606 research outputs found


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    Organic pollutants have become an increasing concern due to their potential of mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and high bioaccumulation. The adverse effects on health and environment caused by specific organic pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been considered as critical problems. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has defined 16 priority PAH that are both genotoxic and carcinogenic and identified eight (PAH8) or four (PAH4) priority PAH as good indicators of the toxicity and occurrence of PAH in food. Several available techniques (photocatalytic degradation, combined photo-fenton and ultrasound, advanced oxidation, aerobic degradation, filtration, ozonation, coagulation, flocculation, distillation, extraction, precipitation, and adsorption, etc.) have been developed for PAH removal. Food supplements containing propolis were also found to show relatively high PAHs. As a consequence, a main goal is to adopt purification procedures to remove PAH from propolis and preserve its polyphenol components before its use in finished products. Here we report an extractive procedure (M.E.D., Multi Dynamic Extraction) able to purify propolis from a great content of PAH by using a balanced mixture of organic and water solvents. Obtained propolis extracts are still rich in polyphenols and glycosylated derivatives showing PAH8 and specific benzo[a]pyrene content below limits recommended by EFSA

    A microscopic approach to heating rate of ferrofluid droplets by a magnetic field

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORIn this work, we study the heating process of colloidal ferrofluids by a magnetic field. The heating of the fluid occurs by the magnetic relaxation of the nanoparticles which provide thermal energy for the host liquid. In the limit of small volumes, the relaxation process occurs through the Neel mechanism since the magnetic nanoparticles present superparamagnetic behavior. Within this limit, we have used a microscopic model for the coupling to phonons and external magnetic field in order to model the relaxation mechanism and to obtain an expression for the heating rate of the fluid as a function of microscopic parameters. The analysis allows determining appropriate conditions for an optimal heating rate for ferrofluids based on superparamagnetic nanoparticles.1254111CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIOR307466/2016-7PNPD 028/2010E.C.S. acknowledges support from the CNPq agency under Grant No. 307466/2016-7. P.A.O. acknowledges financial support from FONDECYT under Grant No. 1140571. F.F.F. and E.C.S. acknowledge CAPES agency financial support (No. CAPES PNPD 028/2010)

    Técnicas pra caracterização dos estoques de carbono e humificação da matéria orgânica em diferentes sistemas de manejo de solos na região de Mococa (SP).

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    Devido à crescente preocupação com o meio ambiente, o estudo de solos tem ganho destaque estudos nos últimos anos. O solo é o maior reservatório de Carbono terrestre, assim desempenha papel fundamental no ciclo deste elemento. O estudo do estoque de Carbono no solo é importante pois diferentes tipos de manejo e culturas podem aumentar a concentração deste elemento no solo e assim diminuir o efeito estufa. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as variações dos estoques de carbono no solo e humificação da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) devido às mudanças de uso do solo em áreas agrícolas e mata nativa. Foram utilizadas as técnicas de Análise Elementar (CHN) e Espectroscopia de Fluorescência Induzida por Laser (LIFS) para análises da concentração de Carbono e do grau de humificação da MOS respectivamente. Foram avaliadas amostras de solo de áreas de mata nativa, café e uma área de café convertida para cana de açúcar sob regime de colheita crua, coletadas na região de Mococa, SP. Os resultados mostram que áreas de mata nativa estocam mais Carbono do que áreas agrícolas, além disso, também foi possível concluir que o estoque de Carbono é mais estável em horizontes mais profundos. Dentre os manejo agrícolas, o Café-CanaCrua foi o que melhor apresentou quantidade de Carbono estável

    Future Experiments in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The measurements at RHIC have revealed a new state of matter, which needs to be further characterized in order to better understand its implications for the early evolution of the universe and QCD. I will show that, in the near future, complementary key measurements can be performed at RHIC, LHC, and FAIR. I will focus on results than can be obtained using identified particles, a probe which has been the basis for this conference over the past three decades. The sophisticated detectors, built and planned, for all three accelerator facilities enable us to measure leptons, photons, muons as well as hadrons and resonances of all flavors almost equally well, which makes these experiments unprecedented precision tools for the comprehensive understanding of the physics of the early universe.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings for Summary Talk at SQM 2007, Levoca, Slovakia, June 24-29, 200

    Dynamics and freeze-out of hadron resonances at RHIC

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    Yields, rapidity and transverse momentum spectra of Δ++(1232)\Delta^{++}(1232), Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520), Σ±(1385)\Sigma^\pm(1385) and the meson resonances K0(892)K^0(892), Φ\Phi, ρ0\rho^0 and f0(980)f_0(980) are predicted. Hadronic rescattering leads to a suppression of reconstructable resonances, especially at low pp_\perp. A mass shift of the ρ\rho of 10 MeV is obtained from the microscopic simulation, due to late stage ρ\rho formation in the cooling pion gas.Comment: Proceedings of the Strange Quark Matter 2003, eprint version differs from published versio

    Mass dependence of light nucleus production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Light nuclei can be produced in the central reaction zone via coalescence in relativistic heavy ion collisions. E864 at BNL has measured the production of ten light nuclei with nuclear number of A=1 to A=7 at rapidity y1.9y\simeq1.9 and pT/A300MeV/cp_{T}/A\leq300MeV/c. Data were taken with a Au beam of momentum of 11.5 A GeV/cGeV/c on a Pb or Pt target with different experimental settings. The invariant yields show a striking exponential dependence on nuclear number with a penalty factor of about 50 per additional nucleon. Detailed analysis reveals that the production may depend on the spin factor of the nucleus and the nuclear binding energy as well.Comment: (6 pages, 3 figures), some changes on text, references and figures' lettering. To be published in PRL (13Dec1999

    Antideuteron yield at the AGS and coalescence implications

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    We present Experiment 864's measurement of invariant antideuteron yields in 11.5A GeV/c Au + Pt collisions. The analysis includes 250 million triggers representing 14 billion 10% central interactions sampled for events with high mass candidates. We find (1/2 pi pt) d^(2)N/dydpt = 3.5 +/- 1.5 (stat.) +0.9,-0.5 (sys.) x 10^(-8) GeV^(-2)c^(2) for 1.8=0.35 GeV/c (y(cm)=1.6) and 3.7 +/- 2.7 (stat.) +1.4,-1.5 (sys.) x 10^(-8) GeV^(-2)c^(2) for 1.4=0.26 GeV/c, and a coalescence parameter B2-bar of 4.1 +/- 2.9 (stat.) +2.3,-2.4 (sys.) x 10^(-3) GeV^(2)c^(-3). Implications for the coalescence model and antimatter annihilation are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Latex, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Measurements of Light Nuclei Production in 11.5 A GeV/c Au+Pb Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We report on measurements by the E864 experiment at the BNL-AGS of the yields of light nuclei in collisions of Au(197) with beam momentum of 11.5 A GeV/c on targets of Pb(208) and Pt(197). The yields are reported for nuclei with baryon number A=1 up to A=7, and typically cover a rapidity range from y(cm) to y(cm)+1 and a transverse momentum range of approximately 0.1 < p(T)/A < 0.5 GeV/c. We calculate coalescence scale factors B(A) from which we extract model dependent source dimensions and collective flow velocities. We also examine the dependences of the yields on baryon number, spin, and isospin of the produced nuclei.Comment: 21 figures-to be published in Phys. Rev.