49 research outputs found

    Il rischio di saturnismo negli uccelli necrofagi in relazione alle attuali modalità di caccia degli ungulati

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    Summary Wildlife may be exposed to lead contamination as a consequence of hunting activities. Waterfowls and grouses may directly assume lead from the ground (primary assumption), while in raptors lead intoxication may be due to the ingestion of preys with elevated lead concentrations in their tissues (secondary assumption). Recent studies demonstrated that viscera of shot ungulates are quite often directly contaminated with lead due to bullet fragmentation after the shot. If released on the ground, viscera represent a threat for scavenger species. In Europe, saturnism in birds of prey has been quite rarely described and some reports are available for large raptors as griffon vulture Gyps fulvus, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos and bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus. In the Alps this problem affects the abundant population of golden eagle and the recently re-introduced population of bearded vulture that is still considered as vulnerable. For the bearded vulture two cases of lead intoxication have already been described in dispersing juveniles. The most viable nucleus of bearded vultures is distributed in the central Alps, between Italy and Switzerland and is characterized by the highest reproductive rates. Hunting management of ungulates is here commonly performed with lead ammunition. The practice of leaving on the ground the ungulate viscera after the shot is still frequent. Hunting season partially overlaps with the most limiting season, in terms of food availability, for birds. The extraordinary conservation value of this bearded vulture population led the Stelvio National Park and the Sondrio Province to implement a study for monitoring the potential risk of lead intoxication for raptors tied to the practice of ungulate viscera deposition after the shot. The viscera of 153 ungulates shot in the Sondrio Province during hunting season 2009-2010 have been collected and examined to detect and quantify lead presence. Information regarding the hunted animal, the type of ammunition, the condition and the outcome of the shot have been collected as ancillary data. Lead fragments in the samples have been investigated through CAT (computed axial tomography) and digital radiography and subsequently manually collected. Overall, in 62.1% of samples lead fragments have been detected. Preliminary results refer to a partial sample of 147 viscera of roe deer, red deer, chamois, wild boar and mouflon. Higher frequencies have been recorded in roe deer (77.7%), chamois (69.6%) while lower in red deer (50%). The highest frequencies of lead in viscera have been detected in ungulates shot in the thorax or in the thigh and hind parts. These first preliminary outcomes confirm the high risk of lead intoxication for large raptors in areas where ungulates are commonly hunted and demonstrate the need of more sustainable hunting practices as the substitution of lead ammunition with non-toxic bullets or concealing under the ground the viscera of the shot ungulates

    Flying-seed-like liquid crystals 5: Liquid crystals based on octakisphenylthiophthalocyanine and their optical properties

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    We have synthesized three novel flying-seed-like liquid crystals based on phthalocyaninato copper(II) (abbreviated as PcCu) substituted by bulky groups {(o-C-1)PhS (i), (m-C-1)PhS (j), [m, p(C-1)(2)]PhS (k)} instead of using long alkyl chains, in order to investigate their mesomorphism. Their phase transition behavior and the mesophase structures have been established by using a polarizing optical microscope, a differential scanning calorimeter, and a temperature-dependent small angle X-ray diffractometer. As the results, [(o-C-1)PhS](8)PcCu (8i), [(m-C-1)PhS](8)PcCu (8j) and {[m,p-(C-1)(2)]PhS}(8)PcCu (8k) show a Col tet. o mesophase at 314.9 similar to 362.9 degrees C, a Col(ro) (P2m) mesophase at 287.4 similar to 334.2 degrees C and a Col(ro) (P2m) mesophase at 331.8 similar to 386.8 degrees C, respectively. Very interestingly, each of the derivatives thus exhibits a columnar mesophase at very high temperatures. The mesomorphism is apparently originated from the novel bulky groups (i similar to k). It is also noteworthy that the Q-bands of the present PhScontaining Pc derivatives 8i similar to 8k in THF significantly red-shift by about 35 nm in comparison with those of the corresponding PhO-containing derivatives in THF

    Flying-seed-like mesogens 6: Synthesis and mesomorphism of phthalocyanine derivatives substituted by pentafluorosulfanylphenoxy group

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    We have synthesized two novel phthalocyanines, (m-SF5PhO)(8)PcCu (7b) and (p-SF5PhO)(8)PcCu (7c), in order to investigate their flying-seed-like mesomorphism. Their phase transition behavior and the mesophase structure have been established by using a polarizing optical microscope, a differential scanning calorimeter, and a temperature-dependent small angle X-ray diffractometer. Very interestingly, the derivative (m-SF5PhO)(8)PcCu (7b) substituted a SF 5 group at m-position showed a Col(10)(P2(1)/a) (= p2gg) mesophase from rt to 315.0 degrees C, whereas the derivative (p-SF5PhO)(8)PcCu (7c) substituted a SF 5 group at p-position showed a crystalline (K) phase from rt to the decomposition temperature at ca. 336 degrees C without showing mesomorphism. Thus, the novel phthalocyanine derivative (m-SF5PhO)(8)PcCu (7b) substituted a strong electron withdrawing SF 5 group at m-position shows only one columnar mesophase in a very wide temperature region from rt to 315.0 degrees C. Furthermore, the Q-band wavelengths (672.2 and 672.1 nm) of the present (m-SF5PhO)(8)PcCu (7b) and (p-SF5PhO)(8)PcCu (7c) are shorter than that (680.3 nm) of the previous [(m-C-1) PhO](8)PcCu (5c) derivative. It can be attributed to strong electron withdrawing nature of the SF5 group on the phenoxy group.ArticleJOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES. 20(7):822-832 (2016)journal articl

    Se l'aria ci avvelena. Da vent'anni in Lombardia

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    Ogni anno centinaia di sostanze chimiche nuove prodotte dall’uomo sfuggono nell’ambiente, oltre a molte esalate da fonti naturali, e possono causare danni alla salute umana e agli ecosistemi nelle regioni più avanzate, come la Lombardia. Qui respiriamo, tra l’altro, monossido di carbonio (CO), biossido di zolfo (SO2), ossidi di azoto (NOx), composti organici volatili (VOC), ozono (O3), metalli pesanti, particolato atmosferico (PM 2,5 e PM 10): cioè gas che hanno differenti reattività e capacità di diffondere su distanze lunghe o corte e inquinare estesi territori. L’aria della Lombardia, come di tutta la pianura padana, negli ultimi vent’anni è stata molto inquinata, ed ha indotto effetti sia acuti sia cronici sulla salute: da irritazioni respiratorie e gravi malattie cardiache e polmonari, a infezioni acute nei bambini e bronchiti croniche negli adulti, a leucemie e tumori, con mortalità prematura e ridotta speranza di vita. I dati della più accurata e recente ricerca scientifica, italiana e internazionale, mettono in guardia sulle principali conseguenze del respirare polveri sottili e smog. Il libro ne presenta in breve i meccanismi d’azione sulla popolazione, come pure su animali e piante in diverse zone lombarde

    Polymer-based electrochromic devices

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    Electrochromic phenomena related to p-doping-undoping process of thiophene-based polymers are briefly described. Electrochromic performance data of poly(2,2'-bithiophene) and poly(3-methylthiophene) polymers, electrosynthesized from 2,2'-bithiophene and 3-methylthiophene commercial products in optimized conditions, to evaluate the possibility of their use in electrochromic devices are surveyed, and the test results of a poly(3-methylthiophene)-based electrochromic device operating in transmissive mode with counter electrode optically passive are reported. Finally, electrochromic performance data of 3-methylthiophene polymers with "tailor-made" conjugation length through electrochemical polymerization of 3-methylthiophene dimers are reported and discussed. © 1992

    Dielectric Relaxation in PEO-MX Solid Electrolytes

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