1,896 research outputs found

    A simple approach for monitoring business service time variation.

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    Control charts are effective tools for signal detection in both manufacturing processes and service processes. Much of the data in service industries comes from processes having nonnormal or unknown distributions. The commonly used Shewhart variable control charts, which depend heavily on the normality assumption, are not appropriately used here. In this paper, we propose a new asymmetric EWMA variance chart (EWMA-AV chart) and an asymmetric EWMA mean chart (EWMA-AM chart) based on two simple statistics to monitor process variance and mean shifts simultaneously. Further, we explore the sampling properties of the new monitoring statistics and calculate the average run lengths when using both the EWMA-AV chart and the EWMA-AM chart. The performance of the EWMA-AV and EWMA-AM charts and that of some existing variance and mean charts are compared. A numerical example involving nonnormal service times from the service system of a bank branch in Taiwan is used to illustrate the applications of the EWMA-AV and EWMA-AM charts and to compare them with the existing variance (or standard deviation) and mean charts. The proposed EWMA-AV chart and EWMA-AM charts show superior detection performance compared to the existing variance and mean charts. The EWMA-AV chart and EWMA-AM chart are thus recommended

    ALP-enigma protein ALP-1 functions in actin filament organization to promote muscle structural integrity in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Journal ArticleMutations that affect the Z-disk-associated ALP-Enigma proteins have been linked to human muscular and cardiac diseases. Despite their clear physiological significance for human health, the mechanism of action of ALP-Enigma proteins is largely unknown. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the ALP-Enigma protein family is encoded by a single gene, alp-1; thus C. elegans provides an excellent model to study ALP-Enigma function. Here we present a molecular and genetic analysis of ALP-Enigma function in C. elegans

    Optical phonon scattering and theory of magneto-polarons in a quantum cascade laser in a strong magnetic field

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    We report a theoretical study of the carrier relaxation in a quantum cascade laser (QCL) subjected to a strong magnetic field. Both the alloy (GaInAs) disorder effects and the Frohlich interaction are taken into account when the electron energy differences are tuned to the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy. In the weak electron-phonon coupling regime, a Fermi's golden rule computation of LO phonon scattering rates shows a very fast non-radiative relaxation channel for the alloy broadened Landau levels (LL's). In the strong electron-phonon coupling regime, we use a magneto-polaron formalism and compute the electron survival probabilities in the upper LL's with including increasing numbers of LO phonon modes for a large number of alloy disorder configurations. Our results predict a nonexponential decay of the upper level population once electrons are injected in this state.Comment: 10 pages, 23 figure

    Metal-to-semiconductor transition in squashed armchair carbon nanotubes

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    We investigate electronic transport properties of the squashed armchair carbon nanotubes, using tight-binding molecular dynamics and Green's function method. We demonstrate a metal-to-semiconductor transistion while squashing the nanotubes and a general mechanism for such transistion. It is the distinction of the two sublattices in the nanotube that opens an energy gap near the Fermi energy. We show that the transition has to be achieved by a combined effect of breaking of mirror symmetry and bond formation between the flattened faces in the squashed nanotubes.Comment: 4 papges, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    RNA polymerase V-dependent small RNAs in Arabidopsis originate from small, intergenic loci including most SINE repeats.

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    In plants, heterochromatin is maintained by a small RNA-based gene silencing mechanism known as RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM). RdDM requires the non-redundant functions of two plant-specific DNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RNAP), RNAP IV and RNAP V. RNAP IV plays a major role in siRNA biogenesis, while RNAP V may recruit DNA methylation machinery to target endogenous loci for silencing. Although small RNA-generating regions that are dependent on both RNAP IV and RNAP V have been identified previously, the genomic loci targeted by RNAP V for siRNA accumulation and silencing have not been described extensively. To characterize the RNAP V-dependent, heterochromatic siRNA-generating regions in the Arabidopsis genome, we deeply sequenced the small RNA populations of wild-type and RNAP V null mutant (nrpe1) plants. Our results showed that RNAP V-dependent siRNA-generating loci are associated predominately with short repetitive sequences in intergenic regions. Suppression of small RNA production from short repetitive sequences was also prominent in RdDM mutants including dms4, drd1, dms3 and rdm1, reflecting the known association of these RdDM effectors with RNAP V. The genomic regions targeted by RNAP V were small, with an estimated average length of 238 bp. Our results suggest that RNAP V affects siRNA production from genomic loci with features dissimilar to known RNAP IV-dependent loci. RNAP V, along with RNAP IV and DRM1/2, may target and silence a set of small, intergenic transposable elements located in dispersed genomic regions for silencing. Silencing at these loci may be actively reinforced by RdDM

    Direct measurement of a pure spin current by a polarized light beam

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    The photon helicity may be mapped to a spin-1/2, whereby we put forward an intrinsic interaction between a polarized light beam as a ``photon spin current'' and a pure spin current in a semiconductor, which arises from the spin-orbit coupling in valence bands as a pure relativity effect without involving the Rashba or the Dresselhaus effect due to inversion asymmetries. The interaction leads to circular optical birefringence, which is similar to the Faraday rotation in magneto-optics but nevertheless involve no net magnetization. The birefringence effect provide a direct, non-demolition measurement of pure spin currents.Comment: Erratum version to [Physical Review Letter 100, 086603 (2008)

    Dynamic Fano Resonance of Quasienergy Excitons in Superlattices

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    The dynamic Fano resonance (DFR) between discrete quasienergy excitons and sidebands of their ionization continua is predicted and investigated in dc- and ac-driven semiconductor superlattices. This DFR, well controlled by the ac field, delocalizes the excitons and opens an intrinsic decay channel in nonlinear four-wave mixing signals.Comment: 4pages, 4figure
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