107 research outputs found

    Real Presence Imaged in Friendship

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    This reflection is aimed at considering another way of looking at the Sacrament of the Eucharist through the Christian belief of what it means to be truly human. Understanding humans as symbol-making beings allow us to consider relationship or friendship as a basic sacrament of God’s saving presence. Humans need a greater awareness of humanness, to wake up and know what is going on

    Evaluation of cardiovascular effects of edible fruits of Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae (L) skeels in rats

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    Purpose: To evaluate the hypotensive, vasorelaxant and antihypertensive effects elicited by the hydroalcohol extract from the fruits of Syzygium cumini (EHSCF) in non-anesthetized rats.Methods: The rats were anesthetized and polyethylene catheters were inserted into the lower abdominal aorta and into the inferior vena cava for blood pressure measurements and administration of drugs. After a recovery period of 24 h, EHSCF (0.5; 1; 5; 10; 20 and 30 mg/kg, i.v.) was administered in non-anesthetized rats. The mean arterial pressure and the heart rate were recorded. To investigate the effects of extract, doses EHSCF were administered after pretreatment with L-NAME, atropine, indomethacin, and hexamethonium. For measurement of isometric tension, a concentration-response curve was obtained after Phenylephrine and KCl (80 mM) pre-contractions. The bioactive extract was analyzed via mass spectrometry (MS) fingerprinting using direct electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS).Results: EHSCF (0.5; 1; 5; 10; 20 and 30 mg/kg) induced hypotension (-15 ± 1, -14 ± 1, -15 ± 1, -13 ± 1, -11 ± 1 and -13 ± 2 %) and bradycardia (-6 ± 1, -5 ± 1, -6 ± 1, -14 ± 1, -8 ± 1 and -10 ± 2 %) in normotensive rats. These responses were attenuated by pre-treatment with L-NAME, indomethacin, hexamethonium or atropine. In phenylephrine, pre-contracted mesenteric rings, EHSCF-induced relaxation (Emax = 54.6 ± 4.5 % and pD2 = 2.7 ± 0.1) that were affected by endothelium removal. EHSCF caused relaxant effect of KCl (80 mM) pre-contracted rings (Emax = 100 ± 0.2 % and pD2 = 2.2 ± 0.1). This effect was not changed in denuded rings. A single oral administration of the extract reduced significant mean arterial pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. ESI-MS/MS analyses of EHSCF demonstrated that the major constituents of the analyzed samples coincided with the mass of the malic, gallic, caffeic and ferulic acids.Conclusion: The results suggest that EHSCF induces hypotension probably due to a decrease in peripheral resistance, mediated by the endothelium. Bradycardia may be due to indirect cardiac muscarinic activation. The extract also causes an antihypertensive effect.Keywords: Antihypertensive, Edible fruits, Hypotension, Syzygium cumini, Vasorelaxatio

    Glycosylation and immunocytochemistry of binucleate cells in pronghorn (Antilocapra americana, Antilocapridae) show features of both Giraffidae and Bovidae

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    Although the pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) resembles an antelope, its nearest relatives are the giraffe and okapi. In this study we have examined the placentae of 6 pronghorns using lectin- and immunocytochemistry to identify giraffid and bovid features. Binucleate cells (BNC) of the placenta exhibited features intermediate between those of the giraffe and bovine; Dolichos biflorus agglutinin binding – strong in the bovine BNC and absent in the giraffe – was evident in only a subpopulation of BNC while binding to blood vessels, as in the giraffe. Binding of Phytolacca americana agglutinin resembled that of the giraffe and okapi whereas many other glycans were found in all four clades. PAG antigens were similar to bovine and okapi but not giraffe. In summary, although the pronghorn outwardly resembles an antelope, placental BNC show giraffid features. Although each clade has its own individual characteristics, there are far more similarities than differences between them, emphasizing the common ancestry of all four clades

    Past Achievements and Future Challenges in 3D Photonic Metamaterials

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    Photonic metamaterials are man-made structures composed of tailored micro- or nanostructured metallo-dielectric sub-wavelength building blocks that are densely packed into an effective material. This deceptively simple, yet powerful, truly revolutionary concept allows for achieving novel, unusual, and sometimes even unheard-of optical properties, such as magnetism at optical frequencies, negative refractive indices, large positive refractive indices, zero reflection via impedance matching, perfect absorption, giant circular dichroism, or enhanced nonlinear optical properties. Possible applications of metamaterials comprise ultrahigh-resolution imaging systems, compact polarization optics, and cloaking devices. This review describes the experimental progress recently made fabricating three-dimensional metamaterial structures and discusses some remaining future challenges

    Hypothyroidism in utero\textit{in utero} stimulates pancreatic beta cell proliferation and hyperinsulinaemia in the ovine fetus during late gestation

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    Development of pancreatic beta cell mass before birth is essential for normal growth of the fetus and for long-term control of carbohydrate metabolism in postnatal life. Thyroid hormones are also important regulators of fetal growth, and the present study tested the hypotheses that thyroid hormones promote beta cell proliferation in the fetal ovine pancreatic islets, and that growth retardation in hypothyroid fetal sheep is associated with reductions in pancreatic beta cell mass and circulating insulin concentration in utero\textit{in utero}. Organ growth and pancreatic islet cell proliferation and mass were examined in sheep fetuses following removal of the thyroid gland in utero. The effects of triiodothyronine (T3_{3}), insulin and leptin on beta cell proliferation rates were determined in isolated fetal ovine pancreatic islets in vitro\textit{in vitro}. Hypothyroidism in the sheep fetus resulted in an asymmetric pattern of organ growth, pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia, and elevated plasma insulin and leptin concentrations. In pancreatic islets isolated from intact fetal sheep, beta cell proliferation in vitro\textit{in vitro} was reduced by T3_{3} in a dose-dependent manner and increased by insulin at high concentrations only. Leptin induced a bimodal response whereby beta cell proliferation was suppressed at the lowest, and increased at the highest, concentrations. Therefore, proliferation of beta cells isolated from the ovine fetal pancreas is sensitive to physiological concentrations of T3_{3}, insulin and leptin. Alterations in these hormones may be responsible for the increased beta cell proliferation and mass observed in the hypothyroid sheep fetus and may have consequences for pancreatic function in later life.The project was funded in part by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/HO1697X/1). S.E.H. was supported by a Nigel Groome PhD Studentship at Oxford Brookes University. S.E.H. was awarded a practical skills grant from the Society for Endocrinology and a travel grant from the Physiological Society to fund work at the University of Arizona

    The use of zootherapeutics in folk veterinary medicine in the district of Cubati, Paraíba State, Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The present work addresses the use of zootherapy in folk veterinary medicine (ethnoveterinary) by the residents of the municipal district of Cubati, microregion of Seridó, Paraíba State, Brazil. It sought to identify the principal animals used as medicinal sources for zootherapeutics and to contribute to the preservation and sustainability of this traditional knowledge.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Field research was undertaken on a weekly or biweekly basis during the period November, 2006, to January, 2007. Free, semi-structured, and open interviews were made with local residents of the municipal district of Cubati (in both urban and rural settings) as well as with venders in public markets. A total of 25 individuals of both sexes were interviewed (with ages varying from 26 to 78 years) although only 16 were finally chosen as informants as these people demonstrated the greatest degree of knowledge concerning zootherapeutics. Graphs and percentages were generated using Microsoft<sup>© </sup>Excel 2007 software, and the species were identified by photographic registration and subsequent bibliographical surveys.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mammals constitute the main medicinal zootherapeutic source for folk veterinary medicines in the studied area, both in terms of the total number of species used and the frequency of their citation. Sheep (<it>Ovis aries</it>), pigs (<it>Sus scrofa</it>), cattle (<it>Bos taurus</it>), and foxes (<it>Cerdocyon thous</it>) were mentioned by 62.5, 43.75, 37.5, and 31.25% of the informants, respectively, as being used in folk veterinary medicine. Additionally, chameleons (<it>Iguana iguana</it>), chickens (<it>Gallus domesticus</it>), and rattlesnakes (<it>Crotalus durissus</it>) were mentioned by 75, 43.75, and 31.25% of the informants, respectively. Relatively simple animal illnesses, such as furuncles, or injuries resulting from embedded thorns or skin eruptions are responsible for the largest number of zootherapeutic treatment, while, diseases of greater complexity, such as rabies and brucellosis, were not even mentioned. Fat from various animals constituted the most frequently cited resource used for its medicinal-veterinary properties.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The examination of folk knowledge and health practices allows a better understanding of human interactions with their local environment, and aids in the formulation of appropriate strategies for natural resource conservation.</p

    Fauna used in popular medicine in Northeast Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Animal-based remedies constitute an integral part of Brazilian Traditional Medicine. Due to its long history, zootherapy has in fact become an integral part of folk medicine both in rural and urban areas of the country. In this paper we summarize current knowledge on zootherapeutic practices in Northeast of Brazil, based on information compiled from ethnobiological scientific literature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to examine the diversity of animals used in traditional medicine in Northeast of Brazil, all available references or reports of folk remedies based on animals sources were examined. 34 sources were analyzed. Only taxa that could be identified to species level were included in assessment of medicinal animal species. Scientific names provided in publications were updated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The review revealed that at least 250 animal species (178 vertebrates and 72 invertebrates) are used for medicinal purposes in Northeast of Brazil. The inventoried species comprise 10 taxonomic categories and belong to 141 Families. The groups with the greatest number of species were fishes (n = 58), mammals (n = 47) and reptiles (n = 37). The zootherapeutical products are used for the treatment of different illnesses. The most widely treated condition were asthma, rheumatism and sore throat, conditions, which had a wide variety of animals to treat them with. Many animals were used for the treatment of multiple ailments. Beyond the use for treating human diseases, zootherapeutical resources are also used in ethnoveterinary medicine</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of medicinal species catalogued was quite expressive and demonstrate the importance of zootherapy as alternative therapeutic in Northeast of Brazil. Although widely diffused throughout Brazil, zootherapeutic practices remain virtually unstudied. There is an urgent need to examine the ecological, cultural, social, and public health implications associated with fauna usage, including a full inventory of the animal species used for medicinal purposes and the socio-cultural context associated with their consumption.</p