16 research outputs found

    Datalog-Based program analysis with BES and RWL

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    This paper describes two techniques for Datalog query evaluation and their application to object-oriented program analysis. The first technique transforms Datalog programs into an implicit Boolean Equation System (Bes) that can then be solved by using linear-time complexity algorithms that are available in existing, general purpose verification toolboxes such as Cadp. In order to improve scalability and to enable analyses involving advanced meta-programming features, we develop a second methodology that transforms Datalog programs into rewriting logic (Rwl) theories. This method takes advantage of the preeminent features and facilities that are available within the high-performance system Maude, which provides a very efficient implementation of Rwl. We provide evidence of the practicality of both approaches by reporting on some experiments with a number of real-world Datalog-based analyses. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.This work has been partially supported by the eu(feder), the Spanish mec/micinn under grants tin2007-68093-C02 and tin2010-21062-C02-02, and the Generalitat Valenciana under grant Emergentes gv/2009/024. M.A.Feliu was partially supported by the Spanish mec fpu grant AP2008-00608.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Feliú Gabaldón, MA.; Joubert, C.; Villanueva García, A. (2011). Datalog-Based program analysis with BES and RWL. En Datalog Reloaded. Springer Verlag (Germany). 6702:1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24206-9_1S1206702Afrati, F.N., Ullman, J.D.: Optimizing joins in a map-reduce environment. In: Manolescu, I., Spaccapietra, S., Teubner, J., Kitsuregawa, M., Léger, A., Naumann, F., Ailamaki, A., Özcan, F. (eds.) EDBT. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, vol. 426, pp. 99–110. 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    Conjunctive Queries with Constraints: Homomorphism, Containment and Rewriting

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    Sempala: Interactive SPARQL Query Processing on Hadoop

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    On Solving Efficiently the View Selection Problem under Bag-semantics

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of view selection for workloads of conjunctive queries under bag semantics. In particular we aim to limit the search space of candidate viewsets. In that respect we start delineating the boundary between query workloads for which certain restricted search spaces suffice. They suffice in the sense that they do not compromise optimality in that they contain at least one of the optimal solutions. We start with the general case, where we give a tight condition that candidate views can satisfy and still the search space (thus limited) does contain at least one optimal solution. Preliminary experiments show that this reduces the size of the search space significantly. Then we study special cases. We show that for chain query workloads, taking only chain views may miss all optimum solutions, whereas, if we further limit the queries to be path queries (i.e., chain queries over a single binary relation), then path views suffice. This last result shows that in the case of path queries, taking query subexpressions suffice