61 research outputs found

    osteonecrosis of jaw onj impact of italian patients and role of italian physicians dentists and researchers in the growing evidence of a new disease

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    Purpose: Osteonecrosis of jaw (ONJ) is an uncommon but severe complication observed mostly in patients treated with bisphosphonates (BPs) for bone metastases, myeloma, osteoporosis (so called BRONJ, Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaw), but also with other drugs (bevacizumab, sunitinib, denosumab). The number of cases observed in Italy appears high in comparison with other countries and we present a review of several aspects of ONJ in Italy and the role of Italian health professionals and researchers on increasing knowledge and adequate reporting of ONJ phenomenon; Methods: Literature review about osteonecrosis of jaw (ONJ) with selection of Italian authors and publications, on year 2003-2011, by research on international electronic journal databases, Italian language journals, congress acta, web sources; Results: at October 2011, among 1272 papers published worldwide on ONJ issue, 128 (10%) were from Italian Authors; Conclusions: relevant articles by Italian groups were published about pathogenesis hypotheses, animal models, biology studies, risk factors, preventive measures, dental extraction protocols in BP-exposed patients, laser therapy, ozone therapy, surgical treatment. Experience of Italian patients suffering from ONJ, together with work of Italian dentists, physicians and researchers, appears of paramount importance in order to study ONJ and minimize a possible severe side-effect of efficacious medical treatments

    Allá lejos la seguridad y la justicia : Los barrios y los problemas de la seguridad y la justicia

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    El libro lleva por título central: Allá lejos la seguridad y la justicia. Tal vez, no es una manera habitual de titular tratándose de una compilación de capítulos escritos por investigadoras/es e invitadas especiales que, en su tarea como tales, relevaron durante mas de tres años de investigación teórica y de campo las representaciones sociales de los vecinos/as vinculadas a la seguridad y la organización judicial. El título es anticipatorio del pensamiento que nos expresaron las personas entrevistadas y encuestadas, que desde sus diferentes posiciones socio-económicas y lugares de residencia, nos manifestaron su escepticismo y malestar en cuanto a los problemas vinculados a la seguridad/inseguridad y la insuficiente atención por parte de los gobiernos, como así también una sensación de lejanía y tal vez de resignación, cuando de acceso a la justicia se trata. Saben que los hechos de (in)seguridad existen, se ven, se sufren, se escuchan y, que la organización judicial, existe pero es lejana. Admiten que la seguridad y el acceso a la justicia son cuestiones no resueltas en la sociedad argentina, que están aún lejos de alcanzarse.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Allá lejos la seguridad y la justicia : Los barrios y los problemas de la seguridad y la justicia

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    El libro lleva por título central: Allá lejos la seguridad y la justicia. Tal vez, no es una manera habitual de titular tratándose de una compilación de capítulos escritos por investigadoras/es e invitadas especiales que, en su tarea como tales, relevaron durante mas de tres años de investigación teórica y de campo las representaciones sociales de los vecinos/as vinculadas a la seguridad y la organización judicial. El título es anticipatorio del pensamiento que nos expresaron las personas entrevistadas y encuestadas, que desde sus diferentes posiciones socio-económicas y lugares de residencia, nos manifestaron su escepticismo y malestar en cuanto a los problemas vinculados a la seguridad/inseguridad y la insuficiente atención por parte de los gobiernos, como así también una sensación de lejanía y tal vez de resignación, cuando de acceso a la justicia se trata. Saben que los hechos de (in)seguridad existen, se ven, se sufren, se escuchan y, que la organización judicial, existe pero es lejana. Admiten que la seguridad y el acceso a la justicia son cuestiones no resueltas en la sociedad argentina, que están aún lejos de alcanzarse.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    COL4A3/COL4A4 mutations: from familial hematuria to autosomal-dominant or recessive Alport syndrome.

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    COL4A3/COL4A4 mutations: From familial hematuria to autosomal-dominant or recessive Alport syndrome. BACKGROUND: Mutations of the type IV collagen COL4A5 gene cause X-linked Alport syndrome (ATS). Mutations of COL4A3 and COL4A4 have been reported both in autosomal-recessive and autosomal-dominant ATS, as well as in benign familial hematuria (BFH). In the latter conditions, however, clinical features are less defined, few mutations have been reported, and other genes and non-genetic factors may be involved. METHODS: We analyzed 36 ATS patients for COL4A3 and COL4A4 mutations by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and direct sequencing. Sporadic patients who had tested negative for COL4A5 mutations were included with typical cases of autosomal recessive ATS to secure a better definition of the phenotype spectrum. RESULTS: We identified seven previously undescribed COL4A3 mutations: in two genetic compounds and three heterozygotes, and one in COL4A4. In agreement with the literature, some of the mutations of compound heterozygotes were associated with microhematuria in healthy heterozygous relatives. The mutations of heterozygous patients are likely dominant, since no change was identified in the second allele even by sequencing, and they are predicted to result in shortened or abnormal chains with a possible dominant-negative effect. In addition, both genes showed rare variants of unclear pathogenicity, and common polymorphisms that are shared in part with other populations. CONCLUSIONS: This study extends the mutation spectrum of COL4A3 and COL4A4 genes, and suggests a possible relationship between production of abnormal COL IV chains and dominant expression of a continuous spectrum of phenotypes, from ATS to BFH

    Activated plasma coagulation β-Factor XII-induced vasoconstriction in rats

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    By inducing BK (bradykinin)-stimulated adrenomedullary catecholamine release, bolus injection of the β-fragment of activated plasma coagulation Factor XII (β-FXIIa) transiently elevates BP (blood pressure) and HR (heart rate) of anaesthetized, vagotomized, ganglion-blocked, captopril-treated bioassay rats. We hypothesized that intravenous infusion of β-FXIIa into intact untreated rats would elicit a qualitatively similar vasoconstrictor response. BN (Brown Norway) rats received for 60 min either: (i) saline (control; n=10); (ii) β-FXIIa (85 ng/min per kg of body weight; n=9); or (iii) β-FXIIa after 2ADX (bilateral adrenalectomy; n=9). LV (left ventricular) volume and aortic BP were recorded before (30 min baseline), during (60 min) and after (30 min recovery) the infusion. TPR (total peripheral resistance) was derived from MAP (mean arterial pressure), SV (stroke volume) and HR. Saline had no haemodynamic effects. β-FXIIa infusion increased its plasma concentration 3-fold in both groups. In adrenally intact rats, β-FXIIa infusion increased MAP by 6% (5±2 mmHg) and TPR by 45% (0.50±0.12 mmHg/ml per min), despite falls in SV (−38±8 μl) and HR [−18±5 b.p.m. (beats/min)] (all P<0.05). In 2ADX rats, β-FXIIa had no HR effect, but decreased SV (−89±9 μl) and MAP (−4±1 mmHg), and increased TPR by 66% (0.59±0.15 mmHg/ml per min) (all P<0.05). After infusion, adrenally intact rats exhibited persistent vasoconstriction (MAP, 10±1 mmHg; TPR, 0.55±0.07 mmHg/ml per min; both P<0.05), whereas in 2ADX rats, MAP remained 5±1 mmHg below baseline (P<0.05) and TPR returned to baseline. End-study arterial adrenaline (epinephrine) concentrations in the three groups were 1.9±0.6, 9.8±4.1 and 0.6±0.2 nmol/l respectively. Thus, in neurally intact lightly anaesthetized untreated rats, β-FXIIa infusion induces both adrenal catecholamine-mediated and adrenally independent increases in peripheral resistance

    Antidiuretic hormone and human eccrine sweating.

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