29,985 research outputs found

    Comparative study of normal and branched alkane monolayer films adsorbed on a solid surface. I. Structure

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    DOI: 10.1063/1.2464091The structure of a monolayer film of the branched alkane squalane (C30H62) adsorbed on graphite has been studied by neutron diffraction and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and compared with a similar study of the n-alkane tetracosane (n-C24H52). Both molecules have 24 carbon atoms along their backbone and squalane has, in addition, six methyl side groups. Upon adsorption, there are significant differences as well as similarities in the behavior of these molecular films. Both molecules form ordered structures at low temperatures; however, while the melting point of the two-dimensional (2D) tetracosane film is roughly the same as the bulk melting point, the surface strongly stabilizes the 2D squalane film such that its melting point is 91 K above its value in bulk. Therefore, squalane, like tetracosane, will be a poor lubricant in those nanoscale devices that require a fluid lubricant at room temperature. The neutron diffraction data show that the translational order in the squalane monolayer is significantly less than in the tetracosane monolayer. The authors' MD simulations suggest that this is caused by a distortion of the squalane molecules upon adsorption on the graphite surface. When the molecules are allowed to relax on the surface, they distort such that all six methyl groups point away from the surface. This results in a reduction in the monolayer's translational order characterized by a decrease in its coherence length and hence a broadening of the diffraction peaks. The MD simulations also show that the melting mechanism in the squalane monolayer is the same footprint reduction mechanism found in the tetracosane monolayer, where a chain melting drives the lattice melting.This work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DMR-0109057 and DMR-0411748 and by the U.S. Department of Energy through Grant No. DE-FG02-01ER45912. One of the authors (A.D.E.) thanks the Oticon Foundation, Denmark, for financial support

    Density functional theory of inhomogeneous liquids. I. The liquid-vapor interface in Lennard-Jones fluids

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    A simple model is proposed for the direct correlation function (DCF) for simple fluids consisting of a hard-core contribution, a simple parametrized core correction, and a mean-field tail. The model requires as input only the free energy of the homogeneous fluid, obtained, e.g., from thermodynamic perturbation theory. Comparison to the DCF obtained from simulation of a Lennard-Jones fluid shows this to be a surprisingly good approximation for a wide range of densities. The model is used to construct a density functional theory for inhomogeneous fluids which is applied to the problem of calculating the surface tension of the liquid-vapor interface. The numerical values found are in good agreement with simulation

    A dynamical theory of homogeneous nucleation for colloids and macromolecules

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    Homogeneous nucleation is formulated within the context of fluctuating hydrodynamics. It is shown that for a colloidal or macromolecular system in the strong damping limit the most likely path for nucleation can be determined by gradient descent in density space governed by a nontrivial metric fixed by the dynamics. The theory provides a justification and extension of more heuristic equilibrium approaches based solely on the free energy. It is illustrated by application to liquid-vapor nucleation where it is shown that, in contrast to most free energy-based studies, the smallest clusters correspond to long wavelength, small amplitude perturbations.Comment: final version; 4 pages, 2 figure

    Towards first-principles understanding of the metal-insulator transition in fluid alkali metals

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    By treating the electron-ion interaction as perturbation in the first-principles Hamiltonian, we have calculated the density response functions of a fluid alkali metal to find an interesting charge instability due to anomalous electronic density fluctuations occurring at some finite wave vector {\bi Q} in a dilute fluid phase above the liquid-gas critical point. Since |{\bi Q}| is smaller than the diameter of the Fermi surface, this instability necessarily impedes the electric conduction, implying its close relevance to the metal-insulator transition in fluid alkali metals.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    A power-law distribution of phase-locking intervals does not imply critical interaction

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    Neural synchronisation plays a critical role in information processing, storage and transmission. Characterising the pattern of synchronisation is therefore of great interest. It has recently been suggested that the brain displays broadband criticality based on two measures of synchronisation - phase locking intervals and global lability of synchronisation - showing power law statistics at the critical threshold in a classical model of synchronisation. In this paper, we provide evidence that, within the limits of the model selection approach used to ascertain the presence of power law statistics, the pooling of pairwise phase-locking intervals from a non-critically interacting system can produce a distribution that is similarly assessed as being power law. In contrast, the global lability of synchronisation measure is shown to better discriminate critical from non critical interaction.Comment: (v3) Fixed error in Figure 1; (v2) Added references. Minor edits throughout. Clarified relationship between theoretical critical coupling for infinite size system and 'effective' critical coupling system for finite size system. Improved presentation and discussion of results; results unchanged. Revised Figure 1 to include error bars on r and N; results unchanged; (v1) 11 pages, 7 figure

    Molecular-dynamics simulations of the dynamical excitations in commensurate submonolayer films of nitrogen molecules on graphite

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    URL:http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.54.14077 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.54.14077The dynamics of commensurate submonolayer solids of N2 molecules adsorbed on the basal planes of graphite have been studied using molecular-dynamics simulations. The calculations yielded the temperature dependence of the Brillouin-zone-center gap in the acoustic-phonon branches, for comparison with inelastic neutron-scattering experiments on the submonolayer solid. The calculated frequency gap was the same in submonolayer and monolayer films at low temperatures. At intermediate temperatures, the diffusive molecular motion associated with the presence of vacancies caused the gap mode to be less clearly defined in the coherent scattering function. Diffusion constants are calculated at submonolayer coverages, and temperatures up to 40 K for a population of molecules identified as mobile.This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR-9314235 (H.T.) and Nos. DMR-9120199 and DMR-9423307 (L.W.B.) and by The Danish Natural Science Foundation (F.Y.H.). L.W.B. thanks the Fysisk-Kemisk Institut and the Technical University of Denmark for hospitality during the period this work was completed

    Subdiffusion and lateral diffusion coefficient of lipid atoms and molecules in phospholipid bilayers

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    We use a long, all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulation combined with theoretical modeling to investigate the dynamics of selected lipid atoms and lipid molecules in a hydrated diyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer. From the analysis of a 0.1 μ\mus MD trajectory we find that the time evolution of the mean square displacement, [\delta{r}(t)]^2, of lipid atoms and molecules exhibits three well separated dynamical regions: (i) ballistic, with [\delta{r}(t)]^2 ~ t^2 for t < 10 fs; (ii) subdiffusive, with [\delta{r}(t)]^2 ~ t^{\beta} with \beta<1, for 10 ps < t < 10 ns; and (iii) Fickian diffusion, with [\delta{r}(t)]^2 ~ t for t > 30 ns. We propose a memory function approach for calculating [\delta{r}(t)]^2 over the entire time range extending from the ballistic to the Fickian diffusion regimes. The results are in very good agreement with the ones from the MD simulations. We also examine the implications of the presence of the subdiffusive dynamics of lipids on the self-intermediate scattering function and the incoherent dynamics structure factor measured in neutron scattering experiments.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.