2,664 research outputs found

    Black hole mergers in the universe

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    Mergers of black-hole binaries are expected to release large amounts of energy in the form of gravitational radiation. However, binary evolution models predict merger rates too low to be of observational interest. In this paper we explore the possibility that black holes become members of close binaries via dynamical interactions with other stars in dense stellar systems. In star clusters, black holes become the most massive objects within a few tens of millions of years; dynamical relaxation then causes them to sink to the cluster core, where they form binaries. These black-hole binaries become more tightly bound by superelastic encounters with other cluster members, and are ultimately ejected from the cluster. The majority of escaping black-hole binaries have orbital periods short enough and eccentricities high enough that the emission of gravitational radiation causes them to coalesce within a few billion years. We predict a black-hole merger rate of about 1.6×10−71.6 \times 10^{-7} per year per cubic megaparsec, implying gravity wave detection rates substantially greater than the corresponding rates from neutron star mergers. For the first generation Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO-I), we expect about one detection during the first two years of operation. For its successor LIGO-II, the rate rises to roughly one detection per day. The uncertainties in these numbers are large. Event rates may drop by about an order of magnitude if the most massive clusters eject their black hole binaries early in their evolution.Comment: 12 pages, ApJL in pres

    Riccati equations and normalized coprime factorizations for strongly stabilizable infinite-dimensional systems

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    The first part of the paper concerns the existence of strongly stabilizing solutions to the standard algebraic Riccati equation for a class of infinite-dimensional systems of the form Σ(A,B,S−1/2B*,D), where A is dissipative and all the other operators are bounded. These systems are not exponentially stabilizable and so the standard theory is not applicable. The second part uses the Riccati equation results to give formulas for normalized coprime factorizations over H∞ for positive real transfer functions of the form D+S−1/2B*(author−A)−1,B

    Gravitational waves from double white dwarfs

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    Double white dwarfs could be important sources for space based gravitational wave detectors like OMEGA and LISA. We use population synthesis to predict the current population of double white dwarfs in the Galaxy and the gravitational waves produced by this population. We simulate a detailed power spectrum for an observation with an integration time of 10^6 s. At frequencies below ~3 mHz confusion limited noise dominates. At higher frequencies a few thousand double white dwarfs are resolved individually. Including compact binaries containing neutron stars and black holes in our calculations yields a further few hundred resolved binaries and some tens which can be detected above the double white dwarf noise at low frequencies. We find that binaries in which one white dwarf transfers matter to another white dwarf are rare, and thus unimportant for gravitational wave detectors. We discuss the uncertainties and compare our results with other authors.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the XXXIVth Rencontres de Moriond on "Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity", January 23-30, 199

    Catching a planet: A tidal capture origin for the exomoon candidate Kepler 1625b I

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    The (yet-to-be confirmed) discovery of a Neptune-sized moon around the ~3.2 Jupiter-mass planet in Kepler 1625 puts interesting constraints on the formation of the system. In particular, the relatively wide orbit of the moon around the planet, at ~40 planetary radii, is hard to reconcile with planet formation theories. We demonstrate that the observed characteristics of the system can be explained from the tidal capture of a secondary planet in the young system. After a quick phase of tidal circularization, the lunar orbit, initially much tighter than 40 planetary radii, subsequently gradually widened due to tidal synchronization of the spin of the planet with the orbit, resulting in a synchronous planet-moon system. Interestingly, in our scenario the captured object was originally a Neptune-like planet, turned into a moon by its capture.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL. 7 pages, 5 figure

    The Relation Between the Globular Cluster Mass and Luminosity Functions

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    The relation between the globular cluster luminosity function (GCLF, dN/dlogL) and globular cluster mass function (GCMF, dN/dlogM) is considered. Due to low-mass star depletion, dissolving GCs have mass-to-light (M/L) ratios that are lower than expected from their metallicities. This has been shown to lead to an M/L ratio that increases with GC mass and luminosity. We model the GCLF and GCMF and show that the power law slopes inherently differ (1.0 versus 0.7, respectively) when accounting for the variability of M/L. The observed GCLF is found to be consistent with a Schechter-type initial cluster mass function and a mass-dependent mass-loss rate.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of "Galaxy Wars: Stellar Populations and Star Formation in Interacting Galaxies" (Tennessee, July 2009

    The distinction between star clusters and associations

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    In Galactic studies a distinction is made between (open) star clusters and associations. For barely resolved objects at a distance of several Mpc this distinction is not trivial to make. Here we provide an objective definition by comparing the age of the stars to the crossing time of nearby stellar agglomerates. We find that a satisfactory separation can be made where this ratio equals unity. Stellar agglomerates for which the age of the stars exceeds the crossing time are bound, and are referred to as star clusters. Alternatively, those for which the crossing time exceeds the stellar age are unbound and are referred to as associations. This definition is useful whenever reliable measurements for the mass, radius and age are available.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, accepted for MNRAS Letter
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