45 research outputs found

    Richiami per la lettura del paesaggio antropizzato

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    Brevi richiami a strumenti e impostazioni per la lettura e l'interpetazione critica del paesaggio antropizzato e del profondo rapporto con le singole opere dell'uomo

    Operational atlas of exposed mortars and conglomerates for interventions on the widespread architectural heritage

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    When it comes to Science Heritage, the availability of refined investigation techniques, an advanced knowledge of the characteristics of materials, the current technological capacity and the synergy of specialised operators, coordinated into multidisciplinary teams, guarantee, with the support of cutting-edge tools, excellent results for every conservative operation applied to monumental buildings of acknowledged interest. On the contrary, there are still strong limits to the likelihood that this excellence will reverberate on the multitude of interventions performed on widespread architectural heritage. The research project underway envisages the preparation of an operational atlas of reference for exposed mortars and conglomerates, based on the historical and technological knowledge of materials (particularly those available locally) complete with experimental data on constitution and performance, which is useful to support the development of compatible maintenance and conservation procedures

    Dalla conoscenza alla concezione di un modello BIM

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    La sezione si pone l’obiettivo di affrontare il tema della digitalizzazione del costruito con particolare riferimento alle potenzialità che l’applicazione di metodi e strumenti innovativi può offrire in relazione con i temi specifici affrontati dal Progetto di Ricerca Interreg MAIN10ANCE. Con un taglio sintetico e operativo, i capitoli che seguono espongono alcuni richiami a fondamentali criteri operativi utili - per l’adozione del metodo BIM, o HBIM, - per l’utilizzo di strumenti innovativi per il rilievo e la modellazione del costruito, - per l’utilizzo della Piattaforma MAIN10ANCE, lo strumento integrato BIM-GIS Data Base ideato a allestito nell’ambito del progetto


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    Il volume è nato in un contesto di dialogo e di esperienze pratiche tra esperti, tecnici, maestranze, rappresentanti di Associazioni di categoria in un clima di vivace curiosità per la “cultura costruttiva storica”, da un senso di profonda consapevolezza della ricchezza del patrimonio ricevuto in dote dalle generazioni del passato, e, conseguentemente, da un senso di urgenza e responsabilità per una loro gestione e conservazione “sostenibili”, unico strumento per trasmettere questi patrimoni e - con essi, il bagaglio di conoscenze che custodiscono - alle generazioni future. Per questo, il volume è stato pensato soprattutto per i giovani studenti delle Scuole Secondarie di Secondo grado e, al contempo, a tutti coloro che, condividendo un interesse per l’oggetto della trattazione, avvertono la necessità di partecipare al dialogo

    Digital image correlation applied to lime-based mortars: Shrinkage tests for durability evaluations in restoration works.

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    Repair mortars applied to architectural heritage buildings for preservation, maintenance, restoration, and strengthening must be carefully studied regarding the many different compatibility issues. In the case of repair interventions, two closely related aspects are especially important: the mortar composition, and the method of its application, which can strongly influence the shrinkage phenomena during the setting and hardening phases. The aim of present experimental research is to set-up a procedure by Digital Imaging Correlation (DIC) technique to deepen shrinkage phenomena in lime-based mortars, thus comparing many different materials, wrongly considered to be similar in behaviour. The technique enable not only shrinkage measurement accuracy higher than standard tests, but also to understand its mechanisms of evolution over time, by evaluating locally strain stress before micro-crack appearing. The interpretation of a large number of test results represents a significant contribution to the development of operational tools to address material selection in specific contexts

    Hydroelectric Industrial Heritage: sinergical action for historic building innovative management. A starting project

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    A recent paper (Fasana S., Zerbinatti M., 2017) focuses about buildings for Hydroelectric power plants, grown up in firsts decades of the XXth Century, as material testimony of a great period of technical innovation and economic development. This industrial heritage consists in numerous complex of buildings whose unity of system suffers today a great decay. This constitutes a cost for managing stakeolder, generally represented by private-public partnerships. Some recent studies had focused on hydroelectric development as responsible of a great change Alps’ role (Azzoni G., 2017). Other studies (Vigliocco, Mattone et al. 2015-2017) reflect on a territorial scale, underlining as the most pervasive action towards the Alpine environment is represented by the hydraulic systems, widely distributed within the geomorphological conformation of the mountain territory. In order to return the complexity of the relationship between the natural environment and human intervention, the proposal (Vigliocco E., 2017) is a mutual promotion through a series of itineraries aimed at linking hiking tourism and hydroelectric systems. The phenomenon is more complex today because of the need to produce more and more energy from renewable sources: hydroelectric is the historical one and yet it remains the most achievable. So, thanks to incentive instruments, alternatively or in addition to repowering interventions on existing hydropower plants, many mini- or micro-hydroelectric plants have been designed. In any cases, regulations require that 3% of the investment be reinvested locally with the realization of environmental compensation works (D. Lgs. 29 dicembre 2003, n. 387, d 2001/77/CE). Even the most severe critics recognizes that main and complementary buildings for Hydroelectric power plants, although "questionable", arose as an extraordinary summary of the formal qualities of the old mountain dwellings "anthologies of the best built examples that can be found in each area" (Bolzoni). As a consequence, the main goal of the present study, is to identify and propose instruments for the effective management and reconversion of abandoned buildings, planning this interventions as forms of compensation to be activated concomitantly with the construction of new plants, or with the enhancement of the existing ones. Since, as mentioned, the hydroelectric infrastructural system manifests itself to the vast territorial scale, so that the action promoted is synergistic and effective on a large scale, it is necessary: - define "economically sustainable" methods of intervention, - set thematic guidelines and technical solutions supporting concerted actions at national (or regional) level. The method is under development applied on a first case stud

    Malte e conglomerati a vista: verso un atlante dinamico

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    The report sets out the main objectives and presents the first specific results of an experimental research on the general theme of mortars and conglomerates for historic and traditional buildings; the work is developed by a research group of the Polytechnic of Turin, and grafted on the results of an experimental research on local aggregates based mortars for historical buildings. The ongoing study will coordinate in particular in-depth studies aimed at the mechanical and performance characterization of innovative materials. One of the main objectives of this line of research is the following: - to define a reference ‘atlas’, compared to many mixtures of mortars and conglomerates, for restoration, recovery, and maintenance of historic buildings, - to encourage (in particular for small yard sites) the use of local materials with a 'short supply chain', compatible and installed with traditional techniques and methods, - to enhance methods of choice oriented towards the circular economy (respecting their values of historical and technological testimony and significant stratifications). The research is also based on experimental data by laboratory tests and by some sites of historic buildings, also with the support of the Superintendence for the architectural heritage of Piedmont and companies producing material

    Schema grafico relativo all' impostazione dell'orditura di un tetto ossolano

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    Disegni e schemi a corredo del contributo: Zerbinatti M., "La montagna utilizzata come sistema produttivo", in Dal paesaggio della sussistenza a quello della Wilderness. Il territorio del Parco della Val Grande come laboratorio di lettura e interpretazione diacronica del paesaggio, a cura di Cassatella C., Collana DOCUMENTA, Edito da Ente Parco Nazionale della Val Grande, Stampato da Tipolitografia Press Grafica s.r.l., Gravellona Toce (VB) 2016, ISBN 9788897068068, pp.157-16