11 research outputs found

    Productivity Gains In A Line Flow Precast Concrete Process After A Basic Stability Effort [mejorias En La Productividad De Un Proceso De Prefabricados De Concreto Con Flujo En Linea Despues De Un Esfuerzo De Estabilidad Basica]

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    Lean principles and methods have been successfully applied to precast concrete job shops and batch flows. The conversion of processes from batch flow environments to line flow environments is the main reason for the productivity gains that have been reported in the literature. By means of an action-research approach rooted in the philosophy of lean thinking, the authors show that further productivity gains are possible for precast concrete fabrication processes already running in line flow. This study took place at a company that had previously implemented lean measures, such as value stream mapping (VSM), workplace organization (5S Method), pull systems, and total productive maintenance (TPM). This earlier initiative provided productivity gains, although in a variable and unsustained way. The research approach could devise a simple stability process with a focus on method and manpower. After a series of improvement cycles, the production process achieved almost complete stability and obtained an additional productivity gain of 24%. These results suggest that neglecting stability issues in lean implementations means wasting part of the potential gains, in addition to risking the loss of previously obtained gains, even in environments apparently optimized for line flow. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.1404Ballard, G., (2000) The Last Planner System of Production Control, , Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.KBallard, G., Arbulu, R., Making prefabrication lean (2004) Proc. 12th Annual Conf. of the Int., pp. 629-642. , Group for Lean Construction, LO-School, Elsinore, DenmarkBallard, H.G., Harper, N., Zabelle, T., Learning to see work flow: An application of lean concepts to precast concrete fabrication (2003) Eng. Constr. Archit. Manage., 10 (1), pp. 6-14. , 0969-9988 10.1108/09699980310466505Brink, T., Ballard, G., SLAM - A case study in applying lean to job shops (2005) Proc. ASCE Construction Research Congress, pp. 1-12. , ASCE, Reston, VABulhões, I.R., Picchi, F.A., Folch, A.T., Actions to Implement Continuous Flow in the Assembly of Prefabricated Concrete Structure (2006) Proc. 12th Annual Conf. of the Int. Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), pp. 407-419. , PUC-Chile, Santiago, ChileBulhões, I.R., Picchi, F.A., Diretrizes para a implementação de fluxo contínuo em obras de edificações (2011) RevistaAmbienteConstruído, 11 (4), pp. 205-223. , (Guidelines for implementing continuous flow in building projects). 10.1590/S1678-86212011000400014Cheng, T.C.E., Podolsky, S., (1996) Just-in-Time Manufacturing: An Introduction, , Chapman & Hall, London, U.KGallardo, C.A.S., Granja, A.D., Picchi, F.A., Integración de la gestión de fabricación y montaje de elementos de concreto pre-fabricados in situ utilizando conceptos de leanthinking (2006) RevistaIngeniería de Construcción, 21 (1), pp. 5-12. , (Integration of casting and management of fabrication and assembly of in-situ precast concrete elements using Lean Thinking concepts)Koskela, L., (1992) Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction, , CIFE Technical Rep. No. 72, Univ. of Stanford, Stanford, CAKoskela, L., (2000) An Exploration Towards A Production Theory and Its Application to Construction, , Ph.D. thesis, VTT Building Technology, Espoo, Finland(2003) Lean Lexicon: A Graphical Glossary for Lean Thinkers, , Lean Enterprise Institute. Lean Enterprise Institute, Cambridge, MALiker, J.K., (2004) The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer, , McGraw-Hill, New YorkLiker, J., Meier, D., (2005) The Toyota Way Field Book, , McGraw-Hill, New York, NYMonden, Y., (2011) Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to Just in Time, , 4th Ed. Productivity Press, New YorkRother, M., Harris, R., (2002) Creating Continuous Flow, , Lean Enterprise Institute, Cambridge, MARother, M., Shook, J., (2002) Learning to See, , Lean Enterprise Institute, Cambridge, MASacks, R., Eastman, C.M., Lee, G., Process model perspectives on management and engineering procedures in the precast/prestressed concrete industry (2004) J. Constr. Eng. Manage., pp. 206-215. , 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2004)130:2(206), JCEMD4 0733-9364Shingo, S., (1996) A Study of the Toyota Production System, , Productivity Press, New YorkSmalley, A., The starting point for lean manufacturing: Achieving basic stability (2005) Manage. Serv., 49 (4), pp. 8-12Womack, J.P., Jones, D.T., Ross, D., (1992) The Machine That Changed the World, , Rawson Associates Scribner, New YorkWomack, J.P., Jones, D.T., (2004) Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, , Simon & Schuster, New Yor

    Target Costing Research Analysis: Reflections For Construction Industry Implementation

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    Target costing or Genka Kikaku, as originally named in Japan, is not only a tool for managing costs, but a strategic approach for development of new products, that aims to reduce costs, ensuring quality, reliability and other attributes that will add value to the customers. This paper presents a framework that summarizes a product development process with the literal application of target costing, and seeks to compare this framework to three implementations of it in the construction industry. It started with elaboration of a flowchart that allowed the definition of the parameters to be used in the analysis. Results show that none of the cases studied covers a completed target costing implementation as envisioned in manufacture. Finally, this work points out some issues that need further development such as studies about alternative ways of obtaining the target cost - based on the current market price instead of historical data.601612Ansari, S., Bell, J., Swenson, D., A template for implementing target costing (2006) Cost Management, ABI/INFORM Global, 20 (5), pp. 20-27. , New YorkBallard, G., Reiser, P., The St. Olaf College fieldhouse project: A case study in designing to target cost (2004) Proceedings... of the 12th Annual Conference on Lean Construction, , DenmarkBallard, G., Rethinking project definition in terms of target costing (2006) Proceedings... of the 14th Annual Conference on Lean Construction, , Santiago, ChileBroome, J., Perry, J., How practitioners set share fractions in target cost contracts (2002) International Journal of Project Management, 20 (1), pp. 59-66. , DOI 10.1016/S0263-7863(00)00035-1, PII S0263786300000351Cooper, R., Slagmulder, R., (1997) Target Costing and Value Engineering, p. 379. , Productivity Press, PortlandCooper, R., Slagmulder, R., (1999) Supply Chain Development for the Lean Enterprise: Interorganizational Cost Management., p. 510. , Productivity Press, PortlandDekker, H., Smidt, P., A survey of the adoption and use of target costing in Dutch firms (2003) International Journal of Production Economics, 84 (3), pp. 293-305. , Elsevier, New YorkFormiga, A., Dos, S., Target costing implementation for cost estimating in construction firms of Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil (2005) Implantação Do Uso Do Target Costing Na Elaboraç ão de Orçamentos de Obras em Empresa de Construção Civil de Porto Alegre-RS, p. 105. , Master. Diss., Civil Eng., Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil, . (in Portuguese)Granja, A.D., Picchi, F.A., Robert, G.T., Target and Kaizen costing in construction (2005) Proceedings... of the 13th Annual Conference on Lean Construction, , Sidney, AustraliaIbusuki, U., Kaminski, P.C., Product development process with focus on value engineering and target-costing: A case study in an automotive company (2007) International Journal of Production Economics, 105 (2), pp. 459-474. , DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.08.009, PII S0925527306000958, Scheduling in Batch-Processing Industries and Supply ShainsKern, A.P., Soares, A.C., Formoso, C.T., Target costing in cost planning and control of construction projects (2006) Proceedings... of the 11th Encontro Nacional de Tecnologia Do Ambiente Construído (ENTAC), , Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil (in portugueseLin, T.W., Merchant, K.A., Yang, Y., Yu, Z., Target costing and incentive compensation (2005) Cost Management, ABI/INFORM Global, 19 (2), pp. 29-42. , New YorkMcNair, C.J., Polutnik, L., Silvi, R., Customer-driven lean cost management (2006) Cost Management, ABI/INFORM Global, 20 (6), pp. 9-21. , New YorkMonden, Y., (1995) Target Costing and Kaizen Costing, p. 373. , Productivity press, Portland, OregonNicolini, D., Tomkins, C., Holti, R., Oldman, A., Smalley, M., Can Target Costing and Whole Life Costing be Applied in the Construction Industry?: Evidence from Two Case Studies (2000) British Journal of Management, 11 (4), pp. 303-324Robert, G.T., Granja, A.D., Target and Kaizen costing implementation in construction (2006) Proceedings... of the 14th Annual Conference on Lean Construction, Santiago, ChileWilliamson, A., Target and kaizen costing (1997) Manufacturing Engineer, 76 (1), pp. 22-24Yook, K., Kim, I., Yoshikawa, T., Target costing in the construction industry: Evidence from Japan (2005) Construction Accounting & Taxation, ABI/INFORM Global, 15 (3), pp. 5-18. , New Yor

    Stabilization And Standardization Of A Precast Production Process

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    Adapting and implementing new management techniques based on principles and tools originated in the manufacturing industry have been challenging the construction industry. This research aims to present improvements achieved in the fabrication process of precast concrete roof tiles, after a first stage of diagnosis and basic stabilization of the production process. This work was carried out jointly with a Brazilian company in the state of Sao Paulo, dedicated to the erection and fabrication of pre-cast concrete components. This study is part of an ongoing action-research, where the production process of concrete precast roof tiles fabrication was already analyzed. After a first diagnosis of the production process, lean principles and tools were used to stabilize and standardize the production process of these precast components. Results allow concluding that lean implementations helped with the basic stabilization and standardization of the different work elements involved in the fabrication system of precast concrete roof tiles and could be adapted to other precast concrete components production process, providing higher reliability in the production process and production throughput improvements for these components.205213Ballard, G., Mathews, O., Prefabrication & assembly (2004) Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, , http://cic.vtt.fi/lean/conferences.htm, White Paper in: Elsinore, DenmarkBallard, G., Harper, N., Zabelle, T., Learning to see work flow: An application of lean concepts to precast concrete fabrication (2003) Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 10 (1), pp. 6-14. , 2003(2003) Lean Lexicon: A Graphical Glossary for Lean Thinkers, p. 102. , Lean Enterprise Institute. 2 ed. Lean Enterprise Institute. USALiker, J.K., (2004) The Toyota Way. 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer, p. 330. , 1 ed. McGraw-Hill. United States of AmericaMaia, M.A.M., (1996) Organização Do Trabalho A Partir da Padronizaçã o da Produção de Edifícios, pp. 174-179. , (Building's production standardization for organization of work) Anais do Congresso Técnico-Cientifico de Engenharia Civil. Florianópolis. BrazilPicchi, F., Opportunities of application of lean thinking in the construction industry (2003) Revista Ambiente Construído, 1 (3), pp. 7-23. , Fortaleza, BrazilRother, M., Harris, R., (2002) Creating Continuous Flow, p. 104. , 1 ed. Lean Enterprise Institute. USARother, M., Shook, J., (2002) Learning to See, p. 112. , 1 ed. Lean Enterprise Institute. USASacks, R., Eastman, C.M., Lee, G., Process model perspectives on management and engineering procedures in the precast/prestressed concrete industry (2004) Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 130 (2), pp. 206-215. , Mar./Apr. 2004Shingo, S., (1996) A Study of the Toyota Production System, p. 291. , 2 ed. Productivity Press. USAWomack, J.P., Jones, D.T., (2004) Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, p. 397. , 2 ed. Simon & Schuster. USAWomack, J.P., Jones, D.T., Ross, D., (1992) The Machine That Change the World, p. 323. , 1 ed. Harper Perennials. NY, US

    Broader Implementations Of Production Cells In Construction Considering Time, Space And Information Linkages

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    The use of production cell in manufacturing has achieved many benefits, motivating researchers to apply them in the construction environment. The aim of this research is to identify time, space and information linkages considerations in construction production cells applications, seeking opportunities for broader implementations. We adopted a literature review approach focusing on studies in Brazilian construction sector that addressed cells applications. Subsequently, comparative tables of these publications were prepared, analyzing the consideration of time, space and information linkages, as well as identified results. The article pointed out that there is a lack in publications that address the application of production cell in almost all construction flows, except the job site flow, reflecting the tendency of most companies of applying lean concepts first in physical flows. The greatest benefits reported from the applications of production cells were the lead time reduction, cost savings and increase productivity. By analyzing the aspects (group of features that enhance the use of the cell) it was found that "material flow and pull system" and "operators interaction" were the aspects most often considered, but mostly partially. "Flexibility" and "equipment maintenance" were used in very few reported cases. No case reported comprehensive considerations of the three important linkages of time, space and information. Space was the linkage better considered, showing that studied applications tend to be latent physical cells, with lack in time and information linkages. Further studies are proposed in order to investigate the results of more comprehensive applications considering all aspects.178187Barbosa, C.L., Lima, A.C., (2008) "Aplicação do Fluxo Contínuo no Processo de Produção de Estacas Pré-moldadas para Fundação. " (Application of Continuous Flow in the Production of Precast Piles for Foundation), , ENEGEP. Rio de Janeiro. Anais⋯ ABEPROBulhões, I.A., Picchi, F.A., Granja, A.D., Combining value stream and process levels analysis for continuous flow implementation in construction (2005) IGLC, 13. , Sidney, AustraliaCarneiro, A., Miranda Filho, A., Alves, T., Nascimento, K., Carneiro, R., Barros Neto, J., Development and evolution of project production systems: The PS-37 case (2009) IGLC, 17. , Taipei, TaiwanCarneiro, A.Q., (2007) "Estudo Sobre a Aplicação do Conceito de Célula de Produção na Construção Civil" (Study on the Application of the Production Cell Concept in Construction), , Monografia. Curso de Engenharia Civil, Universidade Federal do Ceará, FortalezaFerraz, J.L.M., Nascimento, K., Romano, W.C.B.T., Souza, D., Neto, J.P.B., Heineck, L.F.M., A model for planning and control of work flow: The transition from a process of technological and administrative rationalization for a lean production environment (2005) SIBRAGEC, , Porto Alegre. Anais⋯ ANTACHyer, N.L., Brown, K.A., The discipline of real cells (1999) Journal of Operations Management, 17 (5), pp. 557-574(2003) Lean Lexicon: A Graphical Glossary for Lean Thinkers, 102p. , Lean Enterprise Institute 2 ed. Lean Enterprise Institute. U.S.ALiker, J.K., (2004) The Toyota Way. 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer, 330p. , 1 ed. McGraw-Hill. United States of AmericaLima, M.M.X., Bisio, L.R.A., Alves, T.C.A., Value stream mapping of the architectural executive design in a governmental organization (2010) IGLC, 18. , Haifa, IsraelPaixão, L., Moreira, F., Maués, L.M.F., Analysis of costs variation of production cells in a horizontal condominium (2010) ENTAC, , Canela. Anais⋯ ANTACPattanaik, L.N., Sharma, B.P., Implementing lean manufacturing with cellular layout: A Case study (2009) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 42 (7-8), pp. 772-779Patussi, F.A., Heineck, L.F.M., Application of the production cell concept in services in small job site (2009) SIBRAGEC 2009, , João Pessoa. Anais⋯ ANTAC, 2009Patussi, F., Heineck, L., The use of lean manufacturing concepts in the constitution of cells in the production of small works (2006) Workshop de Desempenho de Sistemas Construtivos, , Anais⋯ Unochapecó: Chapecó, SCPicchi, F.A., System view of lean construction application opportunities (2001) IGLC, 9. , SingaporePicchi, F.A., Granja, A.D., Construction sites: Using lean priciples to seek broader implementation (2004) IGLC, 12. , Copenhagem, DenmarkReis, T., Picchi, F.A., Identifying waste through lean thinking tools applied to case studies of business flow (2010) ENTAC, , Canela. Anais⋯ ANTACRomano, W.C.B.T., Nascimento, K., Ferraz, J.L.M., Souza, D., Neto, J.P.B., Heineck, L.F.M., The rational use of equipment on site - Improving processes for the feasibility in work flows (2005) SIMPEP, , Bauru. Anais⋯ SIMPEPRother, M., Harris, R., (2002) Creating Continuous Flow, 104p. , 1 ed. Lean Enterprise Institute.U.S.ASalermo, L.S., (2005) "Aplicação de Ferramentas Da Mentalidade Enxuta e Da Manutenção Autônoma Aos Serviços de Manutenção dos Sistemas Prediais de Água" (Application of Lean Thinking Tools and Autonomous Maintenance in Maintenance Services of Water Building Systems), , Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Dissertação de MestradoSantos, A., Moser, L., Tookey, J.E., Applying the concept of mobile cell manufacturing on the drywall process (2002) IGLC, 10. , Gramado, BrazilSwank, C.K., The lean service machine (2003) Harvard Business Review, 81 (10), pp. 123-129. , octTavares, C.B.P., Heineck, L.F.M., Leite, M.O., Pereira, P.E., Rocha, F.E.M., The constitution of production cells in the programming of works to buildings (2004) ENTAC, , São Paulo. Anais⋯ ANTACUgulino, J.M., Lima, A.C., Implementation of the concept of mobile cell production in the building environment (2009) SIBRAGEC, , João Pessoa. Anais⋯ ANTACWomack, J.P., Jones, D.T., (1996) Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, , Simon & ShusterWeindorfer, A., (2001) "Melhorias de Produtividade na Secretaria de Obras Públicas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul" (Improving Productivity in the Public Works Department of the State of Rio Grande do Sul), , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Dissertação de Mestrad

    A Review Of The Standardized Work Application In Construction

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    The utilization of standardized work in manufacturing has achieved many benefits, thus motivating researchers to apply them in the construction environment. The aim of this research is to identify gaps that involve standardized work applications inserted in the construction environment. We adopted a literature review approach focusing on studies in construction sector that addressed standardized work applications. Subsequently, comparative tables of these publications were prepared and analyzed. Finally, opportunities to apply the standardized work elements, documents and tools in future works were identified. The article points out that there is a shortage in publications that address the application of these elements and tools in construction. From the construction flow analysis, we observed that almost all papers were applying job site flow. Standardized work elements analysis pointed out that the three elements (takt time, sequence and work in process) should be applied in the same process. The analysis of standardized work tools and documents showed that some documents have not been utilized in construction, they are: production capacity sheet, Standardized Work Chart and verification process sheet. We also realized a lack of a method to implement the standardized work in construction. This paper contributes to standardized work expansion in construction environment by utilizing its elements, documents and tools.Benetti, H.P., Filho, J.I.P., Siliprandi, E.M., Saurim, T.A., Padronização do trabalho em uma fábrica de artefatos de cimento (2007) ENEGEP 2007, , Foz do Iguaçu. Anais. ABEPRO, 2007Bulhões, I.A., Picchi, F.A., Folch, A.T., Actions to implement continuous flow in the assembly of prefabricated concrete structure (2006) IGLC, 14. , Santiago, ChileBulhões, I.A., Picchi, F.A., Granja, A.D., Combining value stream and process levels analysis for continuous flow implementation in construction (2005) IGLC, 13. , Sidney, AustraliaCarneiro, A., Miranda Filho, A., Alves, T., Nascimento, K., Carneiro, R., Barros Neto, J., Development and evolution of project production systems: The PS- 37 case (2009) IGLC, 17. , Taipei, TaiwanCarneiro, A.Q., (2007) Estudo Sobre a Aplicação do Conceito de Célula de Produção Na Construção Civil, , Monografia. Curso de Engenharia Civil, Univ. Federal do Ceará, FortalezaFeng, P., Ballard, G., Standard work from a lean theory perspective (2008) IGLC, 16. , Manchester, UKFerraz, J.L.M., Nascimento, K.R., Romano, W.C.B.T., Souza, D.P., Barros Neto, J.P., Heineck, L.F.M., Um modelo para o planejamento e controle de obras - A transição de um processo de racionalização tecnológica e administrativa para um ambiente de produção enxuta (2005) SIBRAGEC, , Porto Alegre. Anais. BrazilFormoso, C.T., (2002) Lean Construction: Princípios Básicos E Exemplos, Construção Mercado: Custos, Suprimentos, Planejamento E Controle de Obra, 15 (1), pp. 50-58. , (in Portuguese) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul- NORIE/UFRSFrancelino, T.R., Barros Neto, J.P., Heineck, L.F.M., Teixeira, M.C., Kemmer, L.C., Melhorias de processos com a aplicação da filosofia lean (2006) ENEGEP 2006, , Fortaleza. Anais. ABEPRO, 2006Gallardo, C.A., Granja, A.D., Picchi, F.A., Folch, A.T., Stabilization and standardization of a precast production process (2006) IGLC, 14. , Santiago, ChileHorman, M.J., Thomas, H.R., Role of inventory buffers in construction labor Performance (2005) ASCE, J. of Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt, 131 (7), pp. 834-843Huntzinger, J., (2005) The Roots of Lean, , www.lean.orgKishida, M., Silva, A., Guerra, E., (2006) Benefícios da Implementação do Trabalho Padronizado Na Thyssenkrupp, , www.lean.org.brKoskela, L., (2000) An Exploration towards a Production Theory and its Application to Construction, p. 296. , Thesis (Doctor of Technology) - Technical Research Centre of Finland - VTT. HelsinkiKurek, J., (2005) Introdução Dos Princípios da Construção Enxuta No Processo de Produção Em Uma Construtora de Passo Fundo-RS(in Portuguese), , Master Thesis (MSc).School of Civil Engineering, University of Passo Fundo(2003) Lean Lexicon: A Graphical Glossary for Lean Thinkers, p. 102. , Lean Enterprise Institute, 2 ed. Lean Enterprise Institute. U.S.ALiker, J.K., The toyota way (2004) 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer, p. 330. , 1 ed. McGraw-Hill. United States of AmericaLiker, J., Meier, D., (2006) The Toyota Way Fieldbook: A Practical Guide for Implementing Toyota's 4Ps, p. 288. , New York, McGraw-HillLima, M.M.X., Bisio, L.R.A., Alves, T.C.A., Value stream mapping of the architectural executive design in a governmental organization (2010) IGLC, 18. , Haifa, IsraelMarksberry, P., Rammohan, R., Vu, D., A systems study on standardized work: A toyota perspective (2011) Inter. J. of Prod. and Quality Mgmt, 7 (3), pp. 287-303Miranda, M.C.M., Alencar, L.H., Campos, C.A.O., Pontes, L.A.C., Ghinato, P., Um modelo para o sistema de construção enxuta a partir do sistema toyota de produção (in Portuguese) (2003) ENEGEP, , Ouro Preto.BrazilMonden, Y., (1998) Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to Just in Time, p. 423. , 3 ed. Norcross GA: Engineering and PressureNakagawa, Y., Importance of standard operating procedure documents and visualization to implement Lean Construction (2005) IGLC, 13. , Sidney, AustraliaNakagawa, Y., Shimizu, Y., Toyota production system adopted by building construction in Japan (2004) IGLC, 12. , 2004, Copenhagen, DenmarkOhno, T., (1988) Toyota Production System: beyond Large Scale Production, , Productivity Press, Cambridge, MAPatussi, F.A., Heineck, L.F.M., Aplicação do conceito de célula de produção na execução de serviços em obra de pequeno porte(in Portuguese) (2009) SIBRAGEC, , Joao Pessoa, BrazilPicchi, F.A., Oportunidades da aplicação do lean thinking na construção(in Portuguese) (2003) Revista Ambiente Construído, 3 (1), pp. 7-23Picchi, F.A., System view of lean construction application opportunities (2001) IGLC, 9. , SingaporePolesi, P., Frödell, M., Josephson, P., Implementing standardization in medium-sized construction firms: Facilitating site managers feeling of freedom through a bottom-up approach (2009) IGLC, 17. , Taipei, TaiwanRother, M., Harris, R., (2002) Creating Continuous Flow, p. 104. , 1 ed. Lean Enterprise Institute.U.S.ASalermo, L.S., (2005) Aplicação de Ferramentas da Mentalidade Enxuta E da Manutenção Autônoma Aos Serviços de Manutenção Dos Sistemas Prediais de áGua (In Portuguese), , Master Thesis (MSc).School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design, Department of Architecture and Buildings, University of CampinasSantos, A., Formoso, C.T., Tookey, J.E., Expanding the meaning of standardization within construction processes (2002) The TQM Magazine, 14 (1), pp. 25-33Shook, J.Y., Bringing the toyota production system to the united states: A personnal perspective (1997) Becoming Lean: inside Stories of U.S. Manufactures, , LYKER, J.K. (Ed.), Portland, OR: Productivity PressSouza, D.P., Bastos, M.R., Barros Neto, J.P., Moura, R.S.M., Pereira, P.E., Heineck, L.F.M., (2005) Uma Metodologia de Implantação do Sistema Toyota de Produção Em Uma Empresa de Construção de Edifícios a Partir do Suporte Tecnológico do Programa de Inovação da Construção Civil do Ceará (INOVACON-CE)., , (in Portuguese) SIBRAGEC, Porto Alegre, BrazilSuzaki, K., (1987) The New Manufacturing Challenge: Techniques for Continuous Improvement, , New York: Free PressTezel, A., Koskela, L., Fazenda, T.P., Formoso, C.T., Thais, A., Neto, B., Viana, D., Mota, B., Process transparency on construction sites: Examples from construction companies in Brazil (2010) IGLC, 18. , Haifa, IsraelWomack, J.P., Jones, D.T., (1996) Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in your Corporation, , Simon & ShusterYu, H., Tweed, T., Al-Hussein, M., NasserI, R., Managing variability in house production (2007) IGLC, 15. , Michigan, USAYu, H., Tweed, T., Al-Hussein, M., Nasseri, R., Development of lean model for house construction using value stream mapping (2009) ASCE, J. of Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt., 135 (8), pp. 782-79

    An Investigation Into The Systematic Use Of Value Engineering In The Product Development Process

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    Value Engineering (VE) is a methodical technique which aims to achieve the best functional balance between product cost, reliability and performance, and it is the operational tool that facilitates the achievement of the target cost in a product development process (PDP). VE is aligned with recent philosophies for proactive cost management by analyzing cost parameters and drivers in the early stages of the PDP. A typical VE study accomplishes the decomposition of the product's functions, and the subsequent evaluation of them, in order to pursuit cost reductions without trading-off the product's functionality, quality and value delivery to clients/users. This research investigates how to use the VE technique in a construction product in a systemized way. VE tools, such as Function Analysis, FAST Diagram, Mudge Technique and Compare Method were combined and applied in a handicap bathroom, as an example of the detailed application of this technique. By means of the VE exercise, a cost reduction in the order of 12% was achieved, even with the addition of two new items, enhancing value delivery to end users.444454Abreu, R.C.L., (1996) Análise de Valor - Um Caminho Criativo para a Otimizaç ão dos Custos e do Uso dos Recursos, , Qualitymark. Rio de Janeiro. (in Portuguese)Ballard, G., Rybkowski, Z., Overcoming the hurdle of first cost: Action research in target costing (2009) Construction Research CongressBonatto, F.S., Miron, L.I., Formoso, C.T., Avaliação de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social com base na hierarquia de valor percebido pelo usuário (2011) Ambiente Construído, 11 (1), pp. 67-83. , (in Portuguese)Cooper, R., Slagmulder, R., Target costing and value engineering (1997) Productivity, , Institution of Management Accountants. IMA - Foundation for Applied Research. Portland ORCsillag, J.M., (1995) Análise do Valor. 4a Edição Ampliada e Atualizada Com Novas Tendências Gerenciais, , Atlas. São Paulo - SP. (in Portuguese)Dell'Isola, A.P.E., (1997) Value Engineering: Practical Applications for Design, Construction, Maintenance & Operations, , RS Means. Kingstone MA(2005) Design Documents, , ENERGY PROVIDER COMPANYKowaltowski, D.C.C.K., Granja, A.D., The concept of desired value as a stimulus for change in social housing in Brazil Habitat International, 35, pp. 435-446Lin, G., Shen, Q., Measuring performance of value management studies in construction: Critical review (2007) ASCE, Journal of Management in Engineering, 23 (2), pp. 2-9Mao, X., Zhang, X., Abourizk, S., Enhancing value engineering process by incorporating inventive problem-solving techniques (2009) ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135, pp. 416-424Mesquita, M.J.M., Fabricio, M.M., Melhado, S.B., Concurrent engineering in construction: Studies of brief-design integration (2002) Proceedings IGLC-10, , Aug. Gramado, BrazilMoraes, A.G., Pandolfo, A., Rojas, J.W.J., Salles, M., Pandolfo, L., Guimarães, J., Reinehr, R., Avaliação e Comparação de obras de habitação de interesse social auxiliado por ferramenta computacional (2008) Estudos Tecnológicos, 4 (2), pp. 105-123. , Rio Grande do Sul. May/August. (in Portuguese)Morgan, J.M., Liker, J.K., (2006) The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology, , Productivity press. New York, NYMiles, L.D., (1989) Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering, , Eleanor Miles Walker, 3rd edition(2010) Edifícios Habitacionais de Até Cinco Pavimentos - Desempenho Parte 1: Requisitos Gerais, , NBR 15575-1:2010 ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. (in Portuguese)(2004) Acessibilidade a Edificações, Mobiliário, Espaços e Equipamentos Urbanos, , NBR 9050:2004 ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. (in Portuguese)Picchi, F.A., Oportunidades de aplicação do Lean Thinking na construção (2003) Ambiente Construído, , jan/mar 2003, Porto Alegre - RS. (in Portuguese)Rozenfeld, H., Amaral, D.C., Toledo, J.C., Carvalho, J., O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos (2003) Fábrica do Futuro. Capítulo 6, 13 (2). , (in Portuguese)(2009) SaveInternational, , http://www.value-eng.org/, SAVE Acess: 22/11/2009Shen, Q., Liu, G., Critical success factors for value management studies in construction (2003) ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 129 (485). , 2003Spaulding, W.M., Bridge, A., Skitmore, M., The use of function analysis as the basis of value, management in the Australian construction industry (2005) Construction Management and Economics, 23 (7), pp. 723-731Spencer, N.C., Winch, G.M., (2002) How Buildings Add Value for Clients, 61p. , Reston, USA: Thomas TelfordWard, A.C., (2007) Lean Product and Process Development, , The Lean Enterprise Institute Inc. Cambridge M

    Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from coral reefs in the Mexican Pacific

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    There are numerous and important coral reefs in the Mexican Pacific, but scarce studies of brittle stars conducted in these ecosystems. In this regard, this work provides the first annotated checklist of brittle stars associated with coral communities and reefs in the Mexican Pacific and an illustrated key to identify the species. We also provide taxonomic descriptions, spatial and bathymetric distributions and some important remarks of the species. We report a total of 14 species of brittle stars belonging to nine genera and seven families. Ophiocnida hispida in Jalisco, Ophiophragmus papillatus in Guerrero, and Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) spiculata and Ophiactis simplex in Colima are new distribution records. The record of O. papillatus is remarkable because the species has not been reported since its description in 1940. The brittle stars collected in this study, represent 22.2% of the total species previously reported from the Mexican Pacific. Presently, anthropogenic activities on the coral reefs of the Mexican Pacific have increased, thus the biodiversity of brittle stars in these ecosystems may be threatened. � R. Granja-Fern�ndez et al