898 research outputs found

    Resting-state connectivity and functional specialization in human medial parieto-occipital cortex

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    According to recent models of visuo-spatial processing, the medial parieto-occipital cortex is a crucial node of the dorsal visual stream. Evidence from neurophysiological studies in monkeys has indicated that the parieto-occipital sulcus (POS) contains three functionally and cytoarchitectonically distinct areas: the visual area V6 in the fundus of the POS, and the visuo-motor areas V6Av and V6Ad in a progressively dorsal and anterior location with respect to V6. Besides different topographical organization, cytoarchitectonics, and functional properties, these three monkey areas can also be distinguished based on their patterns of cortico-cortical connections. Thanks to wide-field retinotopic mapping, areas V6 and V6Av have been also mapped in the human brain. Here, using a combined approach of resting-state functional connectivity and task-evoked activity by fMRI, we identified a new region in the anterior POS showing a pattern of functional properties and cortical connections that suggests a homology with the monkey area V6Ad. In addition, we observed distinct patterns of cortical connections associated with the human V6 and V6Av which are remarkably consistent with those showed by the anatomical tracing studies in the corresponding monkey areas. Consistent with recent models on visuo-spatial processing, our findings demonstrate a gradient of functional specialization and cortical connections within the human POS, with more posterior regions primarily dedicated to the analysis of visual attributes useful for spatial navigation and more anterior regions primarily dedicated to analyses of spatial information relevant for goal-directed action

    Structural connectivity and functional properties of the macaque superior parietal lobule

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    Despite the consolidated belief that the macaque superior parietal lobule (SPL) is entirely occupied by Brodmann’s area 5, recent data show that macaque SPL also hosts a large cortical region with structural and functional features similar to that of Brodmann’s area 7. According to these data, the anterior part of SPL is occupied by a somatosensory-dominated cortical region that hosts three architectural and functional distinct regions (PE, PEci, PEip) and the caudal half of SPL by a bimodal somato-visual region that hosts four areas: PEc, MIP, PGm, V6A. To date, the most studied areas of SPL are PE, PEc, and V6A. PE is essentially a high-order somatomotor area, while PEc and V6A are bimodal somatomotor–visuomotor areas, the former with predominant somatosensory input and the latter with predominant visual input. The functional properties of these areas and their anatomical connectivity strongly suggest their involvement in the control of limb movements. PE is suggested to be involved in the preparation/execution of limb movements, in particular, the movements of the upper limb; PEc in the control of movements of both upper and lower limbs, as well as in their interaction with the visual environment; V6A in the control of reach-to-grasp movements performed with the upper limb. In humans, SPL is traditionally considered to have a different organization with respect to macaques. Here, we review several lines of evidence suggesting that this is not the case, showing a similar structure for human and non-human primate SPLs

    Expansion dynamics of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Our recent measurements on the expansion of a chromium dipolar condensate after release from an optical trapping potential are in good agreement with an exact solution of the hydrodynamic equations for dipolar Bose gases. We report here the theoretical method used to interpret the measurement data as well as more details of the experiment and its analysis. The theory reported here is a tool for the investigation of different dynamical situations in time-dependent harmonic traps.Comment: 12 pages. Submitted to PR

    Dominant BIN1-related centronuclear myopathy (CNM) revealed by lower limb myalgia and moderate CK elevation

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    We report a BIN1-related CNM family with unusual clinical phenotype. The proband, a 56-year-old man suffered of lower limbs myalgia since the age of 52. Clinical examination showed short stature, mild symmetric eyelid ptosis without ophthalmoplegia, scapular winging and Achilles tendon retraction. A muscle weakness was not noted. CK levels were up to 350 UI/L. Deltoid muscle biopsy showed nuclear centralization and clustering, deep sarcolemmal invaginations and type 1 fiber hypotrophy. Whole body MRI revealed fatty infiltration of posterior legs compartments, lumbar paraspinal and serratus muscles. Myotonic dystrophy type1 and 2, Pompe disease and MTM1 and DNM2-related CNM were ruled out. By sequencing BIN1, we identified a heterozygous pathogenic mutation [c.107C > A (p.A36E)], and we demonstrate that the mutation strongly impairs the membrane tubulation property of the protein. One affected sister carried the same mutation. Her clinical examination and muscle MRI revealed a similar phenotype. Our findings expand the clinical and genetic spectrum of the autosomal dominant CNM associated with BIN1 mutations

    Three-dimensional eye position signals shape both peripersonal space and arm movement activity in the medial posterior parietal cortex

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    Research conducted over the last decades has established that the medial part of posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is crucial for controlling visually guided actions in human and non-human primates. Within this cortical sector there is area V6A, a crucial node of the parietofrontal network involved in arm movement control in both monkeys and humans. However, the encoding of action-in-depth by V6A cells had been not studied till recently. Recent neurophysiological studies show the existence in V6A neurons of signals related to the distance of targets from the eyes. These signals are integrated, often at the level of single cells, with information about the direction of gaze, thus encoding spatial location in 3D space. Moreover, 3D eye position signals seem to be further exploited at two additional levels of neural processing: (a) in determining whether targets are located in the peripersonal space or not, and (b) in shaping the spatial tuning of arm movement related activity toward reachable targets. These findings are in line with studies in putative homolog regions in humans and together point to a role of medial PPC in encoding both the vergence angle of the eyes and peripersonal space. Besides its role in spatial encoding also in depth, several findings demonstrate the involvement of this cortical sector in non-spatial processes

    Observation of dipole-dipole interaction in a degenerate quantum gas

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    We have investigated the expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of strongly magnetic chromium atoms. The long-range and anisotropic magnetic dipole-dipole interaction leads to an anisotropic deformation of the expanding Cr-BEC which depends on the orientation of the atomic dipole moments. Our measurements are consistent with the theory of dipolar quantum gases and show that a Cr-BEC is an excellent model system to study dipolar interactions in such gases.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Decoding information for grasping from the macaque dorsomedial visual stream

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    Neurodecoders have been developed by researchers mostly to control neuroprosthetic devices, but also to shed new light on neural functions. In this study, we show that signals representing grip configurations can be reliably decoded from neural data acquired from area V6A of the monkey medial posterior parietal cortex. Two Macaca fascicularis monkeys were trained to perform an instructed-delay reach-to-grasp task in the dark and in the light toward objects of different shapes. Population neural activity was extracted at various time intervals on vision of the objects, the delay before movement, and grasp execution. This activity was used to train and validate a Bayes classifier used for decoding objects and grip types. Recognition rates were well over chance level for all the epochs analyzed in this study. Furthermore, we detected slightly different decoding accuracies, depending on the task's visual condition. Generalization analysis was performed by training and testing the system during different time intervals. This analysis demonstrated that a change of code occurred during the course of the task. Our classifier was able to discriminate grasp types fairly well in advance with respect to grasping onset. This feature might be important when the timing is critical to send signals to external devices before the movement start. Our results suggest that the neural signals from the dorsomedial visual pathway can be a good substrate to feed neural prostheses for prehensile actions

    Neural coding of action in three dimensions: Task- and time-invariant reference frames for visuospatial and motor-related activity in parietal area V6A

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    Goal-directed movements involve a series of neural computations that compare the sensory representations of goal location and effector position, and transform these into motor commands. Neurons in posterior parietal cortex (PPC) control several effectors (e.g., eye, hand, foot) and encode goal location in a variety of spatial coordinate systems, including those anchored to gaze direction, and to the positions of the head, shoulder, or hand. However, there is little evidence on whether reference frames depend also on the effector and/or type of motor response. We addressed this issue in macaque PPC area V6A, where previous reports using a fixate-to-reach in depth task, from different starting arm positions, indicated that most units use mixed body/hand-centered coordinates. Here, we applied singular value decomposition and gradient analyses to characterize the reference frames in V6A while the animals, instead of arm reaching, performed a nonspatial motor response (hand lift). We found that most neurons used mixed body/hand coordinates, instead of \u201cpure\u201d body-, or hand-centered coordinates. During the task progress the effect of hand position on activity became stronger compared to target location. Activity consistent with body-centered coding was present only in a subset of neurons active early in the task. Applying the same analyses to a population of V6A neurons recorded during the fixate-to-reach task yielded similar results. These findings suggest that V6A neurons use consistent reference frames between spatial and nonspatial motor responses, a functional property that may allow the integration of spatial awareness and movement control

    Trans-saccadic adaptation of perceived size independent of saccadic adaptation

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    Systematic shortening or lengthening of target objects during saccades modifies saccade amplitudes and perceived size of the objects. These two events are concomitant when size change during the saccade occurs asymmetrically, thereby shifting the center of mass of the object. In the present study, we asked whether or not the two are necessarily linked. We tested human participants in symmetrical systematic shortening and lengthening of a vertical bar during a horizontal saccade, aiming to not modify the saccade amplitude. Before and after a phase of trans-saccadic changes of the target bar, participants manually indicated the sizes of various vertically oriented bars by open-loop grip aperture. We evaluated the effect of trans-saccadic changes of bar length on manual perceptual reports and whether this change depended on saccade amplitude. As expected, we did not induce any change in horizontal or vertical components of saccade amplitude, but we found a significant difference in perceived size after the lengthening experiment compared to after the shortening experiment. Moreover, after the lengthening experiment, perceived size differed significantly from pre-lengthening baseline. These findings suggest that a change of size perception can be induced trans-saccadically, and its mechanism does not depend on saccadic amplitude change

    A common neural substrate for processing scenes and egomotion-compatible visual motion

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    Neuroimaging studies have revealed two separate classes of category-selective regions specialized in optic flow (egomotion-compatible) processing and in scene/place perception. Despite the importance of both optic flow and scene/place recognition to estimate changes in position and orientation within the environment during self-motion, the possible functional link between egomotion- and scene-selective regions has not yet been established. Here we reanalyzed functional magnetic resonance images from a large sample of participants performing two well-known “localizer” fMRI experiments, consisting in passive viewing of navigationally relevant stimuli such as buildings and places (scene/place stimulus) and coherently moving fields of dots simulating the visual stimulation during self-motion (flow fields). After interrogating the egomotion-selective areas with respect to the scene/place stimulus and the scene-selective areas with respect to flow fields, we found that the egomotion-selective areas V6+ and pIPS/V3A responded bilaterally more to scenes/places compared to faces, and all the scene-selective areas (parahippocampal place area or PPA, retrosplenial complex or RSC, and occipital place area or OPA) responded more to egomotion-compatible optic flow compared to random motion. The conjunction analysis between scene/place and flow field stimuli revealed that the most important focus of common activation was found in the dorsolateral parieto-occipital cortex, spanning the scene-selective OPA and the egomotion-selective pIPS/V3A. Individual inspection of the relative locations of these two regions revealed a partial overlap and a similar response profile to an independent low-level visual motion stimulus, suggesting that OPA and pIPS/V3A may be part of a unique motion-selective complex specialized in encoding both egomotion- and scene-relevant information, likely for the control of navigation in a structured environment