10 research outputs found

    Influence of the monossodium glutamate production residue (Amiferm) in ruminal parameters and intake of bovine fed with corn silage

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    Nine adult steers were submitted to nine treatments in each of three experimental periods: three were dosified daily via rumen cánula with 50 (T1), 100 (T2), and 150 g (T3); of urea and five others received doses of Amiferm, corresponding to the nitrogen supplied by urea, of 240 (T4), 480 (T5), and 720 mL (T6). The highest Amiferm dose was given three different ways, i.e. ruminally in one dose (same as T6) or in two equal daily doses (T7), and as a single dose eaten together with maize silage (T8); and finally, there was a control without NPN (T9). The rumen ammonia concentration of animals receiving NPN was significantly higher (P<.05) than that of the control, and it increased (P<.05) with increasing dosage. Differences (P<.05) between the two NPN sources were observed only at 1 and 2 hours post-feeding. Rumen pH varied (P<.05) when the ammonia concentration was at its peak and was more acid in the animals that received Amiferm and more alkaline in those receiving urea. NPN supplementation did not alter ruminal dry matter degradation, but it enhanced effective degradation of neutral detergent fiber. Significant differences in DM intake were not observed among the animals fed urea, mean daily intake being 1.68% of liveweight. Intake by animals fed Amiferm decreased with increasing dose level (1.74, 1.36, and 1.19% LW, respectively). However, when the highest dose was given twice a day or when it was ingested with silage, intake was less affected (1.22 and 12.54% LW, respectively). It is concluded that Amiferm can be used to substitute for urea as a source of NPN in bovine feeding

    Evaluation of a residue from monosodium glutamate production (Amniferm) as a non protein nitrogen source for bovines grazing Brachiaria brizantha

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    Seven crossbred steers, 5 yr of age and 540 kg live weight, were maintained in continuous grazing. In each of three experimental periods, three animals received urea via rumen cannula in daily doses of 50, 100, and 150 g; three others received Amiferm in doses of 240, 480, and 720 mL (corresponding to the nitrogen in the respective urea doses) and one animal served as a control. The experimental design was randomized blocks in time, in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement (2 nitrogen sources by 3 dose levels) with subplots. Ruminal pH and ammonia concentration were determined hourly over a 12 h period; rumen degradation of B. brizantha dry matter was determined at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h after introduction of samples in nylon bags. With increasing doses of urea and Amniferm, the ruminal concentration of ammonia increased. At 1 h post-dosification the animals that received urea showed a lower rumen ammonia level (P<.05) than those that received Amniferm (378 vs. 1018 mg/L, respectively). At the hours of peak ammonia levels, rumen pH was more acid (P<.05) in animals receiving Amiferm and more alkaline in those receiving urea. Dry matter degradation was not affected by the nitrogen sources, maximum degradation potential being reached at 48 h (71.8%). These results indicate that Amiferm can substitute for urea in the feeding of ruminants

    Wound inflammation post-orchiectomy affects the social dynamic of Nelore bulls

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    Abstract Background Confinement of cattle imposes spatial restrictions and predisposes to aversive social encounters that can lead to contusions, wounds, pain, stress, fright, and reduced productivity. Although endogenous testosterone concentrations are linked to agonistic dominance behaviors in males, it is unknown whether decreased blood testosterone concentrations after castration alter social hierarchy rank in Nelore bulls. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the impact of the surgical would inflammation post-orchiectomy on social dynamics in a group of Nelore bulls (Bos indicus). Fourteen Nelore (Bos indicus) bulls were castrated and assessed pre- and post-surgically. Parameters evaluated were agonistic (mounting, headbutting, and fighting) and affiliative (head-play) behavior, plasma testosterone concentrations, average daily weight gain (ADG), and a score for severity of post-surgical infection. Exploratory statistics included social network analysis (SNA), hierarchy rank delta (Δ), and principal component analysis (PCA). Furthermore, statistical inferences included the Wilcoxon test, multiple logistic regression models, and Spearman's correlation. Results The social dynamic of Nelore bulls was modified after castration based on the findings of the SNA and the PCA. The moderate correlation between the postoperative inflammation level with the Δ, and the significant effect of this level in the logistic model post-castration were partially attributed to effects of pain on social relations. Conclusions Our findings suggest the severity of post-surgical inflammation, which has an association with pain intensity, was closely associated with changes in the social hierarchy

    O modelo dos “Cinco Domínios” do bem-estar animal aplicado em sistemas intensivos de produção de bovinos, suínos e aves

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    A demanda por sistemas intensivos de produção é uma realidade mundial com tendência a crescimento nas próximas décadas. No entanto, esses sistemas apresentam limitações em atender as necessidades físicas, comportamentais e psicológicas dos animais, o que pode acarretar no empobrecimento do bem-estar dos mesmos. Apesar do bem-estar animal já ser amplamente definido, sua avaliação dentro da produção animal ainda é pouco aplicada. Dentre suas formas de avaliação, o modelo dos “Cinco Domínios”, proposto por Mellor e Reid (1994), atua como um método sistemático que inclui quatro domínios físicos ou funcionais (Nutrição, Ambiente, Saúde e Comportamento) e um domínio mental (Estado Mental ou Afetivo). Este artigo descreve sucintamente as características do modelo “Cinco Domínios” e exemplifica as possíveis interações entre os domínios do bem-estar animal em três situações reconhecidamente limitantes para bem-estar dos animais de produção: restrição de espaço no confinamento de bovinos, procedimentos dolorosos no manejo de leitões e alta densidade no carregamento e transporte de frangos de corte. Nesse contexto, apesar de não ser possível incluir todos os fatores intervenientes nessa dinâmica, os exemplos apresentados mostram uma visão integrada sobre os riscos de comprometimento do bem-estar dos animais em sistemas intensivos de produção


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    There was evaluated the effect of protein supplementation on the diurnal behavior activities of non-castrated Nellore steers at rainy season, from January to April of 2007. The grazing method was continuous with variable stocking rate. The treatments consisted of mineral supplement with 0% of crude protein (CP) and multiple supplements with 20 and 40% of CP. The behavior activities evaluated were grazing time, idling time, rumination time, bite rate and permanence time of the animals in the trough. The experimental design used was the completely random design, with seven replications. To evaluate the effect of the time of day there was use a split-plot design. With the supplementation the animals reduced at 1.1 hours razing time, offsetting part of the time for the activities of idling and permanence in the trough. The animals did not alter the rumination time, according to supplementation, and maintained the same bite rate, because of the homogeneity of the structural and chemical characteristics of pasture

    Combination of fixative agents and fixation times to visually differentiate the cortical from the medullary layer in bovine adrenal glands

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    Abstract Chronic stress exposure commonly increases adrenals weight and changes their morphology. This study aimed to compare four methods to delimitate the cortical and medullary layers of adrenals glands in Nelore bulls. Fresh adrenals did not present differentiation between layers. Then, frozen adrenals were distributed in plastics bags with fixative Bouin (G1), 96ºGL ethylic alcohol (G2), 10% formaldehyde (G3), or 2.5% glutaraldehyde (G4). After 12 hours of fixation, the G1 adrenal glands did not show the entire cortical layer marked by Bouin’s solution. For G2 and G3 there was a poor contrast, while for G4 there was a reasonable contrast. After 24 hours of fixation, G1 had an excellent contrast between layers, while G2 and G4 had a reasonable contrast and G3 a very bad contrast. After 48 hours it was difficult to differentiate cortical and medullar layers for G1; for Group 2 we get a reasonable contrast; and for G3 the contrast was bad. For G4 the contrast was not as sharp due to the medulla became dark. It was concluded that fixation of adrenals must be done in Bouin’s solution for 24 hours to obtain an effective evaluation of the adrenals’ morphometry

    Effects of feeding different forage and protein sources on carcass biometry and organ and internal organs weights for steers

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    Quarenta bovinos machos, com peso médio de 371 kg, foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizado com esquema fatorial 3x3, dos quais quatro foram abatidos no início do experimento como referência, para avaliar a biometria das carcaças e o peso de vísceras e órgãos internos quando alimentados com diferentes fontes protéicas (uréia, Amiferm e farelo de soja) e volumosos (cana-de-açúcar e a silagem de milho e pastagem de capim Brachiaria brizantha). Não houve interação significativa volumosos x fontes protéicas e não houve diferença significativa entre as fontes protéicas para os parâmetros estudados. Para os volumosos, os pesos (em porcentagem do peso do corpo vazio - % PCV) do conteúdo estomacal (CRROA) e do conteúdo gastrintestinal (CGI) foram significativamente maiores para os animais alimentados com cana-de-açúcar (7,52 e 8,59% PCV, respectivamente) e não diferiram entre os alimentados com silagem de milho e capim, com médias de 5,10% PCV, para CRROA, e 5,89% PCV para CGI. Os animais mantidos em pastagem não apresentaram compacidade das carcaças diferente dos animais alimentados com os outros volumosos, enquanto os alimentados com cana-de-açúcar mostraram ser menos compactos que os alimentados com silagem de milho. As fontes protéicas também influenciaram a compacidade, que foi menor nos animais que receberam Amiferm e iguais para os que receberam uréia e farelo de soja. Conclui-se que os animais alimentados com cana-de-açúcar apresentam maior enchimento dos compartimentos digestivos e carcaças menos compactas.Forty steers averaging 371 kg BW were allotted to a randomized block design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, where four steers were slaughtered as reference, to evaluate the effects of feeding different protein sources (urea, amiferm, soybean meal) and forage (sugar cane, corn silage and pasture Bracharia brizantha) on carcass biometry and viscera and internal organs weights. Diets were formulated to be isoenergetic and isonitrogenous. No significant forage x protein source interaction was detected. It was not observed significant effect of protein source on the evaluated parameters. Forage, weight (% empty body weight -% EBW), stomach content (CRROA) and content gastrointestinal (CGI) increased significantly when the animal was fed sugar cane (7.52 and 8.59% EBW, respectively) and did not differ when corn silage and pasture were fed, averaging 5.10 and 5.89%, respectively. Grazing animals showed the same carcass compacity of those fed other forages. The animals fed sugar cane showed to be less compact than those fed corn silage. It was detected significant effect of protein sources on compacity, that decreased in animal fed Amiferm and was the same in animals fed urea and soybean meal-based diets. It was concluded that animals fed sugar cane showed greater fill digestive tracts and smaller compactness index of carcass

    Desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de bovinos mestiços alimentados com diferentes volumosos e fontes protéicas Performance and carcass dressing in crossbreed steers fed different forage and nitrogen sources

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    Quarenta bovinos machos, com 30 meses de idade e 371 kg, foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizado com esquema fatorial 3 x 3, para avaliar o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça quando alimentados com diferentes fontes protéicas (Amiferm, uréia e farelo de soja) e volumosos (pastagem de capim-braquiária, cana-de-açúcar e silagem de milho). As dietas foram balanceadas para conterem níveis semelhantes de EM e PB. A interação volumoso x fonte de N não foi significativa para nenhum dos parâmetros estudados. O ganho de peso vivo diário (GPV/dia) dos animais alimentados com cana-de-açúcar (0,83 kg) não diferiu dos mantidos em pastagem (0,82 kg), mas ambos foram menores que dos animais alimentados com silagem de milho (1,09 kg). As diferentes fontes de N proporcionaram GPV/dia semelhantes, com valores de 0,94; 0,83 e 0,97 kg, para os animais que receberam uréia, Amiferm e farelo de soja, respectivamente. As dietas contendo farelo de soja proporcionaram maior ganho de carcaça diário (0,57 kg) em relação ao uso de Amiferm, não diferindo da uréia (0,55 kg). Não houve diferença entre volumosos e fontes nitrogenadas para rendimento de carcaça, rendimento de carcaça do corpo vazio, rendimento de carcaça do ganho de peso e espessura de gordura, com média de 51,03%, 54,49%, 60,10% e 8,5 mm, respectivamente. O uso de Amiferm proporcionou ganhos de peso e rendimento de carcaça semelhantes às demais fontes protéicas.<br>Forty steers averaging 371 kg BW were allotted to a randomized block design, in a factorial scheme 3 x 3 to evaluate the effect of feeding different protein sources (urea, amiferm, soybean meal) and forage (sugar cane, corn silage and pasture Bracharia brizantha) on performance and carcass dressing. Diets were formulated to contain similar ME and CP protein levels. Forage and nitrogen source interaction was not significant for all studied factors. Daily live weight (LWG/day) of animal fed sugar cane (0.83 kg) did not differ from those fed in pasture (0.82 kg), but both were different from corn silage (1.09 kg). The different protein sources resulted in similar LWG/day, with value of 0.94; 0.83 e 0.97 kg, for urea, Amiferm and soybean meal, respectively. Soybean meal diets showed higher daily carcass gain (0.57 kg) in relation to Amiferm (0.46 kg) but both nitrogen sources did not differ from urea (0.55 kg). There was no difference among forage and nitrogen sources for carcass dressing, carcass dressing in function of empty weight (%EBW), carcass yield of weight gain and fat layer, mean of 51.03%, 54.49%, 60.10% e 8.5 mm, respectively. The use of Amiferm provided weight gain and carcass dressing similar to the others nitrogen sources