5,644 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Detail Engineering Design (DED) Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi (IPL) TPA Regional Kota Surakarta, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, dan Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Abstrak TPA di Kota Surakarta, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, dan Kabupaten Karanganyar diperkirakan sudah hampir mencapai batas umur dan masih dioperasikan secara open dumping. Perencanaan pembangunan TPA Regional dengan sistem sanitary landfill dan disertai instalasi pengolahan lindi merupakan salah satu cara untuk menggantikan peran TPA sebelumnya. Dengan adanya pembangunan instalasi pengolahan lindi, air lindi dapat diolah terlebih dahulu sehingga tidak mencemari lingkungan sekitar. Untuk membangun instalasi pengolahan lindi memerlukan beberapa tahap, antara lain: 1) Menentukan debit lindi untuk mengetahui volume lindi dari pengolahan yang dibutuhkan. 2) Menentukan alternatif terpilih dari unit pengolahan lindi. 3) Mendesain dan membangun pengolahan lindi serta perhitungan biaya (RAB). Unit pengolahan lindi harus dapat menghasilkan karakteristik lindi yang memenuhi baku mutu berdasarkan Peraturan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum No. 3 Tahun 2013. Hasil perencanaan debit lindi menunjukkan bahwa debit sebesar 45 m3/hari. Instalasi pengolahan lindi terdiri dari kolam anaerobik, aerated lagoons, kolam sedimentasi, dan wetland. Anggaran untuk membangun instalasi pengolahan lindi sebesar Rp 2.391.275.193,00. Kata kunci: lindi, karakteristik lindi, unit pengolahan lindi   Abstract Landfill in Surakarta, Sukoharjo, and Karanganyar regencies are estimated to have reached the age limit and are still operated in open dumping. Planning of Regional Landfill Development with sanitary landfill system and accompanied by leachate processing installation is one way to replace the previous landfill role. With the construction of leachate treatment plant, leachate water can be processed first so as not to pollute the surrounding environment. To build leachate processing installation requires several stages, the steps are: 1) Determine the leachate discharge to determine leachate volume of the required processing. 2) Determine the selected alternative from the leachate treatment unit. 3) Design and build leachate processing and cost calculation. Leachate processing unit should be able to produce leachate characteristics that meet the quality standard based on Peraturan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum No. 3 Year 2013. The leachate discharge planning results show that the discharge is 45 m3/day. Leachate treatment plant consists of anaerobic pond, aerated lagoons, sedimentation pond, and wetland. Budget to build leachate treatment plant is Rp 2,391,275,193.00. Keywords: leachate, the caracteristics of leachate, leachate treatment uni

    Expanding solitons with non-negative curvature operator coming out of cones

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    We consider Ricci flow of complete Riemannian manifolds which have bounded non-negative curvature operator, non-zero asymptotic volume ratio and no boundary. We prove scale invariant estimates for these solutions. Using these estimates, we show that there is a limit solution, obtained by scaling down this solution at a fixed point in space. This limit solution is an expanding soliton coming out of the asymptotic cone at infinity.Comment: v.2. Added some missing references and made some minor rearrangements.14 page

    On the regularity of Ricci flows coming out of metric spaces

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    We consider smooth, not necessarily complete, Ricci flows, (M,g(t))t(0,T)(M,g(t))_{t\in (0,T)} with Ric(g(t))1{\mathrm{Ric}}(g(t)) \geq -1 and Rm(g(t))c/t| {\mathrm{Rm}} (g(t))| \leq c/t for all t(0,T)t\in (0 ,T) coming out of metric spaces (M,d0)(M,d_0) in the sense that (M,d(g(t)),x0)(M,d0,x0)(M,d(g(t)), x_0) \to (M,d_0, x_0) as t0t\searrow 0 in the pointed Gromov-Hausdorff sense. In the case that Bg(t)(x0,1)MB_{g(t)}(x_0,1) \Subset M for all t(0,T)t\in (0,T) and d0d_0 is generated by a smooth Riemannian metric in distance coordinates, we show using Ricci-harmonic map heat flow, that there is a corresponding smooth solution g~(t)t(0,T)\tilde g(t)_{t\in (0,T)} to the δ\delta-Ricci-DeTurck flow on an Euclidean ball Br(p0)Rn{\mathbb B}_{r}(p_0) \subset {\mathbb R}^n, which can be extended to a smooth solution defined for t[0,T)t \in [0,T). We further show, that this implies that the original solution gg can be extended to a smooth solution on Bd0(x0,r/2)B_{d_0}(x_0,r/2) for t[0,T)t\in [0,T), in view of the method of Hamilton.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. Journal version, to appear in JEMS. This version contains a small number of extra clarifications and explanations, partly resulting from comments of the referee

    An introduction to operational quantum dynamics

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    In the summer of 2016, physicists gathered in Torun, Poland for the 48th annual Symposium on Mathematical Physics. This Symposium was special; it celebrated the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation, which is widely used in quantum physics and quantum chemistry. This article forms part of a Special Volume of the journal Open Systems & Information Dynamics arising from that conference; and it aims to celebrate a related discovery -- also by Sudarshan -- that of Quantum Maps (which had their 55th anniversary in the same year). Nowadays, much like the master equation, quantum maps are ubiquitous in physics and chemistry. Their importance in quantum information and related fields cannot be overstated. In this manuscript, we motivate quantum maps from a tomographic perspective, and derive their well-known representations. We then dive into the murky world beyond these maps, where recent research has yielded their generalisation to non-Markovian quantum processes.Comment: Submitted to Special OSID volume "40 years of GKLS

    Stability of hyperbolic space under Ricci flow

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    We study the Ricci flow of initial metrics which are C^0-perturbations of the hyperbolic metric on H^n. If the perturbation is bounded in the L^2-sense, and small enough in the C^0-sense, then we show the following: In dimensions four and higher, the scaled Ricci harmonic map heat flow of such a metric converges smoothly, uniformly and exponentially fast in all C^k-norms and in the L^2-norm to the hyperbolic metric as time approaches infinity. We also prove a related result for the Ricci flow and for the two-dimensional conformal Ricci flow.Comment: 18 page

    Artificial intelligence in the news: how AI retools, rationalizes, and reshapes journalism and the public arena

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    Despite growing interest, the effects of AI on the news industry and our information environment — the public arena — remain poorly understood. Insufficient attention has also been paid to the implications of the news industry’s dependence on technology companies for AI. Drawing on 134 interviews with news workers at 35 news organizations in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany — including outlets such as The Guardian, Bayerischer Rundfunk, the Washington Post, The Sun, and the Financial Times — and 36 international experts from industry, academia, technology, and policy, this report examines the use of AI across editorial, commercial, and technological domains with an eye to the structural implications of AI in news organizations for the public arena. In a second step, it considers how a retooling of the news through AI stands to reinforce news organizations’ existing dependency on the technology sector and the implications of this