kelompok yaitu kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol menggunakan uji independent samples t-test, dengan tingkat kemaknaan p < 0,05 (dikatakan bermakna secara statistik). Hasil : Pada kelompok kontrol didapatkan rerata persentase kepadatan sel kolagen sebesar 26,05 %, sedangkan pada kelompok Ketotifen didapatkan rerata persentase kepadatan sel kolagen sebesar 36,13 %. Untuk jumlah sel fibroblas pada kelompok kontrol didapatkan rerata sebesar 423 per lapang pandang, sedangkan pada kelompok Ketotifen didapatkan rerata sebesar 555,43 per lapang pandang. Kesimpulan : Ketotifen mempercepat penyembuhan luka ditandai dengan peningkatan sel fibroblas dan sel kolagen. Kata Kunci : Sel Mast, Ketotifen, Sel fibroblas, Serabut Kolagen. ABSTRACT Ingga Hadian, S-501202027. EFFECTS OF KETOTIFEN ON FIBROBLAST CELL COUNT AND COLLAGEN DENSITY ON INCISED WISTAR RATS. DR. Untung Alfianto, dr., Sp.BS, dr. Ardana Tri Arianto, Msi, Med, Sp.An-KNA. Background: Mast cells have a pivotal role in every healing process that involves inflammation of the cells, usually in wounds of chronic nature. If the degranulation process of the mast cells are inhibited, the healing process of the wound will accelerate, indicated by a raise in fibroblast cells and collagen density. Ketotifen are shown to inhibit the degranulation process and decreasing the release of histamin, mast cells proteases, myeloperoxidases, leukotriens, PAF, and various prostaglandins. Ketotifen can also inhibit the aggregation of polymorphonuclear cells, increasing the rate of fibroblast migration in the proliferation phase. This study was aimed to identify the effects of ketotifen on fibroblast cell count and collagen density tested on a wistar rats model. Methods: This study was a true laboratoric experimental study with randomized controlled trial using wistar rats model as objects. 14 rats were divided into two groups, each group contained seven rats. The first group was the control group, where the rats were incised 2 cm above the back skin, and were given per oral placebo for 6 days. The second group were given the same treatment, only the rats were given ketotifen 0.3 mg/kg per oral, every 12 hours lasting 6 days. The data were then collected and tested with independent sample t-test, with p value less than 0,05 is statistically significant. Results: In the control group, the mean percentage of the thickest collagen density were marked at 26.05%, whereas in the treatment group collagen density were marked at 36.13%. The mean fibroblast cell count were marked at 423 and 555.43 each viewing field, on the control group and the treatment group respectively. Conclusion: Ketotifen can accelerate the healing process, marked by the significant increase in collagen density and fibroblast cell count. Keywords: mast cells, ketotifen, fibroblast cells, collagen fibers

    Insights into the high-energy γ-ray emission of Markarian 501 from extensive multifrequency observations in the Fermi era

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    We report on the γ-ray activity of the blazar Mrk 501 during the first 480 days of Fermi operation. We find that the average Large Area Telescope (LAT) γ-ray spectrum of Mrk 501 can be well described by a single power-law function with a photon index of 1.78 ± 0.03. While we observe relatively mild flux variations with the Fermi-LAT (within less than a factor of two), we detect remarkable spectral variability where the hardest observed spectral index within the LAT energy range is 1.52 ± 0.14, and the softest one is 2.51 ± 0.20. These unexpected spectral changes do not correlate with the measured flux variations above 0.3 GeV. In this paper, we also present the first results from the 4.5 month long multifrequency campaign (2009 March 15-August 1) on Mrk 501, which included the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), Swift, RXTE, MAGIC, and VERITAS, the F-GAMMA, GASP-WEBT, and other collaborations and instruments which provided excellent temporal and energy coverage of the source throughout the entire campaign. The extensive radio to TeV data set from this campaign provides us with the most detailed spectral energy distribution yet collected for this source during its relatively low activity. The average spectral energy distribution of Mrk 501 is well described by the standard one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model. In the framework of this model, we find that the dominant emission region is characterized by a size ≲0.1 pc (comparable within a factor of few to the size of the partially resolved VLBA core at 15-43 GHz), and that the total jet power (≃1044 erg s-1) constitutes only a small fraction (∼10-3) of the Eddington luminosity. The energy distribution of the freshly accelerated radiating electrons required to fit the time-averaged data has a broken power-law form in the energy range 0.3 GeV-10 TeV, with spectral indices 2.2 and 2.7 below and above the break energy of 20 GeV. We argue that such a form is consistent with a scenario in which the bulk of the energy dissipation within the dominant emission zone of Mrk 501 is due to relativistic, proton-mediated shocks. We find that the ultrarelativistic electrons and mildly relativistic protons within the blazar zone, if comparable in number, are in approximate energy equipartition, with their energy dominating the jet magnetic field energy by about two orders of magnitude. © 2011. The American Astronomical Society

    Environmental tolerances and the dispersal of Heterorhabditis : survival and infectivity of European Heterorhabditis following prolonged immersion in seawater

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    Des juvéniles infestants provenant de six isolats européens d'#Heterhabditis ont été maintenus pendant des périodes allant jusqu'à 19 semaines à 20°C dans l'eau de mer ou l'eau distillée. Leur survie et leur pouvoir infestant vis-à-vis des larves de #Galleria mellonella ont été périodiquement évalués. Les isolats testés appartenaient à trois groupes différents : #H. bacteriophora, le groupe de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest et le groupe irlandais. Chacun des isolats survit au moins 19 semaines dans l'eau de mer et conserve son pouvoir infestant envers #G. mellonella après cette période. L'hypothèse est avancée que le transport des juvéniles infestants par les courants marins pourrait être un moyen de dispersion d'#Heterorhabditis entre les terres émergées (continents ou îles) ou entre les sites côtiers d'une même région. Des différences de comportement entre isolats ont été observées, en particulier dans l'eau distillée. La survie d'#H. bactériophora est la meilleure, celle du groupe irlandais la moins bonne. Le pouvoir infestant des isolats des groupes irlandais et de l'Europe du N.O. diminue progressivement pendant le stockage, tandis que celui d'#H. bacteriophora$ augmente dans un premier temps pour retrouver ensuite son niveau initial. (Résumé d'auteur

    Potential factors contributing to observed sex differences in Virtual Reality induced sickness

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    Virtual reality (VR) technology has been widely adopted for several professional and recreational applications. Despite rapid innovation in hardware and software, one of the long prevailing issues for end users of VR is the experience of VR sickness. Females experience stronger VR sickness compared to males, and previous research has linked susceptibility to VR sickness to the menstrual cycle (Munafo, Diedrick, & Stoffregen, 2017). Here we investigated the female versus male experience in VR sickness while playing an immersive VR game, comparing days of the menstrual cycle when hormones peak: day 15 (ovulation - peak oestrogen) and day 22 (mid-luteal phase - peak progesterone). We found that immersion duration was greater in the second session than the first, and discomfort was lessened, suggesting a powerful adaptation with repeated exposure. Due to the oestrogen levels changing along with the exposure, there was no clear independent impact of that; note, though, that there was a significant difference between self-report and physiological measures implying that GSR is potentially an unreliable measure of motion sickness. Although prior work found a delay over two days between session would not allow adaptation and habituation to reduce VR sickness susceptibility, we found that a week delay has potential success