1,616 research outputs found

    On the Trace-Free Einstein Equations as a Viable Alternative to General Relativity

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    The quantum field theoretic prediction for the vacuum energy density leads to a value for the effective cosmological constant that is incorrect by between 60 to 120 orders of magnitude. We review an old proposal of replacing Einstein's Field Equations by their trace-free part (the Trace-Free Einstein Equations), together with an independent assumption of energy--momentum conservation by matter fields. While this does not solve the fundamental issue of why the cosmological constant has the value that is observed cosmologically, it is indeed a viable theory that resolves the problem of the discrepancy between the vacuum energy density and the observed value of the cosmological constant. However, one has to check that, as well as preserving the standard cosmological equations, this does not destroy other predictions, such as the junction conditions that underlie the use of standard stellar models. We confirm that no problems arise here: hence, the Trace-Free Einstein Equations are indeed viable for cosmological and astrophysical applications.Comment: Substantial changes from v1 including added author, change of title and emphasis of the paper although all original results of v1. remai

    Nothing but Relativity, Redux

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    Here we show how spacetime transformations consistent with the principle of relativity can be derived without an explicit assumption of the constancy of the speed of light, without gedanken experiments involving light rays, and without an assumption of differentiability, or even continuity, for the spacetime mapping. Hence, these historic results could have been derived centuries ago, even before the advent of calculus. This raises an interesting question: Could Galileo have derived Einsteinian relativity

    Geodesic and Path Motion in the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory

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    We study the problem of test-particle motion in the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory (NGT) assuming the four-velocity of the particle is parallel-transported along the trajectory. The predicted motion is studied on a static, spherically symmetric background field, with particular attention paid to radial and circular motions. Interestingly, it is found that the proper time taken to travel between any two non-zero radial positions is finite. It is also found that circular orbits can be supported at lower radii than in General Relativity for certain forms of motion. We present three interactions which could be used as alternate methods for coupling a test-particle to the antisymmetric components of the NGT field. One of these takes the form of a Yukawa force in the weak-field limit of a static, spherically symmetric field, which could lead to interesting phenomenology.Comment: 17 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with amssymb.st

    The Einstein static universe with torsion and the sign problem of the cosmological constant

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    In the field equations of Einstein-Cartan theory with cosmological constant a static spherically symmetric perfect fluid with spin density satisfying the Weyssenhoff restriction is considered. This serves as a rough model of space filled with (fermionic) dark matter. From this the Einstein static universe with constant torsion is constructed, generalising the Einstein Cosmos to Einstein-Cartan theory. The interplay between torsion and the cosmological constant is discussed. A possible way out of the cosmological constant's sign problem is suggested.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX; minor layout changes, typos corrected, one new equation, new reference [5], completed reference [13], two references adde

    Solving the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen puzzle: the origin of non-locality in Aspect-type experiments

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    So far no mechanism is known, which could connect the two measurements in an Aspect-type experiment. Here, we suggest such a mechanism, based on the phase of a photon's field during propagation. We show that two polarization measurements are correlated, even if no signal passes from one point of measurement to the other. The non-local connection of a photon pair is the result of its origin at a common source, where the two fields acquire a well defined phase difference. Therefore, it is not actually a non-local effect in any conventional sense. We expect that the model and the detailed analysis it allows will have a major impact on quantum cryptography and quantum computation.Comment: 5 pages 1 figure. Added an analysis of quantum steering. The result is that under certain conditions the experimental result at B can be predicted if the polarization angle and the result at A are known. The paper has been accepted for publication in Frontiers of Physics. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1108.435

    Generalisation of the Einstein-Straus model to anisotropic settings

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    We study the possibility of generalising the Einstein--Straus model to anisotropic settings, by considering the matching of locally cylindrically symmetric static regions to the set of G4G_4 on S3S_3 locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) spacetimes. We show that such matchings preserving the symmetry are only possible for a restricted subset of the LRS models in which there is no evolution in one spacelike direction. These results are applied to spatially homogeneous (Bianchi) exteriors where the static part represents a finite bounded interior region without holes. We find that it is impossible to embed finite static strings or other locally cylindrically symmetric static objects (such as bottle or coin-shaped objects) in reasonable Bianchi cosmological models, irrespective of the matter content. Furthermore, we find that if the exterior spacetime is assumed to have a perfect fluid source satisfying the dominant energy condition, then only a very particular family of LRS stiff fluid solutions are compatible with this model. Finally, given the interior/exterior duality in the matching procedure, our results have the interesting consequence that the Oppenheimer-Snyder model of collapse cannot be generalised to such anisotropic cases.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages. Text unchanged. Labels removed from the equations. Submitted for publicatio

    Cosmological models with flat spatial geometry

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    The imposition of symmetries or special geometric properties on submanifolds is less restrictive than to impose them in the full space-time. Starting from this idea, in this paper we study irrotational dust cosmological models in which the geometry of the hypersurfaces generated by the fluid velocity is flat, which supposes a relaxation of the restrictions imposed by the Cosmological Principle. The method of study combines covariant and tetrad methods that exploits the geometrical and physical properties of these models. This procedure will allow us to determine all the space-times within this class as well as to study their properties. Some important consequences and applications of this study are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, IOP style. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The gravitational energy-momentum flux

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    We present a continuity equation for the gravitational energy-momentum, which is obtained in the framework of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity. From this equation it follows a general definition for the gravitational energy-momentum flux. This definition is investigated in the context of plane waves and of cylindrical Einstein-Rosen waves. We obtain the well known value for the energy flux of plane gravitational waves, and conclude that the latter exhibit features similar to plane electromagnetic waves.Comment: 20 pages, latex file, no figures, two references added, accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gravit

    The Communication Cost of Simulating Bell Correlations

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    What classical resources are required to simulate quantum correlations? For the simplest and most important case of local projective measurements on an entangled Bell pair state, we show that exact simulation is possible using local hidden variables augmented by just one bit of classical communication. Certain quantum teleportation experiments, which teleport a single qubit, therefore admit a local hidden variables model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; reference adde

    On the quantum description of Einstein's Brownian motion

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    A fully quantum treatment of Einstein's Brownian motion is given, showing in particular the role played by the two original requirements of translational invariance and connection between dynamics of the Brownian particle and atomic nature of the medium. The former leads to a clearcut relationship with Holevo's result on translation-covariant quantum-dynamical semigroups, the latter to a formulation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in terms of the dynamic structure factor, a two-point correlation function introduced in seminal work by van Hove, directly related to density fluctuations in the medium and therefore to its atomistic, discrete nature. A microphysical expression for the generally temperature dependent friction coefficient is given in terms of the dynamic structure factor and of the interaction potential describing the single collisions. A comparison with the Caldeira Leggett model is drawn, especially in view of the requirement of translational invariance, further characterizing general structures of reduced dynamics arising in the presence of symmetry under translations.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figure
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