581 research outputs found

    Health impacts of ambient biomass smoke in Tasmania, Australia

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    The island state of Tasmania has marked seasonal variations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations related to wood heating during winter, planned forest fires during autumn and spring, and bushfires during summer. Biomass smoke causes considerable health harms and associated costs. We estimated the historical health burden from PM2.5 attributable to wood heater smoke (WHS) and landscape fire smoke (LFS) in Tasmania between 2010 and 2019. We calculated the daily population level exposure to WHS- and LFS-related PM2.5 and estimated the number of cases and health costs due to premature mortality, cardiorespiratory hospital admissions, and asthma emergency department (ED) visits. We estimated 69 deaths, 86 hospital admissions, and 15 asthma ED visits, each year, with over 74% of impacts attributed to WHS. Average yearly costs associated with WHS were of AUD293millionandAUD 293 million and AUD 16 million for LFS. The latter increased up to more than AUD$ 34 million during extreme bushfire seasons. This is the first study to quantify the health impacts attributable to biomass smoke for Tasmania. We estimated substantial impacts, which could be reduced through replacing heating technologies, improving fire management, and possibly implementing integrated strategies. This would most likely produce important and cost-effective health benefits

    Correction to: 3D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordThe article for which this is the correction is available in ORE at http://hdl.handle.net/10871/131398This is a correction to: R. J. Ridgway, M. Zamyatina, N. J. Mayne, J. Manners, F. H. Lambert, M. Braam, B. Drummond, E. HĂ©brard, P. I. Palmer, K. Kohary, 3D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 518, Issue 2, January 2023, Pages 2472–2496, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac3105Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC

    Enriched Monolayer Precursor Cell Cultures from Micro-Dissected Adult Mouse Dentate Gyrus Yield Functional Granule Cell-Like Neurons

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    BACKGROUND: Stem cell cultures are key tools of basic and applied research in Regenerative Medicine. In the adult mammalian brain, lifelong neurogenesis originating from local precursor cells occurs in the neurogenic regions of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Despite widespread interest in adult hippocampal neurogenesis and the use of mouse models to study it, no protocol existed for adult murine long-term precursor cell cultures with hippocampus-specific differentiation potential. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We describe a new strategy to obtain serum-free monolayer cultures of neural precursor cells from microdissected dentate gyrus of adult mice. Neurons generated from these adherent hippocampal precursor cell cultures expressed the characteristic markers like transcription factor Prox1 and showed the TTX-sensitive sodium currents of mature granule cells in vivo. Similar to granule cells in vivo, treatment with kainic acid or brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) elicited the expression of GABAergic markers, further supporting the correspondence between the in vitro and in vivo phenotype. When plated as single cells (in individual wells) or at lowest density for two to three consecutive generations, a subset of the cells showed self-renewal and gave rise to cells with properties of neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The precursor cell fate was sensitive to culture conditions with their phenotype highly influenced by factors within the media (sonic hedgehog, BMP, LIF) and externally applied growth factors (EGF, FGF2, BDNF, and NT3). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We report the conditions required to generate adult murine dentate gyrus precursor cell cultures and to analyze functional properties of precursor cells and their differentiated granule cell-like progeny in vitro

    Perspective from a Younger Generation -- The Astro-Spectroscopy of Gisbert Winnewisser

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    Gisbert Winnewisser's astronomical career was practically coextensive with the whole development of molecular radio astronomy. Here I would like to pick out a few of his many contributions, which I, personally, find particularly interesting and put them in the context of newer results.Comment: 14 pages. (Co)authored by members of the MPIfR (Sub)millimeter Astronomy Group. To appear in the Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium "The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies" eds. S. Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Straubmeier, & A. Heithausen (Springer: Berlin

    The Fetal Hypothalamus Has the Potential to Generate Cells with a Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Phenotype

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    Neurospheres (NS) are colonies of neural stem and precursor cells capable of differentiating into the central nervous system (CNS) cell lineages upon appropriate culture conditions: neurons, and glial cells. NS were originally derived from the embryonic and adult mouse striatum subventricular zone. More recently, experimental evidence substantiated the isolation of NS from almost any region of the CNS, including the hypothalamus. Here we report a protocol that enables to generate large quantities of NS from both fetal and adult rat hypothalami. We found that either FGF-2 or EGF were capable of inducing NS formation from fetal hypothalamic cultures, but that only FGF-2 is effective in the adult cultures. The hypothalamic-derived NS are capable of differentiating into neurons and glial cells and most notably, as demonstrated by immunocytochemical detection with a specific anti-GnRH antibody, the fetal cultures contain cells that exhibit a GnRH phenotype upon differentiation. This in vitro model should be useful to study the molecular mechanisms involved in GnRH neuronal differentiation

    Characterization of primary neurospheres generated from mouse ventral rostral hindbrain

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    Serotonergic (5-HT) neurons of the reticular formation play a key role in the modulation of behavior, and their dysfunction is associated with severe neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the differentiation of the progenitor cells and the specification of the 5-HT phenotype are not fully understood. A primary neurosphere cell-culture system from mouse ventral rostral hindbrain at embryonic day 12 was therefore established. The generated primary neurospheres comprised progenitor cells and fully differentiated neurons. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation experiments in combination with immunocytochemistry for neural markers revealed the proliferation capacity of the neural multipotent hindbrain progenitors within neurospheres and their ability to differentiate toward the neuronal lineage and serotonergic phenotype. Gene expression analysis by reverse transcription with the polymerase chain reaction showed that the neurospheres were regionally specified, as reflected by the expression of the transcription factors Gata2 and Pet1. Treatment of dissociated primary neurospheres with exogenous Shh significantly increased the number of 5-HT-immunopositive cells compared with controls, whereas neutralization of endogenous Shh significantly decreased the number of 5-HT neurons. Thus, the primary neurosphere culture system presented here allows the expansion of hindbrain progenitor cells and the experimental control of their differentiation toward the serotonergic phenotype. This culture system is therefore a useful model for in vitro studies dealing with the development of 5-HT neurons
