32 research outputs found

    Estudio de la especiación de disoluciones hidrolizadas mixtas Al-Fe en medio concentrado con el reactivo Ferrón.

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    Introducción. La obtención de disoluciones concentradas de aluminio con alta fracción de oligocationes presenta gran interés por su aplicabilidad como floculantes en el tratamiento de aguas y como agentes de intercalación de arcillas laminares. El análisis espectrofotométrico con el reactivo Ferrón permite obtener una distribución de las especies que se generan en disoluciones parcialmente hidrolizadas de Al3+, en base a su grado de polimerización. El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar el efecto de la relación de hidrólisis OH/(Al+Fe) (RH) y la concentración total de metales (CTM) sobre la preparación de disoluciones hidrolizadas de Al/Fe en medio concentrado. Para ello, se toma como criterio el contenido de los metales que queda representado al final en especies tipo Keggin (Al13), correspondiente a la fracción Alb obtenida mediante el análisis con el reactivo Ferrón [1]. Metodología. El efecto de la CTM y de la RH sobre la preparación de las disoluciones concentradas mixtas Al/Fe (DCMAF), se evaluó aplicando un diseño experimental 32, manteniendo constante la relación atómica nominal (Fe/(Al+Fe)) igual a 2,0. Cada factor se evaluó en tres niveles: para el factor CTM se emplearon los valores 0,2, 0,6 y 1,0 mol/L, mientras para el factor RH se tomaron los valores 2,0, 2,25 y 2,5. La preparación de las disoluciones se llevó a cabo partiendo de AlCl3.6H2O (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%) y FeCl3.6H2O (Mallinckrodt, 99,5%) con lenta adición de disolución de hidróxido de sodio de concentración variable (Mallinckrodt, 99,8%), en un sistema de reflujo a 70 ºC durante 7,75 horas. Las disoluciones fueron filtradas en papel con tamaño de poro 0,45 μm para separar la fracción insoluble antes de ser analizadas. Para el análisis con el reactivo Ferrón (Sigma Aldrich, 98,5%) se empleó como patrón una disolución de concentración conocida de Al13, separado por precipitación del sulfato seguida de disolución del nitrato del oligocatión. La identidad del patrón se confirmó por difracción de rayos X en polvo. Las fracciones de Ala y Alb se determinaron midiendo la absorbancia a 364 nm a 1 y 120 minutos de reacción, respectivamente. Ala corresponde a la fracción de especies monoméricas, Alb a la fracción oligomérica soluble, y Alc a la fracción polimérica coloidal, calculada como Alc = AlT – (Ala + Alb). Resultados y discusión. La distribución de especies obtenida mediante el análisis con el reactivo Ferrón se muestra en la tabla 1. Tabla 1. Especiación de disoluciones concentradas mixtas Al/Fe (DCMAF) Los resultados muestran que a menor RH se favorece la fracción de especies poliméricas solubles Alb, aunque este efecto es menos marcado en cuanto baja CTM. Igualmente se observa, que con el aumento en CTM, Alb disminuye para un valor de RH. Cuando se incrementa CTM también se puede observar, que aunque baja el pH de equilibrio de las disoluciones se incrementa la fracción de polímeros inertes o coloidales de los metales, que corresponde a la fracción Alc con Ferrón. Conclusiones. La preparación de DCMAF con alto contenido de Al13 en medio concentrado se favorece con la disminución de RH. Bibliografía. 1. Parker, D.R. (1992). Identification and quantification of the “Al13” tridecameric polycation using ferron. Env. Sci. Technol. 26:908–914. Agradecimientos. Los autores agradecen la financiación de este trabajo a EMPOPASTO S.A, E.S.P mediante convenio específico de cooperación No 01 de 2008

    Sistema de valoración del control postural de bajo costo

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    El control postural es la capacidad de mantenerse estable y mantener una alineación correcta del cuerpo, coordinando las articulaciones y músculos para evitar la caída en condiciones tanto estáticas como dinámicas.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    RNA-SEQ of fv-induced erythroleukemia cells suggests a role of wasp.

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    The goal of research is analyze the molecular function of was in progenitors of the erythoid linage and its role in reprogramming celular differentiation in erythroleukemia cells.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Complete genome sequence of a novel recombinant Citrus tristeza virus, a resistance-breaking isolate from Uruguay

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    We report here the complete genome sequence of a Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) from Uruguay, sequenced by using Illumina and Sanger sequencing technology. This CTV DSST-17 genome clustered within genotype resistance breaking (RB) and presents two recombination events

    Beam Charge Asymmetries for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Proton at CLAS12

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    The parameterization of the nucleon structure through Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) shed a new light on the nucleon internal dynamics. For its direct interpretation, Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) is the golden channel for GPDs investigation. The DVCS process interferes with the Bethe-Heitler (BH) mechanism to constitute the leading order amplitude of the eNeNγeN \to eN\gamma process. The study of the epγep\gamma reaction with polarized positron and electron beams gives a complete set of unique observables to unravel the different contributions to the epγep \gamma cross section. This separates the different reaction amplitudes, providing a direct access to their real and imaginary parts which procures crucial constraints on the model dependences and associated systematic uncertainties on GPDs extraction. The real part of the BH-DVCS interference amplitude is particularly sensitive to the DD-term which parameterizes the Gravitational Form Factors of the nucleon. The separation of the imaginary parts of the interference and DVCS amplitudes provides insights on possible higher-twist effects. We propose to measure the unpolarized and polarized Beam Charge Asymmetries (BCAs) of the e±pe±pγ\vec{e}^{\pm}p \to e^{\pm}p \gamma process on an unpolarized hydrogen target with {\tt CLAS12}, using polarized positron and electron beams at 10.6~GeV. The azimuthal and tt-dependences of the unpolarized and polarized BCAs will be measured over a large (xB,Q2)(x_B,Q^2) phase space using a 100 day run with a luminosity of 0.66×1035\times 10^{35}cm2^{-2}\cdots1^{-1}.Comment: Proposal to the Jefferson Lab Program Advisory Committee (PAC51

    EcoTILLING in Capsicum species: searching for new virus resistances

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The EcoTILLING technique allows polymorphisms in target genes of natural populations to be quickly analysed or identified and facilitates the screening of genebank collections for desired traits. We have developed an EcoTILLING platform to exploit <it>Capsicum </it>genetic resources. A perfect example of the utility of this EcoTILLING platform is its application in searching for new virus-resistant alleles in <it>Capsicum </it>genus. Mutations in translation initiation factors (eIF4E, eIF(iso)4E, eIF4G and eIF(iso)4G) break the cycle of several RNA viruses without affecting the plant life cycle, which makes these genes potential targets to screen for resistant germplasm.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed and assayed a cDNA-based EcoTILLING platform with 233 cultivated accessions of the genus <it>Capsicum</it>. High variability in the coding sequences of the <it>eIF4E </it>and <it>eIF(iso)4E </it>genes was detected using the cDNA platform. After sequencing, 36 nucleotide changes were detected in the CDS of <it>eIF4E </it>and 26 in <it>eIF(iso)4E</it>. A total of 21 <it>eIF4E </it>haplotypes and 15 <it>eIF(iso)4E </it>haplotypes were identified. To evaluate the functional relevance of this variability, 31 possible eIF4E/eIF(iso)4E combinations were tested against <it>Potato virus Y</it>. The results showed that five new <it>eIF4E </it>variants (<it>pvr2<sup>10</sup></it>, <it>pvr2<sup>11</sup></it>, <it>pvr2<sup>12</sup></it>, <it>pvr2<sup>13 </sup></it>and <it>pvr2<sup>14</sup></it>) were related to PVY-resistance responses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>EcoTILLING was optimised in different <it>Capsicum </it>species to detect allelic variants of target genes. This work is the first to use cDNA instead of genomic DNA in EcoTILLING. This approach avoids intronic sequence problems and reduces the number of reactions. A high level of polymorphism has been identified for initiation factors, showing the high genetic variability present in our collection and its potential use for other traits, such as genes related to biotic or abiotic stresses, quality or production. Moreover, the new <it>eIF4E </it>and <it>eIF(iso)4E </it>alleles are an excellent collection for searching for new resistance against other RNA viruses.</p

    Genetic diversity in cultivated carioca common beans based on molecular marker analysis

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    A wide array of molecular markers has been used to investigate the genetic diversity among common bean species. However, the best combination of markers for studying such diversity among common bean cultivars has yet to be determined. Few reports have examined the genetic diversity of the carioca bean, commercially one of the most important common beans in Brazil. In this study, we examined the usefulness of two molecular marker systems (simple sequence repeats – SSRs and amplified fragment length polymorphisms – AFLPs) for assessing the genetic diversity of carioca beans. The amount of information provided by Roger’s modified genetic distance was used to analyze SSR data and Jaccards similarity coefficient was used for AFLP data. Seventy SSRs were polymorphic and 20 AFLP primer combinations produced 635 polymorphic bands. Molecular analysis showed that carioca genotypes were quite diverse. AFLPs revealed greater genetic differentiation and variation within the carioca genotypes (Gst = 98% and Fst = 0.83, respectively) than SSRs and provided better resolution for clustering the carioca genotypes. SSRs and AFLPs were both suitable for assessing the genetic diversity of Brazilian carioca genotypes since the number of markers used in each system provided a low coefficient of variation. However, fingerprint profiles were generated faster with AFLPs, making them a better choice for assessing genetic diversity in the carioca germplasm