870 research outputs found

    Antibacterial evaluation of Anacardium occidentale (Linn) (Anacardiaceae) in semiarid Brazil

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    Microorganisms that cause losses are proving to be resistant to most known antibiotics, thereby encouraging the search for naturally occurring antibiotics. This study aimed to perform a phytochemical and bacterial study of ethanolic extracts of leaves and barks of Anacardium occidentale L. The samples were submitted for extraction using ethyl alcohol; the crude extract was used to perform phytochemical evaluation based on the identification of chemical constituents and to evaluate the antibacterial activity. The results of prospective chemical indicate the presence of tannins, phenols, alkaloids and catechins in the leaves and stem bark and compounds belonging to classes of flavonoids were found only in the leaves. Tests using the agar diffusion method for later determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) revealed that both parts of the plant have antibacterial activity, but the shell showed the largest zones of inhibition in most of the concentrations and strains. The MIC ranged from 512 to ≥ 1024 μg/ml, for the two parts of this species. The results indicate the need for further studies because this plant demonstrated considerable antibacterial therapeutic potential.Keywords: Antibacterial activity, phytochemicals, bacteria, minimum inhibitory concentrationAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(30), pp. 4836-484

    Atualização da diretriz brasileira de insuficiência cardíaca crônica - 2012

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    Esta atualização da Diretriz de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica (IC) - 2012 surge para reavaliar as recomendações através de uma avaliação criteriosa das pesquisas (considerando-se a qualidade dos estudos), fundamental para que se atinja esse propósito. Para tanto, foi dada ênfase ao efeito em desfechos de morte, à qualidade "CONSORT" (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials), à descrição qualitativa e quantitativa da otimização da medicação, à população realmente incluída, às metanálises somente de estudos qualidade "CONSORT", à custo-efetividade, à existência de efeito de classe, ao número de pacientes incluídos e à análise de subgrupos apenas para gerar hipóteses. Na área da epidemiologia, as recentes abordagens das características da IC com fração de ejeção preservada (ICFEP) e da importância da IC como causa de morte no Brasil foram revisadas. Além disso, este documento contempla a reavaliação do valor dos biomarcadores no diagnóstico e no seguimento da IC, o papel diagnóstico da angiotomografia coronariana nos casos de risco intermediário ou baixo risco de doença coronariana, a não recomendação de rotina do telemonitoramento; o surgimento da avaliação familiar como recomendação importante, e a reavaliação da restrição da adição de sal na dieta. As clínicas de IC e reabilitação física, apesar de alguns resultados negativos ou controversos quanto à mortalidade, continuam com recomendação importante. No campo do tratamento farmacológico, abrange-se a reavaliação da indicação do nebivolol, introduz-se a ivabradina como um novo paradigma no tratamento, os antagonistas da aldosterona não têm efeito de classe reconhecido, o ômega 3 passa a ser recomendado, o ferro administrado por via endovenosa e o sildenafil recebem indicação em casos selecionados. Todas as recomendações para outras etiologias são expandidas para a Doença de Chagas. Na área da anticoagulação, recomenda-se a utilização dos escores CHA2DS2VASC e o HAS-BLED na fibrilação atrial, com introdução de inibidores da trombina e do fator Xa como alternativas na anticoagulação. No tratamento cirúrgico da IC, considerou-se que resultados neutros do estudo STICH influenciaram as recomendações, o transplante cardíaco continua a ser o tratamento indicado nas fases evolutivas tardias de IC, os dispositivos de assistência circulatória mecânica para terapia de destino passam a ter recomendação, a duração do QRS foi fundamental na indicação de TRV-AV, e o CDI continua com recomendação I para miocardiopatia isquêmica. Entretanto, baseada em análise crítica dos estudos considerando-se o custo-efetividade, o CDI não atingiu recomendação I para classes menos graves devido as limitações dos estudos. Também a importância da cardiotoxicidade por drogas para tratamento de neoplasias foi ressaltada, o tratamento da IC na gravidez e da miocardite foi revisado. Novos potenciais métodos de tratamento em fase de pesquisa são apresentados e novos fluxogramas de diagnóstico e tratamento da IC, reformulados, foram incluído

    Quantification of key retinal features in early and late age-related macular degeneration using deep learning

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    PURPOSE: To develop and validate a deep learning model for segmentation of 13 features associated with neovascular and atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD). DESIGN: Development and validation of a deep-learning model for feature segmentation METHODS: Data for model development were obtained from 307 optical coherence tomography volumes. Eight experienced graders manually delineated all abnormalities in 2,712 B-scans. A deep neural network was trained with this data to perform voxel-level segmentation of the 13 most common abnormalities (features). For evaluation, 112 B-scans from 112 patients with a diagnosis of neovascular AMD were annotated by four independent observers. Main outcome measures were Dice score, intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), and free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) curve. RESULTS: On 11 of the 13 features, the model obtained a mean Dice score of 0.63 ± 0.15, compared to 0.61 ± 0.17 for the observers. The mean ICC for the model was 0.66 ± 0.22, compared to 0.62 ± 0.21 for the observers. Two features were not evaluated quantitatively due to lack of data. FROC analysis demonstrated that the model scored similar or higher sensitivity per false positives compared to the observers. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of the automatic segmentation matches that of experienced graders for most features, exceeding human performance for some features. The quantified parameters provided by the model can be used in the current clinical routine and open possibilities for further research into treatment response outside clinical trials

    Isolation of Primary Human Hepatocytes from Normal and Diseased Liver Tissue: A One Hundred Liver Experience

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    Successful and consistent isolation of primary human hepatocytes remains a challenge for both cell-based therapeutics/transplantation and laboratory research. Several centres around the world have extensive experience in the isolation of human hepatocytes from non-diseased livers obtained from donor liver surplus to surgical requirement or at hepatic resection for tumours. These livers are an important but limited source of cells for therapy or research. The capacity to isolate cells from diseased liver tissue removed at transplantation would substantially increase availability of cells for research. However no studies comparing the outcome of human hepatocytes isolation from diseased and non-diseased livers presently exist. Here we report our experience isolating human hepatocytes from organ donors, non-diseased resected liver and cirrhotic tissue. We report the cell yields and functional qualities of cells isolated from the different types of liver and demonstrate that a single rigorous protocol allows the routine harvest of good quality primary hepatocytes from the most commonly accessible human liver tissue samples

    One More Piece in the VACV Ecological Puzzle: Could Peridomestic Rodents Be the Link between Wildlife and Bovine Vaccinia Outbreaks in Brazil?

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that smallpox eradication was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1980, other poxviruses have emerged and re-emerged, with significant public health and economic impacts. Vaccinia virus (VACV), a poxvirus used during the WHO smallpox vaccination campaign, has been involved in zoonotic infections in Brazilian rural areas (Bovine Vaccinia outbreaks - BV), affecting dairy cattle and milkers. Little is known about VACV's natural hosts and its epidemiological and ecological characteristics. Although VACV was isolated and/or serologically detected in Brazilian wild animals, the link between wildlife and farms has not yet been elucidated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we describe for the first time, to our knowledge, the isolation of a VACV (Mariana virus - MARV) from a mouse during a BV outbreak. Genetic data, in association with biological assays, showed that this isolate was the same etiological agent causing exanthematic lesions observed in the cattle and human inhabitants of a particular BV-affected area. Phylogenetic analysis grouped MARV with other VACV isolated during BV outbreaks. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These data provide new biological and epidemiological information on VACV and lead to an interesting question: could peridomestic rodents be the link between wildlife and BV outbreaks

    Exenatide Improves Glucose Homeostasis and Prolongs Survival in a Murine Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy

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    There is growing awareness of secondary insulin resistance and alterations in myocardial glucose utilization in congestive heart failure. Whether therapies that directly target these changes would be beneficial is unclear. We previously demonstrated that acute blockade of the insulin responsive facilitative glucose transporter GLUT4 precipitates acute decompensated heart failure in mice with advanced dilated cardiomyopathy. Our current objective was to determine whether pharmacologic enhancement of insulin sensitivity and myocardial glucose uptake preserves cardiac function and survival in the setting of primary heart failure.The GLP-1 agonist exenatide was administered twice daily to a murine model of dilated cardiomyopathy (TG9) starting at 56 days of life. TG9 mice develop congestive heart failure and secondary insulin resistance in a highly predictable manner with death by 12 weeks of age. Glucose homeostasis was assessed by measuring glucose tolerance at 8 and 10 weeks and tissue 2-deoxyglucose uptake at 75 days. Exenatide treatment improved glucose tolerance, myocardial GLUT4 expression and 2-deoxyglucose uptake, cardiac contractility, and survival over control vehicle-treated TG9 mice. Phosphorylation of AMP kinase and AKT was also increased in exenatide-treated animals. Total myocardial GLUT1 levels were not different between groups. Exenatide also abrogated the detrimental effect of the GLUT4 antagonist ritonavir on survival in TG9 mice.In heart failure secondary insulin resistance is maladaptive and myocardial glucose uptake is suboptimal. An incretin-based therapy, which addresses these changes, appears beneficial
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