499 research outputs found

    Iusnaturalismo, voluntarismo, derechos subjetivos y otros problemas de la Opera Politica de Ockham

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    In this paper we provide a summary of the discussions between Villey and Tierney concerning the rise of a concept of subjective right in late medieval thought, William of Ockham’s place in it, and the differences of this subjective notion with regards to an objective notion of right. Afterwards, we analyze Ockham’s main texts. According to the authors, Ockham’s notion of a natural right of the individual bears a relationship both to a rational concept of morality and to his characteristic emphasis on the free choice of the will

    Primeros datos de la caracterización etnológica del perro cimarrón

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    En este trabajo se dan a conocer los primeros datos de la situación zootécnica de la raza canina Cimarrón, con el fin de lograr la caracterización de la misma. El estudio fue realizado sobre una muestra compuesta por 81 ejemplares adultos (33 machos y 48 hembras) todos registrados en el libro genealógico y elegidos al azar en exposiciones especializadas de la raza, realizándose un estudio morfoestructural y faneróptico. Con el fin de determinar el empleo de los canes, cual es el ambiente en que viven, la sanidad de la población y cual es el criterio empleado a la hora de elegir los reproductores, se realizó una encuesta zootécnica a criadores y propietarios. Con los datos obtenidos, se efectuó el análisis estadístico descriptivo de la muestra. Se observó un marcado dimorfismo sexual en casi todas las características; los machos presentaron mayores medidas para todas las variables de altura y diámetro, comparados con las hembras, siendo éstas menos robustas y más delicadas. En lo referente al estudio faneróptico, se apreció un marcado predominio de las capas atigradas; todos los ejemplares presentaron la trufa pigmentada. En lo referente a la coloración del iris predominó el tono oscuro, presentando el 21 p.100 de los animales, iris de color claro. Con respecto a la presencia de subpelo, lo presentaron el 57 p.100 de la muestra. De la encuesta zootécnica se apreció que los canes son empleados principalmente como animales de compañía y guarda, siendo desparasitados regularmente y recibiendo inmunoprofilaxis de las patologías más frecuentes anualmente. Con respecto al criterio de selección de los reproductores, la mayoría de los encuestados hasta el momento lo hacen por la coloración de la capa y que posean a su parecer una buena conformación

    The Cimarron dog, the autoctonous dog breed of Uruguay

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    The Creole o Cimarron is the unic Uruguayan native dog breed. In this paper a historical description is done from their origin to the present, considering the status of this breed today, the situation of the genealogical registers and the description of the racial phenotype. Finally a future plan of work is proposed inside the general programme of native domestic animal of Uruguay in developing by the area of domestic animals genetic improvement of the Faculty of Veterinary in the University of the Republic.El Perro Cimarrón o Criollo es la única raza canina autóctona en Uruguay. En este trabajo se desarrolla una reseña histórica desde sus orígenes hasta el presente, considerando la situación actual de la raza, el estado de los registros genealógicos y la descripción del fenotipo racial. Por último se plantea en esta raza un futuro plan trabajo dentro de las medidas de conservación de animales domésticos autóctonos del Uruguay, a realizar por el área de Mejoramiento Genético Animal de la Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República


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    The time evolution of a two-level atom which is simultaneously exposed to the field of a running laser wave and a homogeneous gravitational field is studied. The result of the coupled dynamics of internal transitions and center-of-mass motion is worked out exactly. Neglecting spontaneous emission and performing the rotating wave approximation we derive the complete time evolution operator in an algebraical way by using commutation relations. The result is discussed with respect to the physical implications. In particular the long time and short time behaviour is physically analyzed in detail. The breakdown of the Magnus perturbation expansion is shown.Comment: 14 Pages, Late

    Biometric study on canine population of Cimarron breed dog

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    In this paper is presented a biometrical study about a population of the Cimarron dog breed, using some measurements of the cephalic and body parameters in a random sample of 23 adults dogs (12 female and 11 males), all inscribed in the genealogic book of the breed. With our results we describe a brachicephalus and longilineous dog, with compact and strong appearance. Their characteristics could remain the primitive molosoid animals (caught breeds). With respect the coat pigmentation shown by the sampled animals, we found a predominance of the dark brindle coat (14/23) over the other typical coats of the breed; clear brindle coat (5/23) and yellow-red coat (2/23).En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio biométrico en una población de la raza Cimarrona utilizando algunas mediciones de los parámetros cefálicos y corporales en una muestra aleatoria de 23 perros adultos (12 hembras y 11 machos), inscritos en los libros genealógicos de la raza. De los resultados obtenidos se describe un perro braquicéfalo, longilíneo, de apariencia compacta y fuerte, que puede llegar a recordar ciertas características de los perros primitivos de presa y agarre. En relación a la pigmentación de las capas presentes en los animales muestreados, se encontró un claro predominio de la capa atigrado oscura (14/23) sobre las otras típicas de la raza, atigrado claro (5/23), bayo claro (2/23) y bayo colorado (2/23)

    Amplitude and phase representation of quantum invariants for the time dependent harmonic oscillator

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    The correspondence between classical and quantum invariants is established. The Ermakov Lewis quantum invariant of the time dependent harmonic oscillator is translated from the coordinate and momentum operators into amplitude and phase operators. In doing so, Turski's phase operator as well as Susskind-Glogower operators are generalized to the time dependent harmonic oscillator case. A quantum derivation of the Manley-Rowe relations is shown as an example

    The sustainabibility of the Cuban Creole Black pig in the integral development of the mountain areas

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    Cuban Creole pig present excellent possibilities under the official program of complete development of Cuban Mountain areas. His role consist in their utilisation as a father breed in the environmental management system (CIAL), but also in their pure breeding in those areas named porcine protected areas. Here we describe the main zootechnique objectives of the Cuban Creole pig under the sustainable development.El Cerdo Criollo Cubano presenta unas excelentes posibilidades dentro del programa de desarrollo integral de la montaña por su utilización como línea padre en los sistemas de cría intensiva al aire libre (CIAL) o bien en los sistemas de cría en pureza denominados cotos porcinos. Se plantean los principales objetivos zootécnicos en el cerdo criollo dentro del desarrollo sostenible

    Permeable frontiers in the open sea: The case of Swordfish in the Atlantic Ocean

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    There is a vivid debate about the border location between North and South Atlantic swordfish stocks. Climate oscillations, East Atlantic (EA) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), have a major impact on the Northern Hemisphere climate and weather conditions. The initial hypothesis of present study was that if it is considering the southern frontier, each stock will be differentially affected by both climatic oscillations, which would imply the existence of a strong border. However, a similar effect on both sides of the border would result in a permeable barrier. The results suggest that the combined effects of EA and NAO affect both the North and the South Atlantic swordfish stocks in similar ways, and consequently, the location of the border may reside farther north than the current management boundary at 5°N.Postprint0,60

    Petrogenesis of fertile mantle peridotites from the Monte del Estado massif (Southwest Puerto Rico): a preserved section of Proto-Caribbean lithospheric mantle?

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    The Monte del Estado massif is the largest and northernmost serpentinized peridotite belt in southwest Puerto Rico. It is mainly composed of spinel lherzolite and minor harzburgite with variable clinopyroxene modal abundances. Mineral and whole rock major and trace element compositions of peridotites coincide with those of fertile abyssal mantle rocks from mid ocean ridges. Peridotites lost 2-14 wt% of relative MgO and variable amounts of CaO by serpentinization and seafloor weathering. HREE contents in whole rock indicate that the Monte del Estado peridotites are residues after low to moderate degrees (2-15%) of fractional partial melting in the spinel stability field. However, very low LREE/HREE and MREE/HREE in clinopyroxene cannot be explained by melting models of a spinel lherzolite source and support that the Monte del Estado peridotites experienced initial low fractional melting degrees (~ 4%) in the garnet stability field. The relative enrichment of LREE in whole rock is not due to alteration processes but probably reflects the capture of percolating fluid/melt fractions or the crystallization of sub-percent amounts of hydrous minerals (e.g., amphibole, phlogopite) along grain boundaries or as microinclusions in minerals. We propose that the Monte del Estado peridotite belt represents a section of ancient Proto-Caribbean (Atlantic) lithospheric mantle originated by seafloor spreading between North and South America in the Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous. This portion of oceanic lithospheric mantle was subsequently trapped in the forearc region of the Greater Antilles paleo-island arc generated by the northward subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the Proto-Caribbean ocean. Finally, the Monte del Estado peridotites belt was emplaced in the Early Cretaceous probably as result of the change in subduction polarity of the Greater Antilles paleo-island arc without having been significantly modified by subduction processe