3,027 research outputs found

    Healthy Kids Program and the Safety Net: Perceptions of Community Clinic Administrators

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    Based on interviews with clinic CEOs, assesses the impact of the program to provide comprehensive health insurance to children not eligible for Medi-Cal or Healthy Families, including enrollment, services extended, and clinic operations and finances

    Electric and magnetic fields effects on the excitonic properties of elliptic core-multishell quantum wires

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    The effect of eccentricity distortions of core-multishell quantum wires on their electron, hole and exciton states is theoretically investigated. Within the effective mass approximation, the Schrodinger equation is numerically solved for electrons and holes in systems with single and double radial heterostructures, and the exciton binding energy is calculated by means of a variational approach. We show that the energy spectrum of a core-multishell heterostructure with eccentricity distortions, as well as its magnetic field dependence, are very sensitive to the direction of an externally applied electric field, an effect that can be used to identify the eccentricity of the system. For a double heterostructure, the eccentricities of the inner and outer shells play an important role on the excitonic binding energy, specially in the presence of external magnetic fields, and lead to drastic modifications in the oscillator strength.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Adaptive Regret Minimization in Bounded-Memory Games

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    Online learning algorithms that minimize regret provide strong guarantees in situations that involve repeatedly making decisions in an uncertain environment, e.g. a driver deciding what route to drive to work every day. While regret minimization has been extensively studied in repeated games, we study regret minimization for a richer class of games called bounded memory games. In each round of a two-player bounded memory-m game, both players simultaneously play an action, observe an outcome and receive a reward. The reward may depend on the last m outcomes as well as the actions of the players in the current round. The standard notion of regret for repeated games is no longer suitable because actions and rewards can depend on the history of play. To account for this generality, we introduce the notion of k-adaptive regret, which compares the reward obtained by playing actions prescribed by the algorithm against a hypothetical k-adaptive adversary with the reward obtained by the best expert in hindsight against the same adversary. Roughly, a hypothetical k-adaptive adversary adapts her strategy to the defender's actions exactly as the real adversary would within each window of k rounds. Our definition is parametrized by a set of experts, which can include both fixed and adaptive defender strategies. We investigate the inherent complexity of and design algorithms for adaptive regret minimization in bounded memory games of perfect and imperfect information. We prove a hardness result showing that, with imperfect information, any k-adaptive regret minimizing algorithm (with fixed strategies as experts) must be inefficient unless NP=RP even when playing against an oblivious adversary. In contrast, for bounded memory games of perfect and imperfect information we present approximate 0-adaptive regret minimization algorithms against an oblivious adversary running in time n^{O(1)}.Comment: Full Version. GameSec 2013 (Invited Paper

    Comportamento produtivo de feijão caupi no Amapá - ensaio avançado 3/1983.

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    O feijão caupi e um dos mais importantes componentes dos sistemas de produção de culturas alimentares, em uso no Amapá. Entretanto, sua produtividade media e muito baixa sendo que, em alguns municípios, não chega a atingir a 500kg/ha. Esse fato motiva a pesquisa na busca de genotipos adaptaveis a esses sistemas e aos diversos ambientes ecológicos, através da seleção segundo dados de produtividade, ciclo e porte da planta, resistência a doenças e pragas, além da avaliação do potencial de aceitação do produto no mercado consumidor.bitstream/item/65011/1/AP-1984-comportamento-produtivo-feijao-amapa.pd

    Optimization of the transmission of observable expectation values and observable statistics in Continuous Variable Teleportation

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    We analyze the statistics of observables in continuous variable quantum teleportation in the formalism of the characteristic function. We derive expressions for average values of output state observables in particular cumulants which are additive in terms of the input state and the resource of teleportation. Working with Squeezed Bell-like states, which may be optimized in a free parameter for better teleportation performance we discuss the relation between resources optimal for fidelity and for different observable averages. We obtain the values of the free parameter which optimize the central momenta and cumulants up to fourth order. For the cumulants the distortion between in and out states due to teleportation depends only on the resource. We obtain optimal parameters for the second and fourth order cumulants which do not depend on the squeezing of the resource. The second order central momenta which is equal to the second order cumulants and the photon number average are optimized by the same resource. We show that the optimal fidelity resource, found in reference (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 76}, 022301 (2007)) to depend also on the characteristics of input, tends for high squeezing to the resource which optimizes the second order momenta. A similar behavior is obtained for the resource which optimizes the photon statistics which is treated here using the sum of the squared differences in photon probabilities of input and output states as the distortion measure. This is interpreted to mean that the distortions associated to second order momenta dominates the behavior of the output state for large squeezing of the resource. Optimal fidelity and optimal photon statistics resources are compared and is shown that for mixtures of Fock states they are equivalent.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Comportamento produtivo de feijão caupi no Amapá - Ensaio avançado 1/1983.

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    Os sistemas de produção com culturas alimentares de ciclo curto em uso no Amapá, tem no feijão caupi um dos seus componentes mais importantes, muito embora a produtividade media alcançada seja quase sempre muito baixa, sendo em algumas zonas produtoras, inferior a 500kg/ha. Dessa forma, as ações de pesquisa voltadas para esta cultura então, em grande parte, dando enfase a seleção de genotipos adaptaveis a esses sistemas, levando-se em consideração a produtividade e a resistência a pragas e doenças.bitstream/item/65010/1/AP-1984-comportamento-produtivo-feijao-caupi-amapa.pd

    Estratégia de transferência de tecnologia como forma de apropriação do conhecimento.

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar a trajetória inovadora de uma cooperativa de produção de carnes caprina e ovina. Para isso, inicialmente apresenta definições de inovação, transferência de tecnologia, incubação de empresas, territórios da cidadania e arranjos produtivos locais. É apresentada a Cooperativa dos Produtores de Ovinos e Caprinos de Tauá – COOMANTA, arranjo concebido com o intuito de fortalecer a atuação dos produtores e sua inserção na economia local e regional. Ao final, são feitas recomendações para os produtores e para a evolução da cadeia produtiva da caprinocultura e da ovinocultura. [Technology transfer strategy as form a of knowledge apporpiation]

    Estratégia de transferência de tecnologia como forma de apropriação do conhecimento: o caso Coomanta.

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    Analisar a transferência de tecnologia, utilizando o processo de incubação de empresas, como parte do processo de inovação para o desenvolvimento territorial, utilizando a Unidade de Processamento de Carne de Caprinos e Ovinos da Comunidade de Lustal, Tauá, no Território de Inhamuns-Crateús no Estado do Ceará, como estudo de caso, através da metodologia criada a partir do Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento de Novas Empresas de Base Tecnológica Agropecuária e à Transferência de Tecnologia – PROETA, da Embrapa.bitstream/CNPC-2010/23062/1/doc90.pd