54 research outputs found

    Sidewalk Management - ADA Issues in Indiana

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    Operation of Off-Street and On-Street Parking Facilities

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    Site Impact Traffic Analysis

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    The dynamics of liquid slugs forced by a syringe pump

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    Microfluidic processes for chemical synthesis have become popular in recent years. The small scale of the chemical reactions promise greater control over reaction conditions and more timely creation of products. The small scale of microfluidics poses its own set of problems, however. At the microscale, the dominant fluid forces are viscous resistance and surface tension. The effects of viscosity and scale reduce the Reynolds number and make mixing difficult. Much work has been done to control mixing at the microscale. This problem is concerned with a different microfluidic problem: delivering reactants to the site of reaction. A common setup is to attach syringes full of reactant to a reaction chamber by narrow hydrophobic tubing. Using a stepper motor, a controlled dose of liquid may be injected into the tube. The hydrophobosity causes the dose to curve outward on the sides, becoming a "slug" of reactant with air in front and behind. The syringe at the rear is then switched for one full of air, and air pressure is used to drive the slug to the reaction site. If too much pressure is applied, the slug will arrive with a significant back pressure that will be relieved through bubbling in the reaction site. This causes the formation of a foam and is highly undesirable. We present a simple model based on Boyle’s law for the motion of a slug through a tube. We then extend this model for trains of slugs separated by air bubbles. Last, we consider the case of a flooded reaction site, where the forward air bubble must be pushed through the flooding liquid. In conclusion, we have determined the dynamics of a single slug moving towards an empty reaction chamber giving the final equilibrium position of the slug. A phase-plane analysis then determined a condition on the size of the slug needed to ensure that it comes to rest without oscillating about the equilibrium position. The effect of a flooded reaction chamber was then considered. In this case it is impossible to avoid bubbling due to the design of the device. We found that it is possible, however, to reduce the bubbling by minimising the back pressure behind the slug. Finally, the dynamics of multiple slugs with or without a flooded reaction chamber has been investigated

    Crafting Craft Beer Brands: An Examination of identity, Community, and Growth in Orlando Area Craft Breweries

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    Beer is a commodity that has been produced and consumed by humans for millennia. Within the U.S., the craft beer industry has grown considerably over the last decade, accounting for 19% of all beers sales in 2014. Despite this increased market presence, craft beer marketing and production has received little anthropological consideration. To address this dearth of case studies, I consider the local craft brewery scene, or area of activity, in Orlando Florida. My 2016 ethnographic research reveals that the local craft brewery scene exhibits both variation in identity and community locations. Interactions among breweries present opportunities for local breweries to build and grow their brands. Collected data elucidate the choices and decisions that craft brewery operators consider when producing beer, developing facilities, and promoting their beers and brand images. I conclude that the breweries create brand identity and grow their customer base and distribution through planned decisions as well as reactionary choices based on outside events. Such considerations are relevant for understanding the formation of a business\u27s identity and brand identity while producing a craftwork product, as well the communities of each brewery interact with communities outside of the specific scene

    Laboratory and theoretical studies of baroclinic processes

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    An understanding is being developed for processes which may be important in the atmosphere, and the definition and analysis of baroclinic experiments utilizing the geophysical fluid flow cells (GFFC) apparatus in microgravity space flights. Included are studies using numerical codes, theoretical models, and terrestrial laboratory experiments. The numerical modeling is performed in three stages: calculation of steady axisymmetric flow, calculation of fastest-growing linear eigenmodes, and nonlinear effects (first, wave-mean flow interactions, then wave-wave interactions). The code can accommodate cylindrical, spherical, or channel geometry. It uses finite differences in the vertical and meridional directions, and is spectral in the azimuthal. The theoretical work was mostly in the area of effects of topography upon the baroclinic instability problem. The laboratory experiments are performed in a cylindrical annulus which has a temperture gradient imposed upon the lower surface and an approximately isothermal outer wall, with the upper and inner surfaces being nominally thermally insulating

    Compact Modeling for a Double Gate MOSFET

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    MOSFETs (metal-oxide-silicon field-effect transistors) are an integral part of modern electronics. Improved designs are currently under investigation, and one that is promising is the double gate MOSFET. Understanding device characteristics is critical for the design of MOSFETs as part of design tools for integrated circuits such as SPICE. Current methods involve the numerical solution of PDEs governing electron transport. Numerical solutions are accurate, but do not provide an appropriate way to optimize the design of the device, nor are they suitable for use in chip simulation software such as SPICE. As chips contain more and more transistors, this problem will get more and more acute. There is hence a need for analytic solutions of the equations governing the performance of MOSFETs, even if these are approximate. Almost all solutions in the literature treat the long-channel case (thin devices) for which the PDEs reduce to ODEs. The goal of this problem is to produce analytical solutions based on the underlying PDEs that are rapid to compute (e.g. require solving only a small number of algebraic equations rather than systems of PDEs). Guided by asymptotic analysis, a fast numerical procedure has been developed to obtain approximate solutions of the governing PDEs governing MOSFET properties, namely electron density, Fermi potential and electrostatic potential. The approach depends on the channel’s being long enough, and appears accurate in this limit

    Spot-on: Safe Fuel/Air Compression

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    The emission of fuel vapors into the atmosphere from underground storage tanks at filling stations is a common occurrence in many parts the world. The conditions of the vapor in the tanks vary significantly over a 24 hour period such that evaporation and excess air ingestion during the refueling process can cause tank over pressurization and subsequent emissions. At other times during a 24 hour cycle, pressures can fall below atmospheric pressure. The state of California has recognized this emissions problem and has enacted regulations to address it. Due to these low-emission environmental requirements in California, solutions must be implemented that do not entail release of these vapors into the atmosphere. One solution requires that the vapors fill a balloon during the appropriate times. However, the size of the balloon at typical inflation rates requires a significant amount of physical space (approximately 1000-2000 liters), which may not necessarily be available at filling stations in urban areas. Veeder-Root has a patent pending for a system to compress the vapors that are released to a 10:1 ratio, store this compressed vapor in a small storage tank, and then return the vapors to the original underground fuel tank when the conditions are thermodynamically appropriate (see Figure 1 for the schematic representation of this system). The limitation of the compressor, however, is that the compression phase must take place below the ignition temperature of the vapor. For a 10:1 compression ratio, however, the adiabatic temperature rise of a vapor would be above the ignition temperature. Mathematical modeling is necessary here to estimate the performance of the compressor, and to suggest paths in design for improvement. This report starts with a mathematical formulation of an ideal compressor, and uses the anticipated geometry of the compressor to state a simplified set of partial differential equations. The adiabatic case is then considered, assuming that the temporary storage tank is kept at a constant temperature. Next, the heat transfer from the compression chamber through the compressor walls is incorporated into the model. Finally, we consider the case near the valve wall, which is subject to the maximum temperature rise over the estimated 10,000 cycles that will be necessary for the process to occur. We find that for adiabatic conditions, there is a hot spot close to the wall where the vapor temperature can exceed the wall temperature. Lastly, we discuss the implications of our analysis, and its limitations
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