6 research outputs found

    Structural Chromosomal Alterations In Hyla Albopunctata And Aplastodiscus Perviridis (anura, Hylidae) From The Morro Do Ferro Region Of Minas Gerais

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    Metaphase chromosomes were analyzed in Aplastodiscus perviridis from the locations: Morro do Ferro (MG), Serra da Bocaina (SP), Botucatu (SP), and in Hyla albopunctata found at: Morro do Ferro, Botucatu, and Campinas (SP). A significant quantity of metaphases with structural alterations were found in the Morro do Ferro population. These alterations were classified as: decondensation, condensation, breaks, gaps, deletions and acentric fragments. Breaks, deletions and fragments were the most frequent alterations and a great number of these occurred near centromeric heterochromatin. The frequency of altered metaphases varied among individuals in all populations studied. The majority of the alterations can probably be attributed to the high level of natural radiation at Morro do Ferro.18219119

    Comparative Ultrastructural Analysis Of Different Regions Of Two Digital Flexor Tendons Of Pigs

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    Tendons are parallel arrays of collagenous fibers which are specialized in resisting and transmitting tensile forces. In this work we examined the structure of the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) and the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) of pigs, which are considered "wrap around" tendons and so receive compression and tension forces. In both tendons, fibrocartilaginous areas were observed in the regions subjected to compression plus frictional loading. Histological and ultrastructural analyses of the tensional region showed an extracellular matrix (ECM) rich in collagen bundles, that were all arranged in the same direction. Fibroblasts were seen closely associated with the collagen bundles. Chondrocyte-like cells and high levels of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were observed in the compressional regions. The collagen bundles in the compressional region were arranged in several directions and were associated with proteoglycans (PGs). The crimp pattern detected in the tensional region showed that the collagen fibrils were ordered aggregates which formed helical superstructures. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.376518525Benjamin, M., Evans, E.J., Fibrocartilage (1990) J. Anat., 171, pp. 1-15Benjamin, M., Ralphs, J.R., Fibrocartilage in tendons and ligaments-an adaptation to compressive load (1998) J. Anat., 193, pp. 481-494Birk, D.E., Southern, J.F., Zycband, E.I., Fallon, J.T., Trelstad, R.L., Collagen fibril bundles: a branching assembly unit in tendon morphogenesis (1989) Development, 107, pp. 437-443Carvalho, H.F., Vidal, B.C., The unique arrangement of the bullfrog pressure-bearing tendon as an indicative of great deformability (1994) Biol. Cell, 82 (1), pp. 59-65Carvalho, H.F., Vidal, B.C., Structure and histochemistry of a pressure-bearing tendon of the frog (1994) Ann. 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