156 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry breaking as the origin of flavor

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    We present an effective flavor model for the radiative generation of fermion masses and mixings based on a SU(5)xU(2) symmetry. We assume that the original source of flavor breaking resides in the supersymmetry breaking sector. Flavor violation is transmitted radiatively to the fermion Yukawa couplings at low energy through finite supersymmetric threshold corrections. This model can fit the fermion mass ratios and CKM matrix elements, explain the non-observation of proton decay, and overcome present constraints on flavor changing processes through an approximate radiative alignment between the Yukawa and the soft trilinear sector. The model predicts new relations between dimensionless fermion mass ratios in the three fermion sectors, and the quark mixing angles.Comment: 14 pages, RevTex

    Solving the SUSY CP problem with flavor breaking F-terms

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    Supersymmetric flavor models for the radiative generation of fermion masses offer an alternative way to solve the SUSY-CP problem. We assume that the supersymmetric theory is flavor and CP conserving. CP violating phases are associated to the vacuum expectation values of flavor violating susy-breaking fields. As a consequence, phases appear at tree level only in the soft supersymmetry breaking matrices. Using a U(2) flavor model as an example we show that it is possible to generate radiatively the first and second generation of quark masses and mixings as well as the CKM CP phase. The one-loop supersymmetric contributions to EDMs are automatically zero since all the relevant parameters in the lagrangian are flavor conserving and as a consequence real. The size of the flavor and CP mixing in the susy breaking sector is mostly determined by the fermion mass ratios and CKM elements. We calculate the contributions to epsilon, epsilon^{prime} and to the CP asymmetries in the B decays to psi Ks, phi Ks, eta^{\prime} Ks and Xs gamma. We analyze a case study with maximal predictivity in the fermion sector. For this worst case scenario the measurements of Delta mK, Delta mB and epsilon constrain the model requiring extremely heavy squark spectra.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex

    Neutrino masses and R-parity violation

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    We review different contributions to the neutrino masses in the context of R-parity violating supersymmetry in a basis independent manner. We comment on the generic spectrum expected in such a scenario comparing different contributions.Comment: Invited brief review for Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 15 pages, uses axodraw.st


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    INTRODUCTION: A number of studies about the importance of sports shoe design on injuries prevention have been published in late years (Masson, 1989;Stacoff, 1988). Epidemiological studies indicate that football has special relevance with relation to suffering injuries (Hoff,1986; Ydes, 1990). During the practice of football a number of movement patterns such as jumping or running are performed(Reilly, 1976), being shock absorption a basic criterion for the design of footwear in Worts where such movement patterns occur. To improve the shock absorption of footwear two strategies are often adopted: to potentiate the natural mechanisms by means Of a better the tissue heel Or to increase the shock absorption capability of the footwear appropriately selecting the materials of the sole and insole. The aim the study was to evaluate the effect which different boot designs and different sole and insole materials had on load transMission during running. Based on a preliminary study, 3 boot prototypes and 4 insole prototypes were made. 8healthy football players were selected and they performed 6 runs with each of the 12possible combinations of boot/insole. The runs were performed in a football field and a speed of 4 m/s was determined controlled by electric photocells. The sequence of each condition was randomized for each subject. The subjects were instrumented with 2 accelerometers, attached to their skin by means of a strong bandage on tibia and forehead. The signals from the accelerometers were connected to a telemetry equipment which allowed the subject freer movements. With parameters obtained, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was made. The level of significance chosen was of alfa < 0.05. To analyze the differences between conditions, an LSD test was made. RESULTS: One of the viscoelastic materials inserted in the insole offered a mean reduction of impacts of about 6%.One of' the materials of the boot sole showed a better capability of shock absorption, about 7%. The boots to which a special compartment for the heel pad did not improve shock absorption. Acceleration measured at tibia was of 6.01+0.06 times gravity (g) and at head it was of 2.45+2g.CONCLUSION: According to the results, an appropriate selection of insole and boot materials an improvement of shock absorption of 13% can be obtained. Although the tests were made on a natural grass football field and the speed of run was not too high, the values found for both tibia and forehead were high: this fact confirms the hypothesis that shock absorption is a basic criterion in the design of football boots from the point of view of protection from injuries. REFERENCES: Hoff, G.L and Martin, T.A.(1986). Outdoor and Indoor soccer: Injuries among youth players. Am. J. Sp. Med. 8,231-233.Masson, M. and Hess, H. (1989) Typicalsoccer injuries. Their effects on the design of the athletic shoe. In 6. Segesser & W.Pforringer (Eds.) The shoe in sport.London: Wolfe Publishing, Lld., 89-95.Reilly, T. (1 976) A motion analysis of work rate in differential roles in professional football match play. J. Human Mov. Stud.2, 87-97.Stacoff, A,; Denoth, J.; Kaelin, X. and Stuessi, E. (1988) Running injuries and shoe construction: Some possible relantionships. lnt. J. Sports Biomech. 4,342-357.Yde, J. and Nielsen, A.B. (1990) Sport injuries in adolescents' ball games: soccer,handball and basketball. Br. J. Sp. Med24(1), 51-54.8


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    The relationship between the excessive rearfoot pronation and some injuries has been widely described in the literature (Bates, Cavanagh, Nigg, Stacoff). The influence of midsole design and material in the amount of pronation has also been analyzed by different authors. Nevertheless the relative influence of midsole and upper vamp design and their interactions have not been studied enough. The aim of the study presented was to investigate the relative effect of midsole material and thickness as well as upper vamp systems in controlling pronation. Twelve prototypes of running shoes were specially designed and constructed for this study. The prototypes corresponded to a factorial experiment design of the following factors: two midsole thicknesses, three midsole materials, and the presence or absence of an external heel counter and post. The materials selection was based on a previous study of the mechanical characteristics of a group of different Poliurethanes with different densities. The stiffness and energy absorbing capacity of the materials were previously studied by simulating impact loads of running by means of a dynamic testing machine. The external heel counter and post was selected as a representative of a very effective rearfoot control feature based in a previous study where it appeared to be the most effective system of the studied (heel counters, bondings for the lacing and internal posts). Three runners participated in the study. All of them were rearfoot strikers and hiperpronators. The experiences consisted of filming three right foot supports with two high speed cameras. Velocity of running was fixed at 12.8 Km per hour while velocity of filmation was fixed at 150 images per second. After digitizing the images obtained, a three dimensional study of the rearfoot movement was done. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: - Midsole thickness, midsole material and the presence of the heel counter showed significant influence on maximum rearfoot pronation with the most important being the midsole material in the range of variations of the study. - The material presenting low rigidity and low shock absorbing capacity was the one that showed higher pronation angles. - Higher pronation angles were found for the thicker midsoles. - The heel counter and post was found to have less influence on maximum pronation angles than the midsole thickness and material

    Fitotoxicidad a corto plazo del polisulfuro de cal y el aceite parafínico como tratamiento de cochinillas en cítricos ecológicos

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    Las cochinillas producen pérdidas elevadas en la producción de cítricos ya que aumentan el destrío de frutos debido a daños directos e indirectos. Los daños más frecuentes son los causados por Piojo rojo de California (Aonidiella aurantii), Piojo gris (Paralatoria pergandii), Serpeta gruesa (Lepidosaphes beckii). En ecocitricultura, para el control de estas cochinillas diaspinas, junto con la fauna auxiliar y el manejo adecuado de la flora, son fundamentales los aceites y otros productos naturales como el polisulfuro de calcio, el silicato de sosa, jabón potásico, según la zona citrícola. De estos tratamientos naturales, el del aceite mineral, derivado del petróleo, es el más extendido en el litoral valenciano. En este trabajo se pretende estudiar el efecto fitotóxico del polisulfuro de cal y los aceites parafínicos, sobre las variedades Navelina y Fortune. El resultado es que, a las dosis empleadas, no parece existir ningún efecto sobre el nº de brotes viables a corto plazo , aunque sí que hubo un efecto de quemadura sobre alguno de los brotes con la dosis más alta de Polisulfuro de cal (10%)

    Fractura bilateral de epitroclea: a propósito de 1 caso

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    Presentamos 1 caso infrecuente de fractura bilateral de epitroclea en un paciente varón de 15 años, tratado mediante osteosíntesis con agujas de Kirschner más transposición anterior de ambos nervios cubitales.We present an unfrequent case of bilateral fracture of the medial epicondyle, in a 15-year-old boy that was treated with Kirschner wires and anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve

    Attitudes toward motherhood and social support as predictors of emotional distress in recently diagnosed young women with cancer undergoing fertility preservation

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    Objective. Young women with cancer can benefit from various treatment options for fertility preservation. More work is needed to discern which factors affect psychological outcomes and the decision to undergo fertility preservation for female cancer survivors. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between attitudes toward motherhood, concerns about fertility, satisfaction with information received, social support and emotional distress among young women with cancer undergoing fertility preservation treatment. Method. Cross-sectional administration of instruments (semi-structured interview, Scale of Perceived Social Support, BSI-18) to 115 young women (average age 31 years) newly diagnosed with cancer. Assessment was done on the same day or day after undergoing Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation (OTC). Results. The degree of concern reported by the women when they knew that cancer treatment might affect their reproductive capacity was high. Almost half stated that they would change the treatment-related information they received. Factors influencing their decision to receive OTC include the importance of having a child and maintaining hormonal function. Higher emotional distress was significantly associated with increase desire to have children, belief that having children is necessary for couple´s fulfillment, desire to change the information received, higher degree of concern about the possible loss of fertility, and less perceived social support. Conclusions. Both attitudes to motherhood and social support are factors that determine the emotional distress experienced by young women with cancer when faced with the possible loss of infertility. There is a need to offer fertility preservation counseling to these women

    Constraining an R-parity violating supersymmetric theory from the SuperKamiokande data on atmospheric neutrinos

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    The constraints on an R-parity violating supersymmetric theory arising from the recent SuperKamiokande results on atmospheric neutrinos are studied, with special reference to a scenario with bilinear R-parity violating terms. Considering both the fermionic and scalar sectors, we find that a large area of the parameter space is allowed, in terms of both the lepton-number violating entries in the superpotential and the soft R-violating terms in the scalar potential, and that no fine-tuning is required. However, the need to avoid flavour changing neutral currents puts additional restrictions on the theory, requiring either the R-violating terms in the superpotential to be smaller than the R-conserving ones, or a hierarchy in the R-violating parameters for different lepton flavours in the superpotential.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex including postscript figure

    Deviation from tri-bimaximal mixings in two types of inverted hierarchical neutrino mass models

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    An attempt is made to explore the possibility for deviations of solar mixing angle (θ12\theta_{12}) from tri-bimaximal mixings, without sacrificing the predictions of maximal atmospheric mixing angle (θ23=π/4\theta_{23}=\pi/4) and zero reactor angle (θ13=0\theta_{13}=0). We find that the above conjecture can be automatically realised in the inverted hierarchical neutrino mass model having 2-3 symmetry, in the basis where charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal. For the observed ranges of m212\bigtriangleup m^2_{21} and \bigtriangleup m^2_{23], we calculate the predictions on tan2θ12=0.5,0.45,0.35\tan^2\theta_{12}=0.5, 0.45, 0.35 for different input values of the parameters in the neutrino mass matrix. We also observe a possible crossing over from one type of inverted hierarchical model having same CP parity (Type-IHA) to other type having opposite CP parity (Type-IHB). Such neutrino mass matrices can be obtained from the canonical seesaw formula using diagonal form of Dirac neutrino mass matrix and non-diagonal texture of right-handed Majorana mass matrix, and may have important implications in model building using discrete as well as non-abelian symmetry groups.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure