16 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Distance Based Fault Location Methods For Smart Grids With Distributed Generation

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    This paper shows analyses of the performance of fault location methods in power distribution systems with and without distributed generation (DG). These analyses are based on the investigation of the impact of DGs on the efficiency of important fault location methods. The fault location is assessed by the impedance, calculated at the substation using a distance (or impedance) relay. The impedance based fault location methods need few information, are simple and relatively accurate. However, most of the existing fault location methods were not developed/tested taking into account the new characteristics of distribution networks, such as the inclusion of DGs. Due to the increase in DG penetration and the high incidence of faults in distribution systems, it is necessary to study fault location techniques in the presence of DGs. The results will support the choice of suitable fault location methods to be implemented in smart grids with distributed generation. © 2013 IEEE.Warrington, A., (1968) Protective Relays, Their Theory and Practice, 2. , London: Chapman and HallDas, R., (1998) Determining the Locations of Fault in Distribution Systems, , Ph.D. dissertation, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, CanadaMorales-España, G., Mora-Flórez, J., Vargas-Torres, H., Fault location method based on the determination of the minimum fault reactance for uncertainty loaded and unbalanced power distribution systems (2010) IEEE/PES T&D-LA, pp. 803-809. , NovGirgis, A., Fallon, C., Lubkerman, D., A fault location technique for rural distribution feeders (1993) IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 26 (6), pp. 1170-1175Novosel, D., Hart, D., Myllymaki, J., (1998) System for Locating Faults and Estimating fault resistance in distribution networks with tapped loads, , US Patent number 5,839,093Yang, L., Springs, C., (1998) One Terminal Fault Location System that Corrects for Fault Resistance Effects, , US Patent number 5,773,980Saha, M., Rosolowski, E., (2002) Method and Device of Fault Location for Distribution Networks, , US Patent number 6,483,435Aggarwal, R.K., Aslan, Y., Johns, A.T., An interactive approach to fault location on overhead distribution lines with load taps (1997) IEEE Developments in Power System Protection, pp. 184-187. , Conference Publication No. 434(2013) Generation Capacity of the Brazilian State Mato Grosso, , http://www.aneel.gov.br/aplicacoes/ResumoEstadual/GeracaoTipoFase.asp? tipo=5&fase=3&UF=MT:MATO%20GROSSO, [in Portuguese]. Accessed: JunMora-Florez, J., Melendez, J., Carrillo-Caicedo, G., Comparison of impedance based fault location methods for power distribution systems (2008) Electric Power Systems Research, 78 (4), pp. 657-666. , DOI 10.1016/j.epsr.2007.05.010, PII S037877960700123

    On the signum function and its effect on acoustic correlation for leak location in buried plastic water pipes

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    the recent problem faced by São Paulo State in Brazil. Although older metallic pipes are now being replaced by plastic pipes they still suffer from leakage. Unfortunately, correlation techniques, which are used to locate leaks by correlating signals from two vibration sensors attached to the pipe, are less effective in plastic pipes because of higher leak noise attenuation. Hence, the gain setting of the sensorsused to collect leak signals haveto be carefully selected to enhance the effectiveness of correlation techniques when applied to plastic pipes. However, this is not simple in practical situations, so that the acquired data can become saturated (clipped) or be very small. This paper describes the effects of clipping on the estimation of time delay by severely distorting the signals by using the signum function. It transpires, that although this adds some noise to the original signals, and potentially reduces the bandwidth of which there are measurable leak noise signals, it does not have a profound effect on time delay estimation and hence the accuracy of the leak location. Leak noise signals measured in controlled conditions on a bespoke test-rig constructed by South Staffs Water plc, are used to demonstrate how this process works

    A stochastic model for the speed of leak noise propagation in plastic water pipes

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    A good estimate of the speed of leak noise propagation is necessary to pinpoint the location of a leak using acoustic correlators. Models currently exist for this purpose, but they do not consider uncertainties in the pipe geometry and the properties of the pipe and soil. Using the fact that leak noise propagates as a predominantly fluid-borne wave, this paper develops a stochastic model of the speed of leak noise propagation in plastic water distribution pipes that can account for these uncertainties. The model provides confidence limits for the estimate of the wave speed related to the leak noise excitation. It is based on the mean and standard deviation of the pipe geometry as well as the pipe and soil material properties, which have strong influence on the speed in which the leak noise propagates in the pipe. Numerical examples, using parameters from water supply systems found in the field, in which the pipe is made from Medium-Density Polyethylene (MDPE) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) are presented to validate the model. Monte Carlo simulations for both in-air and buried pipes are presented to check the 99.7% confidence interval. To verify that the predictions from the stochastic models give realistic results, they are compared with some measurements from different sites, in which nominal properties and tolerances for the pipe and soil properties are assumed

    Estimation of the bulk and shear moduli of soil surrounding a plastic water pipe using measurements of the predominantly fluid wave in the pipe

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    Leak noise correlators are commonly used to detect and locate leaks in buried water pipes. They use the cross-correlation function between leak noise signals measured using hydrophones or accelerometers placed on the pipe either side of the leak. The efficacy of a correlator is dependent upon knowledge of the speed at which the leak noise propagates along the pipe as well as how much it attenuates with distance. The leak noise is carried in a predominantly fluid-borne wave in the pipe, which is heavily influenced by the pipe and soil properties. Although the pipe properties can be determined relatively easily, estimation of the soil properties surrounding the pipe is more problematic. It is desirable to have an accurate estimate of the soil properties, so that current models can be developed and used to improve understanding of leak noise propagation and hence leak detection capabilities. In this paper a novel approach to determining the bulk and shear moduli of the soil from measurements of the predominantly fluid-borne wave in a buried plastic pipe, is described. The measured data are compared with corresponding data predicted from a model, and the soil properties are determined using an optimization algorithm. The method is applied to two different sites, one in the UK, where the soil surrounding the pipe is sandy in nature, and one in Brazil, where the surrounding soil is clay-like. It is found that the bulk and shear modulus can be estimated in the pipe buried in sandy soil, but in the clay-like soil it is only possible to estimate the shear modulus

    Nmr Structure Of Pw2 Bound To Sds Micelles. A Tryptophan-rich Anticoccidial Peptide Selected From Phage Display Libraries

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    PW2 (HPLKQYWWRPSI) was selected from phage display libraries through an alternative panning method using living sporozoites of Eimeria acervulina as target. Synthetic PW2 shows anticoccidial activity against E. acervulina and Eimeria tenella with very low hemolytic activity. It also displays antifungal activity but no activity against bacteria. We present the solution structure of the PW2 bound to SDS micelles. In the absence of an interface, PW2 is in random coil conformation. In micelles, structural calculation shows that Trp-7 forms the hydrophobic core that is important for the peptide folding. Lys-4, Tyr-6, Trp-8, and Arg-9 are in the same surface, possibly facing the micelle interface. This possibility was supported by the fact that chemical shift differences for these residues were more pronounced when compared with PW2 in water and in SDS. PW2 gains structure upon binding to SDS micelles. Lys-4, Tyr-6, Trp-8, and Arg-9 were found to bind to the micelle. Trp-7, Trp-8, and Arg-9 composed the WW+ consensus found in the sequence of the peptides selected with the phage display technique against E. acervulina sporozoites. This suggested that Trp-7, Trp-8, and Arg-9 are probably key residues not only for the peptide interaction with SDS micelles but also for the interaction with E. acervulina sporozoites surface.277393635136356Zasloff, M., (2002) Nature, 415, pp. 389-395Silva A., Jr., Kawazoe, U., Freitas, F.F.T., Gatti, M.S.V., Dolder, H., Shumacher, R.L., Juliano, M.A., Leite, A., (2002) Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 120 (1), pp. 53-60Selsted, M.E., Novotny, M.J., Morris, W.L., Tang, Y.Q., Smith, W., Cullor, J.S., (1992) J. Biol. Chem., 267, pp. 4292-4295Aley, S.B., Zimmerman, M., Hetsko, M., Selsted, M.E., Gillin, F.D., (1994) Infect. Immun., 62, pp. 5397-5403Ahmad, I., Perkins, W.R., Lupan, D.M., Selsted, M.E., Janoff, A.S., (1995) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1237, pp. 109-114Robinson W.E., Jr., McDougall, B., Tran, D., Selsted, M.E., (1998) J. Leukocyte Biol., 63, pp. 94-100Lawyer, C., Pai, S., Watabe, M., Borgia, P., Mashimo, T., Eagleton, L., Watabe, K., (1996) FEBS Lett., 390, p. 95Rozek, A., Friedrich, C.L., Hancock, R.E.W., (2000) Biochemistry, 39, pp. 15765-15774Schibli, D.J., Hwang, P.M., Vogel, H.J., (1999) Biochemistry, 38, pp. 16749-16755Cammue, B.P.A., Thevissen, K., Hendriks, M., Eggermont, K., Goderis, I.J., Proost, P., Van Damme, J., Broekaert, W.F., (1995) Plant Physiol., 109, pp. 445-455Le Bihan, T., Blochet, J.E., Desormeaux, A., Marion, D., Pezolet, M., (1996) Biochemistry, 35, pp. 12712-12722Wu, M., Maier, E., Benz, R., Hancock, R.E., (1999) Biochemistry, 38, pp. 7235-7242Matsuzaki, K., (1999) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1462, pp. 1-10Yang, L., Weiss, T.M., Lehrer, R.I., Huang, H.W., (2000) Biophys. J., 79, pp. 2002-2009Shai, Y., (1999) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1462, pp. 55-70Subbalakshmi, C., Krishnakumari, V., Nagaraj, R., Sitaram, N., (1996) FEBS Lett., 395, pp. 48-52Friedrich, C.L., Rozek, A., Patrzykat, A., Hancock, R.E.W., (2001) J. Biol. Chem., 276, pp. 24015-24022Zhao, H., Mattila, J.P., Holopainen, J.M., Kinnunen, P.K.J., (2001) Biophys. J., 81, pp. 2979-2991Zhang, L., Rozek, A., Hancock, R.E.W., (2001) J. Biol. Chem., 276, pp. 35714-35722Westerhoff, H.V., Juretic, D., Hendler, R.W., Zasloff, M., (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 86, pp. 6597-6601Bierbaum, G., Sahl, H.G., (1985) Arch. Microbiol., 141, pp. 249-254Kragol, G., (2001) Biochemistry, 40, pp. 3016-3026Bax, A., Davis, D.G., (1985) J. Magn. Reson., 65, pp. 355-360Sklenar, V., Piotto, M., Leppek, R., Sandek, V., (1993) J. Magn. Reson., Series A, 102, pp. 241-245Piotto, M., Sandek, V., Sklenar, V., (1992) J. Biomol. NMR, 2, pp. 661-666Delaglio, F., Grzesiek, S., Zhu, G., Vuister, G.W., Pfeifer, J., Bax, A., (1995) J. Biomol. NMR, 6, pp. 277-293Johnson, B.A., Blevins, R.A., (1994) J. Biomol. NMR, 4, pp. 603-614Hyberts, S.G., Goldberg, M.S., Havel, T.F., Wagner, G., (1992) Protein Sci., 1, pp. 736-751Brunger, A.T., Adams, P.D., Clore, G.M., Delano, W.L., Gros, P., Grosse-Kunstleve, R.W., Jiiang, J.S., Warren, G.L., (1998) Acta Crystallogr. Sect. D Biol. Crystallogr., 54, pp. D905-D921Koradi, R., Billeter, M., Wiithrich, K., (1996) J. Mol. Graphics, 14, pp. 51-55Woody, R.W., (1994) Eur. Biophys. J. Biophys., 23, pp. 253-262Yang, J.J., Pitkealthly, M., Radfird, S.E., (1994) Biochemistry, 33, pp. 7345-7353Wüthrich, K., (1986) NMR of Proteins and Nucleic Acids, , Wiley-Interscience, New YorkTassin, S., Broekaert, W.F., Marion, D., Acland, D., Ptak, M., Vovelle, F., Sodano, P., (1998) Biochemistry, 37, pp. 3623-3637Gautier, M.F., Joudrier, P., Pezolet, M., Marion, D., (1993) FEBS Lett., 329, pp. 336-340Gatineau, E., Thoma, F., Montenay-Garestier, Th., Takeshi, M., Fromageot, P., Ménez, A., (1987) Biochemistry, 26, pp. 8046-8055Laskowski, R.A., Rullman, J.A.C., MacArthur, M.W., Kaptein, R., Thornton, J.M., (1996) J. Biomol. NMR, 8, pp. 477-48

    Analysis of phase data from ground vibration measurements above a leaking plastic water pipe

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    One way to locate a buried plastic water pipe is to measure the surface vibration due to a leak in the region above the pipe, and to process the data to infer the pipe location. This paper investigates the physical mechanisms that propagate leak noise through the pipe and the surrounding soil to the ground surface. An analysis is carried out of the relative phase between vertical ground vibration measurements at points in a grid above the pipe. The study involves experimental measurements from a site in the UK with a more realistic leak mechanism compared to recent research, a simplified analytical model to gain insight into the underlying physics, and a numerical model to validate some of the assumptions made in the derivation of the analytical model. Three waves are principally involved in propagating leak noise to the ground surface from the pipe, namely the predominantly fluid-borne wave in the pipe, and the shear and compressional waves in the soil radiating from the pipe. Their influence on the ground surface vibration is investigated through measured and simulated phase contours over a rectangular grid of surface velocity measurements. It is shown how shear and compressional waves combine to affect the shape of the lines of constant phase on the ground. The results demonstrate the potential of the proposed analytical and numerical models to investigate wave radiation from buried water pipes, and possible pipe location strategies using phase data from surface vibration measurements

    On the effects of soil properties on leak noise propagation in plastic water distribution pipes

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    In many countries, leaks are located in water distribution pipes by using the cross-correlation of pipe vibration measured either side of a suspected leak. However, in modern plastic pipes this can be problematic due to strong coupling between the water, the pipe and the soil, affecting the propagation of leak noise within the pipe. This paper concerns an analytical, numerical and experimental investigation into the way in which soil properties influence leak noise propagation in buried plastic water pipes. The analytical model allows a detailed investigation into the physical effects of the soil on leak noise (wave) propagation in the pipe, in particular on the wave-speed and wave attenuation. Results highlight that, in addition to the pipe hoop stiffness, the shear stiffness of the soil can have a significant effect on the wave-speed in the pipe. Experimental measurements were conducted at two different sites - one in the UK and the other in Brazil. In the UK system, both dilatational and shear waves in the soil propagate away from the pipe, resulting in large wave attenuation in the pipe. However, in the Brazilian system, only shear waves propagate resulting in smaller wave attenuation in the pipe

    Thermodynamic And Structural Characterization Of Zwitterionic Micelles Of The Membrane Protein Solubilizing Amidosulfobetaine Surfactants Asb-14 And Asb-16

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    Surface tension and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) were used to determine the critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the zwitterionic amidosulfobetaine surfactants ASB-14 and ASB-16 (linear- alkylamidopropyldimethylammoniopropanosulfonates) at 25 °C. The cmc and the heat of micellization were determined from 15 to 75 °C by ITC for both surfactants. The increase in temperature caused significant changes in the enthalpy and in the entropy of micellization, with small changes in the standard Gibbs energy (ΔGmic), which is consistent to an enthalpy-entropy compensation with a compensatory temperature of 311 K (ASB-14) and 314 K (ASB-16). In the studied temperature range, the heat capacity of micellization (ΔCpmic) was essentially constant. The experimental ΔCpmic was lower than that expected if only hydrophobic interactions were considered, suggesting that polar interactions at the head groups are of significant importance in the thermodynamics of micelle formation by these surfactants. Indeed, a NMR NOESY spectrum showed NOEs that are improbable to occur within the same monomer, resulting from interactions at the polar head groups involving more than one monomer. The ITC and NMR results indicate a tilt in the polar headgroup favoring the polar interactions. We have also observed COSY correlations typical of dipolar interactions that could be recovered with the partial alignment of the molecule in solution, which results in an anisotropic tumbling. The anisotropy suggested an ellipsoidal shape of the micelles, which results in a positive magnetic susceptibility, and ultimately in orientation induced by the magnetic field. Such an ellipsoidal shape was confirmed from results obtained by SAXS experiments that revealed aggregation numbers of 108 and 168 for ASB-14 and ASB-16 micelles, respectively. This study characterizes an interesting micelle system that can be used in the study of membrane proteins by solution NMR spectroscopy. © 2011 American Chemical Society.271382488256Laughlin, R.G., (1991) Langmuir, 7, p. 842Correia, V.P., Cuccovia, I.M., Stelmo, M., Chaimovich, H., (1992) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114, p. 2144Di Profio, P., Germani, R., Savelli, G., Cerichelli, G., Chiarini, M., Mancini, G., Bunton, C.A., Gillitt, N.D., (1998) Langmuir, 14, p. 2662Baptista, M.S., Cuccovia, I., Chaimovich, H., Politi, M.J., Reed, W.F., (1992) J. Phys. Chem., 96, p. 6442Cuccovia, I.M., Romsted, L.S., Chaimovich, H., (1999) J. Colloid Interface Sci., 220, p. 96Tondo, W.T., Priebe, J.M., Souza, B.S., Priebe, J.P., Bunton, C.A., Nome, F., (2007) J. Phys. Chem. 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