170,920 research outputs found

    Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, Third Session, Rome, 17-21 April 1989: IBPGR Activities

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    FAO overview of the origins of IBPGR, its relationship with the FAO, and division of function between it and the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources. The paper describes IBPGR's mandate, its interaction with commodity-oriented IARCs, and the roles, organization, and supporting activities of IBPGR's field and research programs. Prepared for the third session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources in Rome, April 1989. One of three documents from the Commission meeting made available as background at the CGIAR meeting, May-June 1989

    Report of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, Third Session, Rome, 17-21 April 1989

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    Report of the third session of the FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources (CPGR) held in Rome from April 17-21, 1989, including the report of the third meeting of the Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources held three days prior. Of particular interest to the CGIAR were the discussions of the role of IBPGR and its relationship to FAO in both the Working Group (pages 33-34) and the Commission (pages 14-17). One of three documents on the Commission meeting made available as background at the CGIAR meeting, May-June 1989. Appendix C containing the list of participants in the Commission meeting is omitted from the file

    Joint Statement of FAO and the CGIAR Centers on the Agreement Placing CGIAR Germplasm Collections Under the Auspices of FAO

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    Joint statement by the FAO and 12 centers of the CGIAR system on their agreement to place the centers' collections of plant genetic resources held in their genebanks under the auspices of the FAO as part of the International Network of Ex Situ Collections. The statement was issued during CGIAR International Centers Week, October 1994. It describes changes to earlier versions of the agreement text made as a result of discussion in FAO bodies, and some of the principal contents. For a full text of the agreements see CGIAR Statements on Genetic Resources, Intellectual Property Rights, and Biotechnology, May 1999. Each of the 12 centers signed an identical but separate agreement with FAO

    Soybean Research

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    Report of an informal meeting on soybean research convened by the FAO which discussed the possibility of establishing an International Soybean Research Consortium. Includes an annex summarizing TAC discussions on soybean research. Unscheduled item presented at the fifteenth meeting of TAC, January-February 1976

    FAO Overview: Major Weaknesses in Present Agricultural Production and Related Research Efforts in Developing Countries

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    FAO Overview of the task for agriculture in the Second Development Decade, the importance of agricultural research in light of recent food production trends in developing countries, and priorities for future research in light of major weaknesses in agricultural production. Agenda item discussed at International Agricultural Research Meeting, January, 1971

    Forest Genetic Resources

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    FAO Forestry Department summary of the development of the Global Programme for Improved Use of Forest Genetic Resources, including a proposal for a CGIAR contribution to it and an illustrative IBPGR project. A covering TAC secretariat note solicits guidance for the IBPGR on the relative importance of these activities in the IBPGR program. Agenda document presented at the fifteenth meeting of TAC, January-February 1976

    Small-scale capture fisheries: a global overview with emphasis on developing countries: a preliminary report of the Big Numbers Project

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    The report gives a summary of the results to-date of case studies carried out in a selected number of countries which provides a first analysis of the differences between marine and inland small and large scale fisheries in developing countries. It has been prepared for the conference ôSecuring Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Bringing together responsible fisheries and social developmentö in Bangkok, Thailand, on 13-17 October 2008 and is intended for policy and decision makers and others with an interest in sustainable fisheries and poverty alleviation.Artisanal fishing, Small scale fisheries

    International Research Needs on Control of Pests in Agriculture

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    FAO Plant Protection Service paper for information of TAC on major problems of plant pests and diseases, pesticide supply and demand, patterns of usage, research and new products required, and approaches arrived at the 1974 Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Conference on "Insecticides for the Future: Needs and Prospects," and by the FAO Ad hoc Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control. Paper responds to TAC concern about potential shortage of pesticides. Agenda document presented at TAC Ninth Meeting, February 1975

    Socioeconomic Aspects of International Agricultural Research

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    Document discussing the requirements for socioeconomic research at IARCs and how they might be fulfilled; identification of constraints to the adoption of the results of this research and how they may be addressed; criteria for priority setting and identification of existing research gaps; the possibility of establishing an international service to complement and coordinate socioeconomic research across institutions. Annex summarizing FAO's existing socioeconomic research activities. Agenda item presented at TAC Fifth Meeting, January - February 1973

    The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture: Sustainability in Action

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    “The 2020 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture continues to demonstrate the significant and growing role of fisheries and aquaculture in providing food, nutrition and employment. It also shows the major challenges ahead despite the progress made on a number of fronts. For example, there is growing evidence that when fisheries are properly managed, stocks are consistently above target levels or rebuilding, giving credibility to the fishery managers and governments around the world that are willing to take strong action. However, the report also demonstrates that the successes achieved in some countries and regions have not been sufficient to reverse the global trend of overfished stocks, indicating that in places where fisheries management is not in place, or is ineffective, the status of fish stocks is poor and deteriorating. This unequal progress highlights the urgent need to replicate and re-adapt successful policies and measures in the light of the realities and needs of specific fisheries. It calls for new mechanisms to support the effective implementation of policy and management regulations for sustainable fisheries and ecosystems, as the only solution to ensure fisheries around the world are sustainable