307 research outputs found

    Amendments with organic and industrial wastes stimulate soil formation in mine tailings as revealed by micromorphology

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    Mine tailings are inhospitable to plants and soil organisms, because of low pH and poor soil organic matter contents. Vegetation establishment requires a soil system capable of supporting the nutrient and water requirements of plants and associated organisms. The objective of this study was to understand the influence of added organic and industrial wastes to the formation of soils in degraded landscapes left behind by past mining activities. Specifically, we stimulated the build up of soil organic matter (SOM) and the accumulation of calcite in mine tailing deposits. We amended field experimental plots with pig manure (PM), sewage sludge (SS) in combination with blanket application of marble wastes (MW). Soil samples were collected for physical and chemical analyses, two years after the addition of industrial wastes. Three years after amendments, we took undisturbed samples for micromorphological analysis. Soil pH increased from 2.7 to 7.4 due to dissolution of calcite from MW amendment. The acidity in tailings and low rainfall in the study area precipitated the secondary calcite as infillings within the 0-4 cm layer. Total organic carbon (TOC) increased from 0.86 to 2.5 g TOC kg − 1 soil after 24 months since the application of amendments. The build up of SOM resulted to stable SOM-calcite complex as dense incomplete infillings mixed with secondary calcite, and cappings on calcite particles from MW addition. These SOM cappings provide water and nutrient to support initial seedling establishment in mine tailings. We attribute the granular structure of amended materials to soil organisms (e.g., earthworm activity) involved in the decomposition of plant materials. We suggest that any organic matter amendments to acidic mine tailing deposits must be combined with calcium carbonate-rich materials to accelerate the build up of SOM to accelerate the establishment of functional ecosystem characterized by, among others, the presence of healthy soils with granular microstructure

    A Novel Rotor Topology for High-Performance Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding Interior Permanent Magnet Machine

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    This article presents a finite-element-based, multiobjective design optimization study of the fractional-slot, concentrated wound, permanent magnet synchronous machine (FSCW PMSM). Design objectives included maximization of efficiency, minimization of cost and low ripple without sacrificing torque density and wide constant power speed range. A large-scale optimization study revealed that while a V-type rotor provides high torque density, a spoke-type rotor has the benefit of low torque ripple. Quest for a design that can combine the goodness of both V-and spoke type rotors for an FSCW stator has led to a novel interior permanent magnet rotor topology referred here as Y-type. The goals of achieving maximum efficiency, minimum cost and wide CPSR were also accomplished in the proposed Y-type FSCW IPMSM. For experimental verification purpose, three fully optimized rotors-V-, spoke-and Y-type were constructed for a 12-slot/10-pole FSCW stator. Extensive experimental tests were conducted on three machines for a detailed comparison study. It will be shown that the proposed Y-type FSCW IPMSM outperforms both V and spoke-type configurations. A scaled-up version of the Y-type FSCW IPMSM shown to have satisfied many of the Freeedomcar 2020 targets, which is promising for application in electric vehicles

    Analysis of torque ripple of a spoke-type interior permanent magnet machine

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    This paper investigates the theoretical reasons behind the low torque ripple of a fractional-slot concentrated-winding (FSCW) spoke-type interior permanent-magnet (IPM) machine obtained via a genetic algorithm-based optimization. To better understand the torque performance of the IPMM, this paper uses the frozen permeability method to segregate the overall torque into four components-magnet torque, reluctance torque, cogging torque, and the torque caused by cross-magnetization. Equations and detailed procedures of the torque separation method are discussed in the paper. Analysis of the separated torque components reveals that the counteraction between ripples of different torques leads to the low torque ripple. At high-load conditions, the magnetic saturation alters the torque ripples caused by cross-magnetization to offset ripples of other components resulting in minimization of the overall torque ripple. A detailed parametric analysis of the geometric parameters was carried out to understand their effect in producing minimum torque ripple in the optimized design. In the end, a prototype was built and used for the verification of the torque separation method and the analytical findings based on it

    Environmental impact assessment of industrial activities on heavy metals distribution in street dust and soil

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    Street dust and soil are important materials for evaluating the contaminants level in industrial areas. Detailed size-resolved distribution of metal(loid)s in street dusts and soils influenced by industrial activities has rarely been investigated. This study was carried out to understand how industrialization might affect the size distribution of metal(loid)s concentration and contamination level in the street dust and soil from Murcia, southern Spain. An industrial and a natural areas were selected and surface soil and street dust samples were taken. They were fractionated into eleven size classes and total concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, As and Fe were determined in both the bulk samples and their fractions. Enrichment factor, geoaccumulation index, and mass loading of different heavy metal(loids) were calculated. The results indicated that the street dust from natural and industrial areas had almost the same particle size distribution, both containing higher percentage of coarse-sized particles than the soil. Industrialization seems to have only slightly affected the concentration of most elements studied in the soil. In contrast, the concentrations of the heavy elements in bulk industrial dust samples and all their size fractions were extremely higher than those from the natural area. This means that the industrial activities only affected the size dependency of the concentration (contamination level) of certain elements (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Cr) in the street dust, but not in the soil.Este artículo fue financiado por las universidades Isfahan University of Technology y Shahrood University of Technology (Irán) a través de las estancias de los profesores Khademi y Abbaspour, así como por la Fundación Séneca de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, con el proyecto de referencia 15380/PI/10

    Pig Manure Application for Remediation of Mine Soils in Murcia Province, SE Spain

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    In southern Spain, specifically in Murcia Province, an increased pig population causes large amounts of slurry production that creates a very serious environmental concern. Our aim was to use this waste to reduce the acid mine drainage process, heavy metal mobilization, and to improve soil conditions to enhance plant establishment in mine soils. Pig manure, sewage sludge, and lime were used as soil amendments in a field experiment and in undisturbed soil column. Field experiments showed an increase in pH, total nitrogen, organic carbon, and carbonate contents; a reduction of diethylene-tetramine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)– and water-extractable metals; and an improvement of plant establishment. The field studies showed that pig manure could be utilized to remediate polluted soils. Column studies in the laboratory showed that amendment of mine soil with pig manure initially increased soil pH from 2.21 to 6.34, promoted reduced conditions in the surface soil, and decreased the metal mobility. After 21 weeks, while the leachate was slightly acidic, however, the mobility of metals was substantially low. Additions of 7 and 14% of pig manure were insufficient to maintain a neutral pH in the leachate. Therefore, continuous application of the pig manure may be advised

    Distribution of metal(loid)s in particle size fraction in urban soil and street dust: influence of population density

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    Assessment of street dust is an invaluable approach for monitoring atmospheric pollution. Little information is available on the size distribution of contaminants in street dusts and urban soils and it is not known how the population density would influence them. This research was carried out to assess the size distribution of trace metal(loid)s in street dust and urban soil, and to understand how population density might influence the size-resolved concentration of metal(loid)s. Three urban areas with a high (HD), medium (MD) and low population density (LD) and a natural area (NA) were selected, and urban soil and street dust sampled. They were fractionated into 8 size fractions: 2000-850, 850-180, 180-106, 106-50, 50-20, 20-10, 10-2, and < 2 µm. The concentration of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, As, and Fe was determined and enrichment factor and grain size fraction loadings were computed. The results indicated that the concentration of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr were highly size dependent, particularly for particles < 100 µm, especially for street dust. Low concentrations of Ni and As in street dust and urban soil were size and population density independent. Higher size dependency of the metals concentration and the higher degree of elemental enrichment in the street dust fractions than the urban soils indicate higher contribution of human induced pollution to the dust. Findings also confirm the inevitability of size fractionation when soils or dusts are environmentally assessed, particularly in moderately to highly polluted areas. Otherwise, higher concentrations of certain pollutants in fine-sized particles might be overlooked leading to inappropriate decisions for environmental remediation.Este artículo fue financiado por las universidades Isfahan University of Technology y Shahrood University of Technology (Irán) a través de las estancias de los profesores Khademi y Abbaspour, así como por la Fundación Séneca de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, con el proyecto de referencia 15380/PI/10

    Provenance and environmental risk of windblown materials from mine tailing ponds, Murcia, Spain

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    Atmospheric particulates play a vital role in the transport of potentially toxic metals, being an important exposure pathways of people to toxic elements, which is faster and can occur in a much larger scale than water, soil and biota transport. Windblown materials in abandoned tailing ponds have not been well examined. The objectives of this investigation were: to study the major physical and geochemical properties of the materials eroded by wind inside the tailing ponds, and to understand the relative contribution of different sources to its heavy metals concentration. Study area is located in Cartagena-La Union mining district (SE Spain), where metallic mining of Fe, Pb and Zn has been developed for more than 2500 years. Wind-eroded particulates were monthly collected at 3 different heights (20, 50, and 80 cm) from the ground for a period of a full year using 4 dust collectors. Four tailing samples and 4 surface soil samples from the surrounding hills were also taken. Dust, soil, and tailing samples were examined for pH, particle size distribution, electrical conductivity, calcium carbonate content, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Co, Ni, Ti and Zr concentrations. The results indicated that very coarse textured, slightly saline, and almost neutral wind-eroded deposits were generated with a very high temporal variability throughout the year. They also showed that the concentration of Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn, in the dust samples is extraordinarily high (18, 1254, 1831, and 5747 mg kg-1 respectively), whereas Co, Ni, and Cu had concentrations into the range of background concentrations found in the Earth’s crust (3.8, 12, and 60 mg kg-1 respectively). Besides, the concentration of both categories of heavy metals in the dust samples was higher than that in tailing and less than that of the soils. The barren surfaces of tailing ponds and also the surface soils of the surrounding area seem to be the major contributors to the dust collected. Therefore, abandoned mines as well as their tailing ponds should be rehabilitated by proper technologies and then well stabilized and /or covered by appropriate plant vegetation to control the transfer, particularly by air, of environmentally hazardous materials to other areas.Este artículo fue financiado por las universidades Isfahan University of Technology y Shahrood University of Technology (Irán) a través de las estancias de los profesores Khademi y Abbaspour, así como por la empresa propietaria de los terrenos donde se realizó el estudio. Este artículo se desarrolló en la zona de estudio del proyecto CP-IP 213968-2 IRIS, financiado por la European Union FP7, y la Dirección General de Industria, Energía y Minas de la Región de Murcia

    Post-Quantum Privacy Pass via Post-Quantum Anonymous Credentials

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    It is known that one can generically construct a post-quantum anonymous credential scheme, supporting the showing of arbitrary predicates on its attributes using general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs secure against quantum adversaries [Fischlin, CRYPTO 2006]. Traditionally, such a generic instantiation is thought to come with impractical sizes and performance. We show that with careful choices and optimizations, such a scheme can perform surprisingly well. In fact, it performs competitively against state-of-the-art post-quantum blind signatures, for the simpler problem of post-quantum unlinkable tokens, required for a post-quantum version of Privacy Pass. To wit, a post-quantum Privacy Pass constructed in this way using zkDilithium, our proposal for a STARK-friendly variation on Dilithium2, allows for a trade-off between token size (85–175KB) and generation time (0.3–5s) with a proof security level of 115 bits. Verification of these tokens can be done in 20–30ms. We argue that these tokens are reasonably practical, adding less than a second upload time over traditional tokens, supported by a measurement study. Finally, we point out a clear advantage of our approach: the flexibility afforded by the general purpose zero-knowledge proofs. We demonstrate this by showing how we can construct a rate-limited variant of Privacy Pass that doesn\u27t not rely on non-collusion for privacy

    Differential tDCS and tACS Effects on Working Memory-Related Neural Activity and Resting-State Connectivity

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    Transcranial direct and alternating current stimulation (tDCS and tACS, respectively) entail capability to modulate human brain dynamics and cognition. However, the comparability of these approaches at the level of large-scale functional networks has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, 44 subjects were randomly assigned to receive sham (N = 15), tDCS (N = 15), or tACS (N = 14). The first electrode (anode in tDCS) was positioned over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the target area, and the second electrode (cathode in tDCS) was placed over the right supraorbital region. tDCS was delivered with a constant current of 2 mA. tACS was fixed to 2 mA peak-to-peak with 6 Hz frequency. Stimulation was applied concurrently with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) acquisitions, both at rest and during the performance of a verbal working memory (WM) task. After stimulation, subjects repeated the fMRI WM task. Our results indicated that at rest, tDCS increased functional connectivity particularly within the default-mode network (DMN), while tACS decreased it. When comparing both fMRI WM tasks, it was observed that tDCS displayed decreased brain activity post-stimulation as compared to online. Conversely, tACS effects were driven by neural increases online as compared to post-stimulation. Interestingly, both effects primarily occurred within DMN-related areas. Regarding the differences in each fMRI WM task, during the online fMRI WM task, tACS engaged distributed neural resources which did not overlap with the WM-dependent activity pattern, but with some posterior DMN regions. In contrast, during the post-stimulation fMRI WM task, tDCS strengthened prefrontal DMN deactivations, being these activity reductions associated with faster responses. Furthermore, it was observed that tDCS neural responses presented certain consistency across distinct fMRI modalities, while tACS did not. In sum, tDCS and tACS modulate fMRI-derived network dynamics differently. However, both effects seem to focus on DMN regions and the WM network-DMN shift, which are highly affected in aging and disease. Thus, albeit exploratory and needing further replication with larger samples, our results might provide a refined understanding of how the DMN functioning can be externally modulated through commonly used non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, which may be of eventual clinical relevance

    Micromorphological and Chemical Approaches to Understand Changes in Ecological Functions of Metal-Impacted Soils under Various Land Uses

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    We investigated the changes in faunal activities as measures of the ecological functions of soils impacted by potentially toxic metals (PTMs) under urban, industrial, agricultural, and natural uses. Concentrations and distributions of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Fe were estimated by sequential chemical extractions, while relicts and present faunal activities were studied by micromorphological analyses. Urban and natural lands were contaminated with Pb, Cd, and Zn. Microarthropods and fungi are observed to be active in the litter decomposition in natural, agricultural and urban lands which indicates that total concentration of PTMs in soils is not a good indicator to evaluate the limitations of PTMs to fauna activity. Metals immobilization on carbonates and Fe/Mn oxides, and fertilizations reduced the negative effects of metals on faunal activity. Micromorphological analyses showed the impacts of metal on soil ecological functions in industrial site, where the surface soils are devoid of any evidence of faunal activity; likely due to high proportion of Pb and Zn in organic components. Therefore, the impacts of metals in soil fauna activities, hence ecological functions of soils, are best evaluated by the knowledge of metal partitioning on solid phases in combination with observations of fauna activities using micromorphological techniques