5,396 research outputs found

    Social and Situational Influences on the Performance Rating Process

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    The effects of social and situational influences on the performance rating process has received relatively little attention by past research, yet merits increased attention. While there has been greater acknowledgment of the role of social and situational factors on rater cognition and evaluation, research has typically proceeded in a piecemeal fashion, isolating on a single influence at a time. This approach fails to recognize that performance rating is a process with multiple social and situational influences that need to be considered simultaneously. In the present study, a model of the performance rating process was tested, employing several social and situational variables that have been infrequently investigated and typically not in conjunction with one another. Results indicated support for the overall model and specific influences within the model. Implications of the results for performance rating research are discussed

    The Elusive Criterion of Fit in Employment Interview Decisions

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    Tbe employment interview has had an interesting history of being both widely condemned by researchers and widely used by practitioners. Little attention in past research has been directed at attempts to explain this apparent incongruity. It is proposed in this paper that part of the explanation may lie in the way researchers have defined the criterion when studying the validity of the interview. Namely, the construct of fit may lead to a reconsideration of the usefulness of the interview in personnel selection decisions. In support of this argument, a conceptual model of the selection process which incorporates fit as a central construct is proposed. Furthermore, fit is conceptualized as not simply a passive process, but rather the outcome of active influence attempts by candidates to manage impressions and meanings. Finally, implications for practice and research on the interview are discussed

    Personnel/Human Resources Management: A Political Influence Perspective

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    It was suggested over ten years ago that new and different perspectives needed to be applied to the Personnel/Human Resources Management field in an effort to (P /HRM) promote theory and research and expand our understanding of the dynamics underlying P/HRM processes. Both theory and research are emerging which characterize important P/HRM decisions and activities substantially influenced by opportunistic behavior of both subordinates and supervisors. The purpose of the present review is to systematically examine the P/HRM field from a political influence perspective, reviewing existing theory and research and discussing future directions

    Upward Influence in Organizations: Test of A Model

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    A causal model of upward influence in organizations was proposed and tested on a sample of staff nurses and their supervisors in a hospital setting. LISREL results demonstrated that the proposed model fit the data well, and reflected a better fit than several alternative models that were estimated. The contributions and limitations of the present study are discussed, in addition to challenges and directions for future research

    Improving medical image perception by hierarchical clustering based segmentation

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    It has been well documented that radiologists' performance is not perfect: they make both false positive and false negative decisions. For example, approximately thirty percent of early lung cancer is missed on chest radiographs when the evidence is clearly visible in retrospect [1]. Currently Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) uses software, designed to reduce errors by drawing radiologists' attention to possible abnormalities by placing prompts on images. Alberdi et al examined the effects of CAD prompts on performance, comparing the negative effect of no prompt on a cancer case with prompts on a normal case. They showed that no prompt on a cancer case can have a detrimental effect on reader sensitivity and that the reader performs worse than if the reader was not using CAD. This became particularly apparent when difficult cases were being read. They suggested that the readers were using CAD as a decision making tool instead of a prompting aid. They conclude that "incorrect CAD can have a detrimental effect on human decisions" [2]. The goal of this paper is to explore the possibility of using Hierarchical Clustering based Segmentation (HCS) [3], as a perceptual aid, to improve the performance of the reader

    The Age Context of Performance Evaluation Decisions

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    Organizational demography contends that demographic characteristics of individuals, examined at individual, dyadic, group, and organizational levels of analysis, exert significant effects on organizational processes. The purpose of this paper was to test the contextual effects created by the interaction of work group age composition and supervisor age on supervisor evaluations of subordinate performance. Two competing models of age demography were tested. The similarity model predicts that supervisors similar in age to the work group they supervise will issue generally higher performance ratings. The dissimilarity model developed in this paper predicts the opposite. Support was indicated for the dissimilarity model. Implications of the results are discussed