13 research outputs found

    The cultivation of root and tuber crops in the Caribbean countries: Report on the 1985 workshop of the Caribbean collaborative agricultural research network

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    In July 1985 representatives from 16 countries and institutions of the Caribbean region met in Guadeloupe to define common regional problems for the further development of root crops (including cassava) in the area, evaluate the potential for development of these crops, and develop a program for regional network activities including research, exchange, training, and technology transfer. (CIAT)En julio de 1985 se reunieron en Guadalupe representantes de 16 paises y dependencias de la region del Caribe para definir los problemas regionales para un futuro desarrollo de los cultivos de raices (incluyendo yuca) en el Caribe, evaluar el potencial de desarrollo de estos cultivos y plantear un programa para las actividades de la red regional que incluyen investigacion, intercambio, capacitacion y transferencia de tecnologia. (CIAT

    Root and tuber crops in the Caribbean

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    The importance and production of root crops in 17 Caribbean countries are analyzed. Statistical data on the production and per capita production of the following root crops are given: yam, cassava, sweet potato, taro, cocoyam, and potato. Cassava is the major root crop grown (734,000 t in 1982-83), followed by sweet potato (551,000 t). Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Haiti are the largest cassava growing countries, and Cuba, Grenada, Haiti, and St. Vincent have the largest per capita production. Constraints to research, training, production, and utilization for each crop are discussed. Finally, the importance of a regional research network on root crops is stressed, its objectives are indicated, and possible project activities are listed. (CIAT)Se analizan la importancia y produccion de los cultivos de raices en 17 paises caribenos. Se presentan datos estadisticos de produccion y produccion per capita para los principales cultivos: name, yuca, batata, malangay, ocumo y papa. La yuca es el cultivo de mayor produccion (734,000 t en 1982-83), seguido de la batata (551,000 t). Cuba, Republica Dominicana y Haiti son los mayores paises productores de yuca y Cuba, Granada, Haiti y San Vicente presentan los mayores valores de produccion per capita. Se discuten las limitaciones de la investigacion, capacitacion, produccion y utilizacion de cada cultivo. Finalmente, se resalta la importancia de una red regional de investigacion sobre cultivos de raices tropicales, se indican sus objetivos y se presentan los proyectos de actividad propuestos para la misma. (CIAT


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    Gibberellic acid (GA ) may be used to prolong dormancy in yams, D. alata and thus extend the shelf-life of treated tubers. The feasibility of using this treatment commercially, was assessed by comparing the break even cost of treated tubers with the average retail price. Three GA3 treatments: SO ppm for 24 hours, 100 ppm for 21 hours and 500 ppm for 9 hours. and two treatment dates: January and April, were considered. The most economic an practical treatment was found to be 100 ppm GA3 for 21 hours, applied in April. This treatment resulted In an extension of dormancy for 10 weeks, and the tubers were available until July. ----- Fstudios hechos en Trinidad han demostrado que el acido gibberellico GA3, prol?nga el perfodo de in~~tividad en tuberculos de D. alata por lOa 17 semanas, dependiendo del tiempo del tratarnrento y la concentracion de .GA3 usada. Aqu( se discute el resultado de tratar !fames en enero y abril, Un an1lisis breve del eosto del. trata.m..~nto dernuestra que serra econdrnicarnente factible tratar tuberculos con 100 ppm GA3 para prolongar su disponibilidad por 10 semanas mas

    Effect of soil compaction on leaf number and area, and tuber yield of White Lisbon yam

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    Meeting: International Society for Tropical Root Crops Symposium, 4th, 1-7 Aug. 1976, Cali, COIn IDL-133

    Root and tuber crop programs at the University of the West Indies

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    Research work on root crops (yam, sweet potato, cassava, potato, and aroids, in particular, cocoyam), carried out by the Faculty of Agriculture of the U. of West Indies, is summarized. Regarding cassava, the major achievements have been the identification of factors limiting its development in the region, the understanding of its growth mechanisms, selection, development, and release of cv., development of improved systems for mechanization, quantification of yield performance on different soil types, studies on the dormancy mechanism in root crops, and development of packages of cultural practices. Outreach and training activities are mentioned, and proposals for research activities on root crops are given. (CIAT)Se resume el trabajo llevado a cabo sobre cultivos de raices (name, batata, yuca, papa y aroides, particularmente ocumo) por la Facultad de Agricultura de la U. de West Indies. En relacion con yuca, los mayores logros han sido la identificacion de las limitaciones al desarrollo de su cultivo en la region, el entendimiento de sus mecanismos de crecimiento; la seleccion, desarrollo y vulgarizacion de cv.; la creacion de sistemas mejorados para la mecanizacion de la produccion de cultivos de raices; la cuantificacion del rendimiento de la yuca en diferentes tipos de suelo; estudio sobre el mecanismo de letargo en cultivos de raices; y el desarrollo de paquetes de practicas culturales. Se mencionan las actividades de cooperacion internacional y de capacitacion, y se presentan las propuestas para las actividades de investigacion sobre cultivos de raices. (CIAT

    Growth and flowering behavior of four cassava genotypes in two soil types and locations in southern Nigeria

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    Flower initiation in some plant species is associated with the physical and chemical soil characteristics such as the availability of certain mineral elements and soil moisture status. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of soil physicochemical traits on the differential flowering and growth habits of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Three trials were established at two locations, Ibadan and Ubiaja in southern Nigeria, on two soil types, sandy loam (Ferric Luvisols, Ibadan) and loamy sand (Dystric Nitisol, Ubiaja) soils at different planting times. Four genotypes, TMEI and TME2 (local landraces and shy flowering) and TMS 30555 and TMS 91934 (improved and profusely flowering) were compared. Plant growth, days to branching, branching events, days to flowering, and flowering events were better for all genotypes in Ubiaja soil than in Ibadan soil. However, soil type alone did not explain the differential flowering behaviour of shy and profuse flowering genotypes. Flowering behaviour supported the multifactorial flower induction theory where soil characteristics were, but one, of the interacting modulating climatic factors determining flowering

    Morphological changes in cassava as affected by leaf vegetable picking

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    There were many reports of shoot removal on yield of tuberous in cassava. However very little plant physiology research has been done to verify the cause of such yield reduction. The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of time of first hoot removal on the growth and development of cassava varieties. A field trial was established on a sandy soil at IITA, Nigeria.Ha diversos resultados sobre a influencia negative da remocao dos rebentos no remindimento das raizes tuberosas da mandioca.noentanto,mutio pouco tem sido feito para verificar as causas dessas reduces no rendimento. O objective deste estudo foi ode investigar o effeito da epoca em que a primeira remocao do rebento e feita, no crescimento e desenvolvimento de duas variedades melhoradas de mandioca. Foi estabelecido um ensaio de campo em solos arenosos no IITA, Nigeria.Il ya plusieurs rapports sur l'influence negative de la recolre desfeuiles sur le rendement en raciness tubereuses du manioc, pourtant, peu de recherché a ete effecruee sur la physiologie de la plante pour elucider la cause de chute de rendement. Les objectifs de cette etude etaient d'etudier les effets du temps de la premiere recolte de la partie sommitale de la tige sur la croissance et le developpement des varieties de manioc. Un essai etait etabli sur un sol sablonneux a I'TTA, Nigeria

    Effect of time to first shoot removal and the amount of shoots removed on the yield and quality of cassava leaves and tubers

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    The effect of time to first shoot removal and the amount of shoots removed on the yield and quality of cassava leaves and tubers were investigated in two experiments carried out at IITA, Nigeria using two cassava varieties, TMS 30572 and TMS 91934. Four different times to first shoot removal, 8, 14, 20, and 52 weeks after planting (WAP), i.e. SR8, SR14, SR20, and SR52, and five different amounts of shoot harvested: no shoot removed, tip only, tip and two fully developed leaves, tip and five fully developed leaves, and plucking the youngest leaves, excluding the apical shoot (SR1, SR2, SR3, SR4, and SR5), were imposed at 8 WAP and repeated after every 8 weeks for 52 weeks. The time to first shoot removal and the amount of shoots removed did not affect the tuber yield of the two cassava varieties. Detopping starting at 14 WAP (SR14) and repeated at an interval of 8 weeks gave the highest fresh shoot for vegetable. Plucking of a high proportion of older leaves (SR5) had a higher HCN concentration than the other shoot removal treatments. Leaf Ca concentration increased with an increase in proportion of fully developed leaves harvested while the crude protein and P concentrations decreased