16 research outputs found

    Therapeutic implications of NK cell regulation of allogeneic CD8 T cell-mediated immune responses stimulated through the direct pathway of antigen presentation in transplantation.

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are a population of innate type I lymphoid cells essential for early anti-viral responses and are known to modulate the course of humoral and cellular-mediated T cell responses. We assessed the role of NK cells in allogeneic CD8 T cell-mediated responses in an immunocompetent mouse model across an MHC class I histocompatibility barrier to determine its impact in therapeutic clinical interventions with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) targeting lymphoid cells in transplantation. The administration of an NK cell depleting antibody to either CD8 T cell replete or CD8 T cell-depleted naïve C57BL/6 immunocompetent mice accelerated graft rejection. This accelerated rejection response was associated with an in vivo increased cytotoxic activity of CD8 T cells against bm1 allogeneic hematopoietic cells and bm1 skin allografts. These findings show that NK cells were implicated in the control host anti-donor cytotoxic responses, likely by competing for common cell growth factors in both CD8 T cell replete and CD8 T cell-depleted mice, the latter reconstituting in response to lymphopenia. Our data calls for precaution in solid organ transplantation under tolerogenic protocols involving extensive depletion of lymphocytes. These pharmacological biologics with depleting properties over NK cells may accelerate graft rejection and promote aggressive CD8 T cell cytotoxic alloresponses refractory to current immunosuppression

    Lymphocyte populations in the adventitial layer of hydatid cysts in cattle : relationship with cyst fertility status and Fasciola Hepatica co-infection

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    Cystic echinococcosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by the cestode Echinococcus granulosus. Two types of hydatid cysts occur in intermediate hosts: fertile cysts that generate protoscoleces from the germinal layer of the cyst, and infertile cysts that do not produce protoscoleces and are unable to continue the life cycle of the parasite. The adventitial layer, a host-derived fibrous capsule surrounding the hydatid cyst, is suggested to play an important role in local immune regulation during infection and in fertility of the cysts. Fasciola hepatica, another important parasite of cattle, induces a characteristic Th2-like immune response that could modulate the immune response against E. granulosus. Natural co-infection of both parasites is common in cattle, but no reports describe the local immune response against E. granulosus with F. hepatica infection in the same host. This study analyzed the number and distribution of T and B cells in the adventitial layer of liver and lung cysts and the relationship with cyst fertility and F. hepatica co-infection. T lymphocytes were the predominant cell type in the adventitial layer of infertile hydatid cysts and were more numerous in infertile hydatid cysts. B lymphocyte numbers were not associated with hydatid cyst fertility. Mast cells were infrequent in the adventitial layer. The number of T and B cells was not associated with F. hepatica co-infection. The present study contributes to the understanding of local immune responses in bovine cystic echinococcosis.http://journals.sagepub.com/home/vethj2021Companion Animal Clinical Studie

    Eficacia de una estrategia combinada para mejorar el control del colesterol unido a lipoproteínas de baja densidad en pacientes con hipercolesterolemia. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado

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    Introducción y objetivos: Intervenciones diferentes pueden mejorar el control del colesterol unido a lipoproteínas de baja densidad (cLDL). El objetivo principal era evaluar la eficacia de una intervención combinada para mejorar el control del cLDL de pacientes con hipercolesterolemia. También se evaluó su eficacia para mejorar el cumplimiento (farmacológico, dieta y ejercicio). Métodos: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado, de grupos paralelos y multicéntrico (atención primaria) que incluyó a 358 adultos diagnosticados de hipercolesterolemia con tratamiento previo farmacológico o no. Se comparó a 178 sujetos que recibieron intervención combinada (material escrito, tarjetas autocumplimentadas y mensajes al móvil) frente a 178 controles. La variable principal de resultado fue la proporción de sujetos con adecuado control del cLDL (valores recomendados en las guías europeas de dislipemias y riesgo cardiovascular) a los 24 meses. Resultados: El grupo de intervención mostró una reducción media del cLDL significativamente superior a los 24 meses respecto al control, 23, 8 mg/dl (IC95%, 17, 5-30, 1) y 14, 6 mg/dl (IC95%, 8, 9-20, 4), respectivamente (p = 0, 034). El promedio de la reducción del cLDL fue del 13, 1 ± 28, 6%. La proporción de sujetos con adecuado control al año fue significativamente superior en el grupo de intervención (43, 7 frente a 30, 1%; p = 0, 011; RR = 1, 46). En el grupo de intervención, el cumplimiento farmacológico fue significativamente superior (77, 2 frente a 64, 1%; p = 0, 029) y de la práctica de ejercicio (64, 9 frente a 35, 8%; p < 0, 001), aunque no de la dieta. Conclusiones: La intervención combinada consigue una reducción significativa de las cifras de cLDL (superior al 13% al cabo de 2 años) y mejora el grado de control de pacientes con hipercolesterolemia al año. Introduction and objectives: Several interventions can improve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) control. Our main objective was to evaluate the efficacy of a combined intervention to improve LDL-C control in patients with hypercholesterolemia. The study also assessed the efficacy of the intervention in improving adherence (pharmacological, diet, and exercise). Methods: A multicenter, parallel group, randomized clinical trial (primary care) was conducted in 358 adults diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, whether receiving prior drug therapy or not. We compared 178 participants who received the combined intervention (written material, self-completed registration cards, and messages to mobile telephones) with 178 controls. The main outcome variable was the proportion of participants with adequate LDL-C control (target levels of the European guidelines on dyslipidemia and cardiovascular risk) at 24 months. Results: At 24 months, the mean reduction in LDL-C was significantly higher in the intervention group (23.8 mg/dL [95%CI, 17.5-30.1]) than in the control group (14.6 mg/dL [95%CI, 8.9-20.4]; P = .034). The mean LDL-C decrease was 13.1% +/- 28.6%. At 1 year, the proportion of participants with adequate control was significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group (43.7% vs 30.1%; P = .011; RR, 1.46). Adherence was significantly higher in the intervention group, both to drug therapy (77.2% vs 64.1%; P = .029) and exercise (64.9% vs 35.8; P < .001), but not to diet. Conclusions: The combined intervention significantly reduced LDL-C (by more than 13% at 2 years) and improved the degree of LDL-C control in patients with hypercholesterolemia at 1 year

    Basement membrane proteoglycans: Modulators Par Excellence of cancer growth and angiogenesis

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    Why the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) leaves a pond? An observational test of some predictions on prey depletion

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    In the Doflana National Park (SW Spain), Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra) harvest temporally some scattered ponds close to the Guadalquivir marshes. By analysing 307 spraints collected during three periods of pond occupancy, we used the otters’ diet to test the hypothesis that they leave these ponds when they have depleted their favourite prey (large Eels, Anguilla anguilla) and consequently are forced to eat less rewarding prey (small eels and Mosquitofish, Gambusia affair). Results indicate that the proportion of eels decreased in the otter’s diet, and that of mosquitofish increased, during the first and longest period of use of the pond by the otter, but not in two other instances of shorter occupation periods. Trophic diversity and average size of eaten eels did not change along the study. We suggest that temporal changes in habitat and trophie resources on a larger spatial scale could explain the decisions of the otter rather than a hypothetical giving-up density of the favourite prey in the studied pond.[FR] Dans le parc National de Dofiana (SW Espagne), Ia loutre (Lutra lutra) se nourrit temporairement dans divers étangs disperses au bord des marais du Guadaiquivic 0’aprés let analyses de 307 feces ramassées durant trois pdriodes de presence de l’espèce dans un étang, nous avons dtudit son régime alimentaire afin de vérifierl’hypothèse selon laquelle les loutres abandonneraient l’etang aprCs avoir réduit la densitd dc leur proie favorite (anguilles de grande taille, Anguilla anguilla) et par consequent seraient forcées de consommer des proies de rnoinclre rentabilité (anguilles de petite taille et gambusies, Gambusia affair). Les rdsultats montrent que la proportion des anguilles dirninue dana Ic régime alimentaire de la loutre et Ia proportion & gamtaisles augmente pendant In premiCre. et plus league, pCriode d’occu­ pation de cet dtang, mais non dims les deux autres cas. La diversité trophique et la taille moyenne des anguilles eonsomrnóes n’ont pas change durant Ia periode d’Ctude. Nous suggérons que les ebangements temporaires de l’habitat et des ressnurces alimentaires a une Cchelle spatiale plus vaste pourraient expliquer les choix de Ia loutre mieux qu’une hypothétique densité minisnale de sa proie favorite dana l’Ctang etudiCPeer reviewe

    Potential impact of an exotic mammal on rocky intertidal communities of northwestern Spain

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    Being the interface of sea and land, the coast can be invaded by introduced species coming from either of these two worlds. Recent reviews of coastal invasions emphasize the human-mediated transport of non-indigenous marine plants and invertebrates, forgetting the potential role of invaders of terrestrial origin. By studying the diet of the introduced American mink (Mustela vison) on a rocky shore of southwestern Europe, we draw attention to the potential impact on intertidal communities of exotic species coming from inland. We analysed 199 mink faeces collected in August 1997 and August 1999 in Baiona, a coastal and urban area of northern Spain recently invaded by minks. The diet of the species was based almost exclusively on crabs (45.4% of individual prey) and fish (53.3%). Most crabs were marbled crabs (Pachygrapsus marmoratus) and most fish were adult blennies (Coryphoblennius galerita and Lipophrys pholis). Given its energy requirements (about 1250 kJ/day), a single mink will consume during the month of August approximately 945 blennies and 496 crabs. Although we lack accurate data on mink abundance, a cautious estimation (4 mink/km before dispersal), supported by field observations, suggests that predation in August may reach 3780 blennies and 1984 crabs per km of shoreline. This predation pressure could affect the numbers of blennies and (less probably) crabs, indirectly benefiting the populations of their prey, that is, sessile invertebrates and snails. More field research is needed, but our results suggest that an exotic non-marine top predator such as the American mink could affect intertidal communities in EurasiaPeer reviewe

    Immunohistochemical study of the inflammatory cells present at the injection-site granulomas induced by two different paratuberculosis vaccines

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    Trabajo presentado al: 4th ESVP, ECVP and ESTP Cutting Edge Pathology Congress. 15-17 septiembre. Virtual meeting.Peer reviewe