15 research outputs found

    WOSUB : a subchannel code for steady-state and transient thermal-hydraulic analysis of BWR fuel pin bundles.

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    The WOSUB-codes are spin-offs and extensions of the MATTEO-code [1]. The series of three reports describe WOSUB-I and WOSUB-II in their respective status as of July 31, 1977. This report is the first in a series of three, the second of which contains the user's manual [2] and the third [3] summarizes the assessment and comparison with experimental data and various other subchannel codes. The present report introduces the drift-flux and vapor diffusion models employed by the code, discusses the solution method and reviews the constitutive equations presently built into the code. Wherever applicable, possible exteriors of the models are indicated especially with due regard of the findings presented in [3]. Overall, the review of the model and the package of constitutive equations demonstrate that WOSUB-I and II constitute true alternatives for BWR bundle and PWR test bundle calculations as compared to the commonly applied COBRA-IIIC, and COBRA-IIIC/MIT codes which were primarily designed for PWR subchannel and core calculations, respectively. In fact, the incorporation of the drift flux and the vapor diffusion pro- cesses into a subchannel code has to be cdnsidered.a major step towards a more basic understanding and a well balanced engineer- ing approach without the extra burden of a true two-fluid two- phase model. Recommendations for improvements in the various areas are indicated and should serve as guidelines for future develop- ment of this code which in light of the encouraging results pre- sented in [3] seems to be highly warranted. The WOSUB-code is still in the stage of evolutionary development. In this context, the review reflects the achieve- ments as of July 1977.Topical report for Task 3 of the Nuclear Power Reactor Safety Research Program sponsored by New England Electric System, Northeast Utilities Service Co. under the M.I.T. Energy Laboratory Electric Power Program

    WOSUB : a subchannel code for steady-state and transient thermal-hydraulic analysis of BWR fuel pin bundles. Volume II. User's Manual

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    WOSUB (Computer program).The WOSUB-codes are spin-offs and extensions of the MATTEO- code [ 2 ]. The series of reports describe WOSUB-I and WOSUB-II in their respective status as of July 31, 1977. This report is the second of a series of three reports describing the WOSUB code. It gives a detailed description of the input data, flow charts, and output, and contains the list- ings of WOSUB-I and WOSUB-II. For the purpose of future ex- tensions parameters, common blocks and variables used in the code are listed in full detail. WOSUB-I and WOSUB-II are subchannel computer codes for the steady-state and transient analysis of the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) fuel rod bundles. Both codes are also applicable'to analyze PR bundles, especially when these are ducted--a situation which most often arises in experimental set-ups. The main difference between WOSUB-I and WOSUB-II is that the former is designed to analyze small bundles, whereas the latter is capable to handle symmetric sections of today's large- sized BWR bundles. In addition, WOSUB-II does not contain all of the additions made in WOSUB-I yet, because it is deemed appropriate to introduce these into the smaller code first, before they are implemented into the bigger one. Both codes are still in the stage of evolutionary develop- ment. Thus, changes are to be expected in the near future. There- fore, it should be noticed that this report reflects the develop- ment as of July 1977 only.opical report for Task 3 of the Nuclear Power Reactor Safety Research Program sponsored by New England Electric System, Northeast Utilities Service Co. under the M.I.T. Energy Laboratory Electric Power Program

    WOSUB : a subchannel code for steady-state and transient thermal-hydraulic analysis of BWR fuel pin bundles. Volume III. Assessment and Comparison

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    The WOSUB-codes are spin-offs and extensions of the MATTEO-code [1]. The series of three reports describe WOSUB-I and WOSUB-II in their respective status as of July 31, 1977. This report is the third in a series of three, the first of which [2] contains all the information about the models, solution methods and constitutive equations and the second [3] being the user's manual of the code. This report summarizes the assessment of the WOSUB- code against experiments and compares its results with the results of other subchannel codes. The following experiments are used for the purpose of the assessment of the code under steady-state conditions: 1) 9-rod GE-tests with radially uniform and non- uniform peaking factor patterns. 2) 16-rod Columbia tests with slight power tilts. 3) Planned 9-rod Swedish tests with very strong power tilts. 4) Actually performed 9-rod Swedish tests with power tilt. 5) 9-rod GE-CHF experiments. The comparison with these data shows that WOSUB is capable of predicting the lower-than-average behavior of the corner sub- channel and the higher-than-average behavior of the center subchannel for both quality and mass flux. None of the other well-known subchannel codes is indeed capable of specifically predicting the correct corner subchannel behavior. These codes seem to inherently suffer from major deficiencies associated with their incorporated mixing models. Therefore, it is con- cluded that only improved models for the description of two- phase flow phenomena are capable of handling these situations and that the vapor drift flux model together with the vapor diffusion model as incorporated into WOSUB is doing a good job. The fact that WOSUB does not perfectly match the experimental results over the whole spectrum of experimental evidence can be attributed to the vapor diffusion model which was originally fitted to air-water test results in a geometry consisting of two subchannels only. Obviously, this geometry leads to over- emphasizing the importance of the vapor diffusion as compared to what actually happens in a multi-rod geometry. WOSUB gives the user the option of calculating the critical power as a function of the boiling length - a concept which is especially useful to easily account for axially nonuniform power profiles and which closely resembles the procedure now used by GE. Furthermore, the code determines four heat transfer coefficients around the circumference of the fuel pin, thus giving the user the possibility of selecting the minimal one for the purpose of hot spot calculations. Overall, the assessment and comparison presented in this volume show that the WOSUB-code has to be considered a valuable tool for BWR bundle and PWR test bundle analysis with a potential for further improvements. The commonly used concept of power-to-flow ratio fails to explain most of the test data used for comparison in this report. The WOSUB-code is still in the stage of evolutionary development. In this context, the results presented in this present report have to be considered preliminary. They reflect the development as of July 1977

    The plural truth of doctors : Anthropological approach to vaccination against hepatitis B, on les pentes de la Croix-Rousse in Lyon

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    La vaccination contre l’hĂ©patite B est loin d’ĂȘtre un objet de consensus pour les mĂ©decins du quartier des pentes de la Croix-Rousse Ă  Lyon. Cette diversitĂ© des opinions interroge quand cette maladie semble tuer aujourd’hui en France, sept fois plus que le VIH. Alors nous nous demandons comment se construisent les vĂ©ritĂ©s de chacun et de quelle façon les mĂ©decins pensent leur capacitĂ© Ă  se mettre en lien avec la rĂ©alitĂ© du vivant ? Pour tenter de comprendre, nous avons suivi la voie classique de l’enquĂȘte de terrain, et nous avons saisi l’opportunitĂ© mĂ©thodologique d’ĂȘtre Ă  la fois mĂ©decin gĂ©nĂ©raliste et chercheur, pour proposer un point de vue anthropologique original, et promouvoir la rĂ©flexivitĂ©. Ainsi, nous voyons comment les discours de vĂ©ritĂ© des mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes, alternatifs ou spĂ©cialistes, Ă  l’échelle d’un quartier, prennent forme dans la construction des identitĂ©s et les jeux de pouvoir qui rĂšglent les positions de chacun. Ces mĂ©canismes offrent aux soignants du sens, autant pour leur existence que pour leur pratique professionnelle. Mais les vĂ©ritĂ©s sont aussi le rĂ©sultat d’un authentique effort pour accĂ©der au rĂ©el. La science est alors considĂ©rĂ©e comme le principal outil. Le mĂ©decin aime encore Ă  trouver d’autres mĂ©diateurs, un maĂźtre ou une sociĂ©tĂ© savante. Et la question de l’expĂ©rience vient timidement en dernier, comme non politiquement correcte ou non politiquement souhaitable. Le savoir par l’agir et le voir de la pratique, semble pourtant le point commun de tous. La diffĂ©rence entre le scientifique et le praticien est ainsi questionnĂ©e, tout comme la pensĂ©e objectiviste des professeurs de mĂ©decine et de la science en gĂ©nĂ©ral.Vaccination against Hepatitis B is far from being an object of consensus for physicians in the district of the ‘pentes de la Croix-Rousse’ in Lyon. This diversity of opinions questions when this disease seems to kill seven times more than HIV nowadays in France. So we ask ourselves how to construct our truths and how doctors are thinking their ability to establish a connection with the reality of living? To try understanding, we followed the traditional path of the field survey, and we took the methodological opportunity to be both general practitioner and researcher to propose an original anthropological point of view, and to promote reflexivity. Thus we see how the discourse of truth of GPs, specialists or alternative practitioners at the local level, taking shape in the construction of identities and the power games that regulate each other's positions. These mechanisms provide meaning for medical professionals, both for their existence and for their professional practice. But truths are also the result of a genuine effort to access to the reality. Science is then considered as the main tool. Doctors still like to find other mediators, a master or a learned society. And the issue of experience comes timidly last, as not politically correct or not politically desirable. Knowledge through action and seeing things in practice, seems though the common point of all. The difference between the scientist and the practitioner is thus questioned, as the objectivist thinking of professors of medicine and science in general


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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Quotidiens confinés: Réflexions méthodologiques et éthiques sur une expérience de recherche à distance

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    International audienceDuring the lockdown that took place in France in March-May 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, we undertook a remote and telephone survey in order to understand how this situation was experienced by people subjected to it. During this process, a collective of researchers gradually emerged around specific scientific and ethical axes, in particular the centrality of the qualitative approach and attention to different forms of domination and intersectionality. By restoring the history of this research, the analyzes of which are still in progress, our proposal sheds light on the questions encountered during an original and “embedded” research, as well as their methodological and ethical implications, while presenting and questioning the solutions built by the collective of researchers to face it.Lors du confinement gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© de la population, mis en place en France en mars-mai 2020 pour faire face Ă  la pandĂ©mie de Covid-19, nous avons entrepris une enquĂȘte Ă  distance et par tĂ©lĂ©phone sur les expĂ©riences diffĂ©rentiellement vĂ©cues de cette mesure sanitaire. Au cours de cette dĂ©marche, un collectif de recherche s’est peu Ă  peu constituĂ© autour d’axes scientifiques et Ă©thiques prĂ©cis, notamment la centralitĂ© de l’approche qualitative et l’attention aux diffĂ©rentes formes de domination et Ă  leurs articulations intersectionnelles. En restituant l’histoire de cette enquĂȘte, dont les analyses sont en cours, notre proposition met en lumiĂšre les questionnements rencontrĂ©s au cours d’une recherche inĂ©dite et « embarquĂ©e », ainsi que leurs implications mĂ©thodologiques et Ă©thiques, tout en prĂ©sentant et interrogeant les solutions construites par le collectif de chercheur·euse·s pour y faire face

    Naissances et politiques publiques

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    En AmĂ©rique Latine, depuis les annĂ©es 1970, on assiste Ă  une rapide transition dĂ©mographique de la fĂ©conditĂ© inscrite dans des contextes nationaux spĂ©cifiques et souverains, prĂ©sentant cependant des similitudes rĂ©gionales produites par des influences internationales. Les gouvernements y gĂšrent les aspirations, parfois contradictoires, de populations segmentĂ©es. Leurs politiques sont sous-tendues par un projet de normalisation des comportements qui assimile, plus encore que par le passĂ©, bonne parentalitĂ© et bonne citoyennetĂ©. En parallĂšle, la mĂ©dicalisation des grossesses et des accouchements s'est accrue, en partie selon des modalitĂ©s peu respectueuses de la santĂ© reproductive, entraĂźnant par contrecoup un mouvement militant pour des « naissances humanisĂ©es ». En AmĂ©rica Latina, desde el decenio de 1970, se ha producido una rĂĄpida transiciĂłn demogrĂĄfica en materia de fecundidad en contextos nacionales especĂ­ficos y soberanos, aunque existen similitudes regionales producidas por influencias internacionales. Los gobiernos de esos paĂ­ses gestionan las aspiraciones a veces conflictivas de poblaciones segmentadas. Sus polĂ­ticas se sustentan en un proyecto de normalizaciĂłn del comportamiento que asimilara, aĂșn mĂĄs que en el pasado, la buena paternidad con la buena ciudadanĂ­a. Al mismo tiempo, ha aumentado la medicalizaciĂłn del empleo de la medicina en el embarazo y el parto, en parte de manera poco respetuosa con la salud reproductiva, lo que ha dado lugar a un movimiento en favor de los "nacimientos humanizados". In Latin America, since the 1970s, there has been a rapid demographic transition in fertility in specific and sovereign national contexts, although there are regional similarities produced by international influences. Governments there manage the sometimes conflicting aspirations of segmented populations. Their policies are underpinned by a project of normalization of behaviour that assimilates, even more than in the past, good parenthood and good citizenship. At the same time, the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth has increased, partly in ways that are not respectful of reproductive health, leading to a movement for "humanized births". Na AmĂ©rica Latina, desde os anos 70, tem havido uma rĂĄpida transição demogrĂĄfica na fertilidade em contextos nacionais especĂ­ficos e soberanos, embora existam semelhanças regionais produzidas por influĂȘncias internacionais. Os governos de lĂĄ gerem as aspiraçÔes, por vezes conflituosas, das populaçÔes segmentadas. Suas polĂ­ticas sĂŁo sustentadas por um projeto de normalização de comportamento que equaciona, ainda mais do que no passado, a boa paternidade com a boa cidadania. Ao mesmo tempo, a medicalização da gravidez e do parto tem aumentado, em parte de maneiras que nĂŁo respeitam a saĂșde reprodutiva, levando a um movimento para "nascimentos humanizados"

    Parcours de soins des enfants

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    En s’appuyant sur des conceptions et des analyses de la santĂ© et du soin Ă©largies, les textes de ce dossier thĂ©matique d’Anthropologie & SantĂ© dĂ©veloppent et illustrent les spĂ©cificitĂ©s des parcours de soins des enfants. Il s'agit d'enrichir la rĂ©flexion sur la prise en charge de leur santĂ© en s’intĂ©ressant Ă  leurs place(s) et rĂŽle(s) dans les soins dont ils font l’objet, ainsi qu’à leur expĂ©rience de la maladie, des symptĂŽmes et des thĂ©rapies. Partant d’analyse de situations singuliĂšres concrĂštes et d’expĂ©riences subjectives et localisĂ©es, les auteurs abordent de maniĂšre ethnographique, thĂ©orique et Ă©pistĂ©mologique des parcours de soins infantiles complexes Ă  partir de dimensions individuelles, collectives, sociales, sociĂ©tales, Ă©conomiques et politiques. Ils fondent notamment leur rĂ©flexion et argumentation sur l’étude des savoirs, des pratiques, des expĂ©riences, des affects et des reprĂ©sentations des enfants et de leur entourage (parentĂ©, voisinage, amis, thĂ©rapeutes, etc.) Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes des itinĂ©raires de soins. Afin de saisir les logiques et les dĂ©terminants des parcours de soins des enfants, les auteurs se penchent sur les temporalitĂ©s, les circulations, la pluralitĂ© des espaces de soins, des acteurs et des dispositifs de soins, ainsi que sur les capacitĂ©s d’agir des enfants et de leurs proches. Based on broadened conceptions and analyses of health and care, the contributions to this Anthropologie & SantĂ© special issue illustrate the specificities of child care journeys. The aim is to enrich reflection on the management of their health by focusing on their place(s) and role(s) in their care journeys, as well as their experience of the disease, symptoms and therapies. Starting from an analysis of concrete singular situations and subjective and localized experiences, the authors approach complex child care pathways in an ethnographic, theoretical and epistemological way, based on individual, collective, social, societal, economic and political dimensions. In particular, they base their reflection and argumentation on the study of the knowledge, practices, experiences, affects and representations of children and their close-ones (relatives, neighbours, friends, therapists, etc.) at different stages of the care journeys. In order to understand the logics and determinants of children's care pathways, the authors examine temporalities, circulations, the plurality of care spaces, actors and care devices, as well as the capacities of children and their families to act