38 research outputs found

    l-Leucine supplemented whey protein. Dose–response effect on heart mTOR activation of sedentary and trained rats

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    AbstractThe aim of the study was to investigate the effect of leucine supplementation combined with exercise and whey protein in cardiac mTOR anabolic pathway. Ninety-six weanling male Wistar rats were divided into eight groups and fed diets containing either casein or WP plus increasing levels (0, 3, 4.5 and 6% of diet) of l-leucine for 30days. A parallel set of eight groups was exercised for comparison. Serum aspartate amino transferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and branched chain amino acids were determined by standard methods, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and p70S6K by the Western blot analysis. Chronic l-leucine supplementation was capable of increasing both mTOR and p70S6K phosphorylation in the heart in a dose-dependent fashion, independent of the type of dietary protein in both groups, sedentary and exercised, but the exercise potentialized the activation of the anabolic pathway. The content of protein in heart increase with l-leucine supplementation and the heart mass relativized by body mass did not change. In conclusion, the combination of l-leucine and milk proteins (casein or whey protein) has the potential to increase the mTOR pathway in the cardiac muscle without increasing the heart mass. The novelty of this study is to show the effectiveness of a blend of leucine and whey protein as a viable alternative to maximize the activation of the anabolic pathway of cardiac muscle and that the exercise can improve this process

    Innovations In Package Systems For Heat Processed Food [inovações Sobre Sistemas De Embalagens Para Alimentos Processados Termicamente]

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    This literature review aimed to evaluate the different package systems available to heat processed food and how they may affect the kind of process used and the final quality of the products. Were approached the main heat processes and their requirements concerning thermal and mechanical resistance of the package, as well as the advantages and limitations of the main used materials. It were also described the recent developments in order to minimize the restrictions of each type of material, improving its resistance and reducing costs, beyond barrier proprieties required to prevent undesirable physical-chemical changes in food during its storage caused by humidity, oxidation and material migration from package. It was concluded that there are many package options to heat treated food and that while traditional packages are being studied for weight reduction in order to be competitive, flexible or plastic packages are being formulated to be compatible to heat processing at low cost.282255270Anjos, C.A.R., Embalagens de poli(etileno tereftalato) PET para bebidas alcoólicas - uma realidade (2006) Revista Engarrafador Moderno, 142, pp. 26-34Ansari, M.D.I.A., Datta, A.K., An overview of sterilization methods for packaging materials used in aseptic packaging systems (2003) Food and Bioproducts Processing, 81 (1), pp. 57-65Avery, S.M., Hudson, J.A., Phillips, D.M., Use of response surface models to predict bacterial growth from time/temperature histories (1996) Food Control, 7 (3), pp. 121-128Ávila, I.M.L.B., Silva, C.L.M., Methodologies to optimize thermal processing conditions: An overview (1999) Processing Foods: Quality Optimization and Process Assessment, , OLIVEIRA, F.A.R.OLIVEIRA, J.C, London: CRC Press, Chap. 4Board, P.W., Canned foods - an outline of the basic science and technology (2001) Spoilage of Processed Foods: Causes and Diagnosis, , MOIR,C.J.ANDREW-KABILAFKAS, C.ARNOLD, G.COX, B.M.HOCKING, A.D.JENSON, I, Marrickville: Southwood Press, Capítulo 2.2Board, P.W., Steele, R.J., Kelly, M., The role of packaging in food preservation (2001) Spoilage of Processed Foods: Causes and Diagnosis, , MOIR,C.J.ANDREW-KABILAFKAS, C.ARNOLD, G.COX, B.M.HOCKING, A.D.JENSON, I, Marrickville: Southwood Press, Chap. 2.8Bown, G., Developments in conventional heat treatment (2003) Food Preservation Techniques, , ZEUTHEN, P.BOGH-SORENSEN, L, Cambrigde: Woodhead Publishing, Chap. 9Brody, A.L., Developments of packaging for food products (2000) Developing New Food Products for a Changing Marketplace, , BRODY, A.L.LORD, J.B, Boca Raton: CRC Press, Chap. 8Chipley, J.R., Sodium benzoate and benzoic acid (2005) Antimicrobials in Food, , DAVIDSON, P.M.SOFOS, J.BRANEN, A.L, 3rd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Chap. 2Cutter, C.N., Microbial control by packaging: A review (2002) Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 42 (2), pp. 151-161Chutintrasri, B., Noomhorm, A., Color degradation kinetics of pineapple puree during thermal processing (2007) LWT, 40, pp. 300-306Damasceno, L.F., Fernandes, F.A.N., Magalhães, M.M.A., Brito, E.S., Non-enzymatic browning in clarified cashew apple juice during thermal treatment: Kinetics and process control (2008) Food Chemistry, 106, pp. 172-179Dantas, F.B.H., Jaime, S.B.M., Redução de peso em embalagem de vidro (2003) Informativo CETEA: Boletim De Tecnologia E Desenvolvimento De Embalagens, 15 (3), pp. 3-5Shepherd, F.A., Light, R.R., Tricomponent Polymerer Blends of Poly(ethylene Terepthalate), Poly(ethylene Naphthalate) and A Copoliester, , EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, US 5.006.613. 09/04/1991Fellows, P.J., (2000) Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, , 2nd ed. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, Chap. 11Garcia, E., A evolução da família dos polietilenos (2002) Informativo CETEA: Boletim De Tecnologia E Desenvolvimento De Embalagens, 14 (1), pp. 5-7Ghani, A.A.G., Farid, M.M., Chen, X.D., Richards, P., Numerical simulation of natural convection heating of canned food by computational fluid dynamics (1999) Journal of Food Engineering, 41, pp. 55-64Ghani, A.A.G., Farid, M.M., Chen, X.D., Richards, P., Thermal sterilization of canned food in a 3-D pouch using computational fluid dynamics (2001) Journal of Food Engineering, 48, pp. 147-156Giles, G.A., Bain, D.R., (2001) Technology of Plastics Packaging for the Consumer Market, , Sheffield: Sheffield Academic PressGonzalez, P.M., Zepka, M.M., Embalagens Metálicas. Portal da Embalagem, , http://www.furg.br/portaldeembalagens/, Portal da Embalagem. Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Disponível em, Acesso em: 08/04/2008Pritchett, R.A., Noll, A., Bysick, S., Multi-sided Spiraled Plastic Container, , GRAHAM PACKING COMPANY L.P. 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    Evaluation Of Ultraviolet Radiation In The Sterilization Of Plastic Packaging [avaliação Da Eficiência Da Radiação Ultravioleta Na Esterilização De Embalagens Plásticas]

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    Ultraviolet radiation is one of the major physical processes used to sterilize or to clean surfaces that will be in contact of foods. This research evaluated the efficiency of ultraviolet (UV) radiation to sterilize surfaces of plastic packaging materials based on the reduction of microbial counts. Plastic closures and films were irradiated by exposing them to lamps emitting UV radiation at 254 nm in an apparatus specially constructed for this study. Using an experimental design in order to investigate the effect of exposure time and distance from the source, the reduction number of Bacillus subtilis spores inoculated to the package surfaces were evaluated. The UV radiation efficiency was not high for short exposition time, presenting reduction number ranged from 0.21 to 2.47, but it was very efficient when exposed to more than 30 s at a distance of 20 cm.32515241530Abreu, L.F., Faria, J.A.F., Evaluation of a system for chemical sterilization of packages (2004) Packaging Technology and Science, 17, pp. 37-42Bayliss, C.E., Waites, W.M., The combined effect of hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet irradiation on bacterial spores (1979) Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 47, pp. 236-269Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., Hunter, J.S., (1978) Statistics for experiments: an introduction to design, data analyses and model building, p. 645. , Nova York: J. Wiley & SonsCardoso, C.F., (2007) Avaliação da esterilização de filme de polietileno com peróxido de hidrogênio e radiação ultravioleta, p. 2007. , Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia de Alimentos) Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasChambers, J.V., Nelson, P.E., (1993) Principles of Aseptic Processing and Packaging, p. 257. , Washington, DC: The Food Processors InstituteFaria, J.A.F., (2001) Sistema de esterilização de embalagens, , BR Instituto Nacional de Propriedades Industrial (INPI). Patente n. 1427Faria, J.A.F., Vida de prateleira de alimentos processados assepticamente (1993) Anais, pp. 7-28. , In: SEMINÁRIO LATINO AMERICANO-AVANÇOS EM TECNOLOGIA PARA O PROCESSAMENTO E ENVASAMENTO ASSÉPTICO DE ALIMENTOS, 2., 1993, Campinas, SP, Campinas: UnicampIngram, M., Roberts, T.A., Application of the D-concept to heat treatments involving curing salts (1980) Journal Food Technology, 6, pp. 21-28(1980) Microbial Ecology of Foods, 1. , INTERNATIONAL COMISSION ON MICROBIOLOGICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FOODS, New York: AcademicJoyce, D., A microbiological aspects of aseptic processing and packaging (1993) Aseptic Processing and Packaging of Particulate Foods, pp. 155-180. , In: WILHOFT, E. M. A., Glasgow: Blackie Academic & Professional, chap. 8UV Disinfection: Application Information, , http://www.philips.com/lighting, KONINKLIJIKE PHILIPS ELETRONICS, Disponível em:, Acesso em: 20 abr. 2007Reuter, H., Processes for packaging material sterilization and system requirements (1993) Aseptic Processing of Foods, , In: REUTER, H., Hamburg: TechnomicUV Technology: Chemical-Free Water Treatment and Disinfection, , SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES, Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27 abr. 2007Sizer, C., Palaniappan, S., Holbert, V., Method and apparatus for sterilizing packaging. A61L 002/00. US Patent 5843374. 9218170 WO. 10 jan. 1992 (1998) Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance Pully/CH, (527), p. 15. , 1 dezStannard, C.J., Abiss, J.S., Wood, J.M., Combined treatment with hydrogen peroxide and ultra-violet irradiation to reduce microbial contamination levels in pre-formed food packaging cartons (1983) Journal of Food Protection, 46 (12), pp. 1060-1064Stannard, C.J., Abiss, J.S., Wood, J.M., Efficiency of treatments involving ultraviolet irradiation for decontaminating packaging board of different surface compositions (1985) Journal of Food Protection, 48 (9), pp. 786-789Waites, W.M., Harding, S.E., Fowler, D.R., Jones, S.H., Shaw, D., Martin, M., The destruction of spores of Bacillus subtilis by the combined effects of hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet light (1988) Letters in Applied Microbiology, 7, pp. 139-140Willhoft, E.M.A., (1993) Aseptic Processing and Packaging of Particulate Foods, pp. 23-38. , Glasgow: Blackie Academic & Professional, chap.

    Prebiotic gluten-free bread : sensory profiling and drivers of liking

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    The wide prevalence of celiac disease and wheat allergy has led to a growing demand for gluten-free foods that present a suitable sensory acceptance. This research aimed to identify the drivers of liking of prebiotic gluten-free breads. A consumer test with 65 celiac people was performed. In addition, the sensory profiling was carried out by 15 trained assessors using quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). By using QDA, the samples differed significantly in relation to all attributes, and partial least squares (PLS) regression was used to identify the drivers of liking of gluten-free breads. The results show that the most desired sensory properties of such products are apparent softness, traditional bread aroma, sweetness and crumb color. In this context, these attributes can be considered drivers of liking of prebiotic gluten-free breads and they should be taken into consideration by bakery processors at the development of new gluten-free products551248254CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQNão te

    Investigating The Adulteration Of Uht Milk In Brazil

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    Brazil is among the top ten producers of milk in the world. Milk may be adulterated with H2O2NaOH to reduce bacterial flora and the pH subsequently adjusted with NaOH. Whey may be added as another adulterant. Despite a police operation, reports of illegal adulteration of ultra-heat treated (UHT) milk from various regions in Brazil are still received. A new organization, "Centro Integrado de Monitoramento da Qualidade dos Alimentos -CQuali Leite", aims to integrate actions from all the participants mentioned above in order to control food safety and quality and strengthen prevention measurements to fight quality issues in foods, including fraud. © 2012 Woodhead Publishing Limited All rights reserved.301307Anonymous Consumo de leite cresce (2011) Tribuna do Norte, , http://www.tribunadonorte.com.br/noticia/consumo-de-leite-cresce/174032, 22 February 2011, Available at, Accessed 17 March 2011(2009) Sobre o leite longa vida: Estatisticas, , http://www.ablv.org.br/Estatisticas.aspx, Associação Brasileira De Leite Longa Vida (ABLV), Available at, Accessed 11 April 2011(2010) Sobre o leite longa vida: Estatisticas, , http://www.ablv.org.br/Estatisticas.aspx, Associação Brasileira De Leite Longa Vida (ABLV), Available at, Accessed 11 April 2011(2002) Brasil Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, , em conformidade com os Anexos a esta Instrução Normativa, Instrução normativa n° 51, de 18 de setembro de 2002. 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    Reduced Fat And Sugar Vanilla Ice Creams: Sensory Profiling And External Preference Mapping

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    The aims of this study were (1) to map sensory attributes of vanilla ice cream with reduced fat and sugar, and (2) to determine drivers of liking by applying external preference mapping and reveal the relationship between descriptive attributes and hedonic judgments using the partial least squares method. Descriptive sensory profiles (n = 11) and consumer test (n = 117) of 6 samples of vanilla ice cream (3 traditional and 3 with reduced fat and sugar) were determined. The attributes brightness and sweet aftertaste for sample and creaminess (appearance and texture) and sweet aroma contributed positively to the acceptance of ice cream samples. The attributes aeration, powdered milk aroma and flavor, and white chocolate aroma and flavor contributed positively to the acceptance of the ice creams. The attributes hydrogenated fat aroma and flavor were responsible for the lower acceptance of samples. The reduction in fat and sugar did not necessarily cause a decrease in acceptance. 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