588 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum regimes of the superfluid turbulence

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    We argue that turbulence in superfluids is governed by two dimensionless parameters. One of them is the intrinsic parameter q which characterizes the friction forces acting on a vortex moving with respect to the heat bath, with 1/q playing the same role as the Reynolds number Re=UR/\nu in classical hydrodynamics. It marks the transition between the "laminar" and turbulent regimes of vortex dynamics. The developed turbulence described by Kolmogorov cascade occurs when Re >> 1 in classical hydrodynamics, and q << 1 in the superfluid hydrodynamics. Another parameter of the superfluid turbulence is the superfluid Reynolds number Re_s=UR/\kappa, which contains the circulation quantum \kappa characterizing quantized vorticity in superfluids. This parameter may regulate the crossover or transition between two classes of superfluid turbulence: (i) the classical regime of Kolmogorov cascade where vortices are locally polarized and the quantization of vorticity is not important; and (ii) the quantum Vinen turbulence whose properties are determined by the quantization of vorticity. The phase diagram of the dynamical vortex states is suggested.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, version accepted in JETP Letter

    Structure of surface vortex sheet between two rotating 3He superfluids

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    We study a two-phase sample of superfluid 3He where vorticity exists in one phase (3He-A) but cannot penetrate across the interfacial boundary to a second coherent phase (3He-B). We calculate the bending of the vorticity into a surface vortex sheet on the interface and solve the internal structure of this new type of vortex sheet. The compression of the vorticity from three to two dimensions enforces a structure which is made up of half-quantum units, independently of the structure of the source vorticity in the bulk. These results are consistent with our NMR measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Flow Phase Diagram for the Helium Superfluids

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    The flow phase diagram for He II and 3^3He-B is established and discussed based on available experimental data and the theory of Volovik [JETP Letters {\bf{78}} (2003) 553]. The effective temperature - dependent but scale - independent Reynolds number Reeff=1/q=(1+α)/αRe_{eff}=1/q=(1+\alpha')/\alpha, where α\alpha and α\alpha' are the mutual friction parameters and the superfluid Reynolds number characterizing the circulation of the superfluid component in units of the circulation quantum are used as the dynamic parameters. In particular, the flow diagram allows identification of experimentally observed turbulent states I and II in counterflowing He II with the turbulent regimes suggested by Volovik.Comment: 2 figure

    Tree method for quantum vortex dynamics

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    We present a numerical method to compute the evolution of vortex filaments in superfluid helium. The method is based on a tree algorithm which considerably speeds up the calculation of Biot-Savart integrals. We show that the computational cost scales as Nlog{(N) rather than N squared, where NN is the number of discretization points. We test the method and its properties for a variety of vortex configurations, ranging from simple vortex rings to a counterflow vortex tangle, and compare results against the Local Induction Approximation and the exact Biot-Savart law.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure