27 research outputs found

    Influência da Escola de Postura na qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional, intensidade de dor e flexibilidade de trabalhadores administrativos

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    O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os efeitos de um programa "Escola de Postura" em relação à qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional, intensidade de dor e flexibilidade em trabalhadores com dor lombar inespecífica. Participaram 33 trabalhadores do setor administrativo. O programa foi realizado em sete encontros com quatro grupos (com sete ou oito participantes), uma vez por semana, com duração de uma hora cada. Antes e após a intervenção, os voluntários responderam ao questionário de qualidade de vida Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) e ao questionário de incapacidade funcional Roland-Morris, realizaram o teste sentar e alcançar com o banco de Wells e assinalaram a intensidade de dor na escala visual analógica. O teste estatístico de Shapiro-Wilk foi usado para analisar a normalidade de distribuição dos dados. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste Wilcoxon e pelo teste t de Student, com nível de significância de 5% (pThe purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the "Back School" in the quality of life, functional capacity, pain intensity and flexibility for workers with nonspecific low back pain. Thirty-three administrative sector workers participated. The program was conducted in seven meetings with four groups (seven to eight subjects) once a week, lasting one hour each. Before and after the intervention, the subjects answered a questionnaire on quality of life Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), the incapacity functional questionnaire, Roland Morris, performed the sit and reach test with the Wells' bank, and noted the intensity pain in visual analog scale. The statistical test of Shapiro-Wilk test was used to analyze the normality of data distribution. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon and Student's t-test with significance level of 5% (p<0.05). In the improvement of quality of life in seven domains of the SF-36 (p<0.005), functional incapacity (p<0.005), pain intensity (p<0.005) and flexibility (p<0.005). The rate of adherence was 58.93%. The "Back School" program offered significantly improved the quality of life, functional capacity, flexibility and intensity of pain in adult administrative workers

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    Cognitive Correlates of Timed Up and Go Subtasks in Older People with Preserved Cognition, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease

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    Objective To determine whether impaired Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) subtask performances are associated with specific cognitive domains among older people with preserved cognition (PC), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). Design TUG subtasks performances were assessed by the Qualisys motion system. Cognition was assessed by Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination and the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). Results The highest correlations with transition subtasks were with aspects of executive function, i.e. the fluency domain in the PC group (n = 40), FAB scores in the MCI group (n = 40), and the visuospatial domain in the AD group (n = 38). No significant associations were found between the walking subtasks and cognition in any group. Multivariate linear regression models identified the fluency domain as an independent predictor of turn-to-walk and turn-to-sit measures in the PC group, and the visuospatial domain as an independent predictor of turn-to-walk and turn-to-sit measures in the AD group, adjusted for age and sex. Conclusions Poorer executive functioning was associated with impaired transition mobility in all groups. The significant associations between visuospatial impairment and poor transition mobility in the AD participants may provide insight into why this group has an elevated fall risk

    Evolução da saúde do trabalhador na perícia médica previdenciária no Brasil Evolution of worker's health in the social security medical examination in Brazil

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    Com o objetivo de analisar a prática da Perícia Médica Previdenciária a partir da introdução dos paradigmas da Saúde do Trabalhador, coletaram-se informações sobre a concessão de benefícios por incapacidade, avaliando o adoecimento pela geração da Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho no Polo Cimenteiro do Rio de Janeiro. Entre 2007 e 2009 foi encontrada apenas uma notificação envolvendo o manuseio de resíduos tóxicos utilizados como substitutos de matriz energética embora a análise mostrasse fontes e mecanismos de adoecimento não considerados pela Perícia Médica, ainda centrada na lógica unicausal da Medicina do Trabalho. Para alcançar os paradigmas da Saúde do Trabalhador são necessárias mudanças na atuação da Perícia Médica, com o restabelecimento de parcerias, formação de recursos humanos, adoção de indicadores epidemiológicos, estabelecendo e avaliando metas que avancem para além da simples concessão de benefícios por incapacidade.<br>In order to analyze the practice of the social security medical examination starting from the introduction of the worker's health paradigms, data was gathered on the granting of social security disability benefits to assess worker illness based on notification of work-related accidents in the cement industries of Rio de Janeiro. From 2007 to 2009 there was only one notification, which involved a worker handling toxic waste instead of the energy matrix. However, the analysis revealed sources and mechanisms of illness overlooked in the social security medical examination, which is still focused on the one-cause-only logic of occupational medicine. To achieve the worker's health paradigms, changes are required to alter the way of conducting the social security medical examination, by re-establishing partnerships, training human resources, adopting epidemiological indicators, as well as setting and assessing social security goals that transcend the mere granting of disability benefits