39 research outputs found

    Variational formulation of the finite calculus equations in solid mechanics and diffusion-reaction problems

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    We present a variational formulation of the finite calculus (FIC) equations for problems in mechanics governed by differential equations with symmetric operators. Applications considered include solid mechanics, diffusion-transport and diffusion-reaction problems. The key of the variational formulation is the identification of the FIC governing equations with the classical differential equations of mechanics written in terms of modified non-local variables. A total potential energy (TPE) functional is found in terms of the modified variables. The FIC equations in the domain and the boundary are recovered as the Euler-Lagrange equations and the natural boundary condition of the TPE functional, respectively. Symmetric finite element equations are obtained after discretization of the TPE functional, therefore preserving the symmetry of the governing infinitesimal equations. The variational FIC expression is reinterpreted as a Petrov Galerkin weighted residual form of the original FIC equations with non-local weighting functions. The analogy of the variational FIC-FEM formulation with a discontinuous Galerkin method is recognized. Extensions to multidimensional linear elastostatics and diffusion-reaction problems are presented

    Nodally exact Ritz discretizations of 1D diffusion–absorption and Helmholtz equations by variational FIC and modified equation methods

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    This article presents the first application of the Finite Calculus (FIC) in a Ritz-FEM variational framework. FIC provides a steplength parametrization of mesh dimensions, which is used to modify the shape functions. This approach is applied to the FEM discretization of the steady-state, one-dimensional, diffusion–absorption and Helmholtz equations. Parametrized linear shape functions are directly inserted into a FIC functional. The resulting Ritz-FIC equations are symmetric and carry a element-level free parameter coming from the function modification process. Both constant- and variable-coefficient cases are studied. It is shown that the parameter can be used to produce nodally exact solutions for the constant coefficient case. The optimal value is found by matching the finite-order modified differential equation (FOMoDE) of the Ritz-FIC equations with the original field equation. The inclusion of the Ritz-FIC models in the context of templates is examined. This inclusion shows that there is an infinite number of nodally exact models for the constant coefficient case. The ingredients of these methods (FIC, Ritz, MoDE and templates) can be extended to multiple dimension

    Nodally exact Ritz discretizations of 1D diffusion–absorption and Helmholtz equations by variational FIC and modified equation methods

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    This article presents the first application of the Finite Calculus (FIC) in a Ritz-FEM variational framework. FIC provides a steplength parametrization of mesh dimensions, which is used to modify the shape functions. This approach is applied to the FEM discretization of the steady-state, one-dimensional, diffusion–absorption and Helmholtz equations. Parametrized linear shape functions are directly inserted into a FIC functional. The resulting Ritz-FIC equations are symmetric and carry a element-level free parameter coming from the function modification process. Both constant- and variable-coefficient cases are studied. It is shown that the parameter can be used to produce nodally exact solutions for the constant coefficient case. The optimal value is found by matching the finite-order modified differential equation (FOMoDE) of the Ritz-FIC equations with the original field equation. The inclusion of the Ritz-FIC models in the context of templates is examined. This inclusion shows that there is an infinite number of nodally exact models for the constant coefficient case. The ingredients of these methods (FIC, Ritz, MoDE and templates) can be extended to multiple dimension

    Principios variacionales parametrizados para elasticidad micropolar

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    Se presenta un principio variacional parametrizado de seis campos para elasticidad lineal micropolar. Los campos independientes son tensiones simétricas y antisimétricas, deformaciones simétricas y antisimétricas, rotaciones micropolares y desplazamientos. El funcional del principio se carac.teriza por seis parámetros libres. Se examina la conexión entre esta formulación y los funcionales con relajación de simetría de tensiones propuestas por Reissner y Hughes- Brezzi para elasticidad convencional. Se demuestra que los funcionales de Hughes-Brezzi son casos especiales del funcional parametrizado, pero los funcionales de Reissner no lo son. Los funcionales de Hughes-Brezzi pueden interpretarse como una regularización (estabilización consistente) de los funcionales de Reissner que coloca a éstos dentro del marco de elasticidad micropolar

    Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized lagrange multipliers

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    An efficient method for generating the mass matrix inverse is presented, which can be tailored to improve the accuracy of target frequency ranges and/or wave contents. The present method bypasses the use of biorthogonal construction of a kernel inverse mass matrix that requires special procedures for boundary conditions and free edges or surfaces, and constructs the free-free inverse mass matrix employing the standard FEM procedure. The various boundary conditions are realized by the method of localized Lagrange multipliers. Numerical experiments with the proposed inverse mass matrix method are carried out to validate the effectiveness proposed technique when applied to vibration analysis of bars and beams. A perfect agreement is found between the exact inverse of the mass matrix and its direct inverse computed through biorthogonal basis functions

    Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers

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    An efficient method for generating the mass matrix inverse of structural dynamic problems is presented, which can be tailored to improve the accuracy of target frequency ranges and/or wave contents. The present method bypasses the use of biorthogonal construction of a kernel inverse mass matrix that requires special procedures for boundary conditions and free edges or surfaces and constructs the free-free inverse mass matrix using the standard FEM procedure. The various boundary conditions are realized by the the method of localized Lagrange multipliers. In particular, the present paper constructs the kernel inverse matrix by using the standard FEM elemental mass matrices. It is shown that the accuracy of the present inverse mass matrix is almost identical to that of a conventional consistent mass matrix or a combination of lumped and consistent mass matrices. Numerical experiments with the proposed inverse mass matrix are conducted to validate its effectiveness when applied to vibration analysis of bars, beams, and plain stress problems.Centre of Excellence for nonlinear dynamic behavior of advanced materialsin engineering CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/000049