21,987 research outputs found

    Lorentz-breaking effects in scalar-tensor theories of gravity

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    In this work, we study the effects of breaking Lorentz symmetry in scalar-tensor theories of gravity taking torsion into account. We show that a space-time with torsion interacting with a Maxwell field by means of a Chern-Simons-like term is able to explain the optical activity in syncrotron radiation emitted by cosmological distant radio sources. Without specifying the source of the dilaton-gravity, we study the dilaton-solution. We analyse the physical implications of this result in the Jordan-Fierz frame. We also analyse the effects of the Lorentz breaking in the cosmic string formation process. We obtain the solution corresponding to a cosmic string in the presence of torsion by keeping track of the effects of the Chern-Simons coupling and calculate the charge induced on this cosmic string in this framework. We also show that the resulting charged cosmic string gives us important effects concerning the background radiation.The optical activity in this case is also worked out and discussed.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, ReVTex forma

    How daily negative affect and emotional exhaustion correlates with work engagement and presenteeism-constrained productivity

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    Exploring productivity loss due to presenteeism and how it can have an influence on employees’ productivity has been an important concern for human resource managers. Using the conservation of resources theory and the job demands-resources model, this study investigated how work engagement could mediate the relationship between both emotional exhaustion and negative affect and productivity loss due to presenteeism in a country experiencing an economic downturn. A total of 42 employees from a health care institution completed a 10-day diary survey (420 diary tasks). Multilevel linear modeling results, including power analyses, showed that negative affect and emotional exhaustion predicted productivity loss due to presenteeism positively, whereas work engagement predicted productivity loss negatively. Furthermore, we found that at a day-level, work engagement mediated the effects of emotional exhaustion and negative affect on productivity loss due to presenteeism. This study highlights the importance of promoting work engagement to reduce the effects of negative affect and emotional exhaustion on productivity loss due to presenteeism through intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    On the strategy frequency problem in batch Minority Games

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    Ergodic stationary states of Minority Games with S strategies per agent can be characterised in terms of the asymptotic probabilities ϕa\phi_a with which an agent uses aa of his strategies. We propose here a simple and general method to calculate these quantities in batch canonical and grand-canonical models. Known analytic theories are easily recovered as limiting cases and, as a further application, the strategy frequency problem for the batch grand-canonical Minority Game with S=2 is solved. The generalization of these ideas to multi-asset models is also presented. Though similarly based on response function techniques, our approach is alternative to the one recently employed by Shayeghi and Coolen for canonical batch Minority Games with arbitrary number of strategies.Comment: 17 page

    CFD code comparison for 2D airfoil flows

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    The current paper presents the effort, in the EU AVATAR project, to establish the necessary requirements to obtain consistent lift over drag ratios among seven CFD codes. The flow around a 2D airfoil case is studied, for both transitional and fully turbulent conditions at Reynolds numbers of 3 × 106 and 15 × 106. The necessary grid resolution, domain size, and iterative convergence criteria to have consistent results are discussed, and suggestions are given for best practice. For the fully turbulent results four out of seven codes provide consistent results. For the laminar-turbulent transitional results only three out of seven provided results, and the agreement is generally lower than for the fully turbulent case