414 research outputs found

    Contact Improvisation: Concepts of Physics Transformed into Art

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    Use of satellite and modeled soil moisture data for predicting event soil loss at plot scale

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    Abstract. The potential of coupling soil moisture and a Universal Soil Loss Equation-based (USLE-based) model for event soil loss estimation at plot scale is carefully investigated at the Masse area, in central Italy. The derived model, named Soil Moisture for Erosion (SM4E), is applied by considering the unavailability of in situ soil moisture measurements, by using the data predicted by a soil water balance model (SWBM) and derived from satellite sensors, i.e., the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT). The soil loss estimation accuracy is validated using in situ measurements in which event observations at plot scale are available for the period 2008–2013. The results showed that including soil moisture observations in the event rainfall–runoff erosivity factor of the USLE enhances the capability of the model to account for variations in event soil losses, the soil moisture being an effective alternative to the estimated runoff, in the prediction of the event soil loss at Masse. The agreement between observed and estimated soil losses (through SM4E) is fairly satisfactory with a determination coefficient (log-scale) equal to ~ 0.35 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of ~ 2.8 Mg ha−1. These results are particularly significant for the operational estimation of soil losses. Indeed, currently, soil moisture is a relatively simple measurement at the field scale and remote sensing data are also widely available on a global scale. Through satellite data, there is the potential of applying the SM4E model for large-scale monitoring and quantification of the soil erosion process

    A modified applicative criterion of the physical model concept for evaluating plot soil erosion predictions

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    In this paper, the physical model concept by Nearing (1998. Catena 32: 15–22) was assessed. Soil loss data collected on plots of different widths (2–8 m), lengths (11–44 m) and steepnesses (14.9–26.0%), equipped in south and central Italy, were used. Differences in width between plots of given length and steepness determined a lower data correlation and more deviation of the fitted regression line from the identity one. A coefficient of determination between measured, M, and predicted, P, soil losses of 0.77 was representative of the best-case prediction scenario, according to Nearing (1998). The relative differences, Rdiff = (P − M) / (P + M), decreased in absolute value as M increased only for erosion rates approximately > 1 kg m− 2. An alternative applicative criterion of the physical model concept, based on the |P − M| difference, was valid for the entire range of measured soil losses. In conclusion, the physical model should be defined in terms of perfect planimetrical equivalence. The best applicative criterion of the physical model concept may vary with the considered dataset, which practically implies the need to further test this concept with other datasets

    3D #DigitalInvasions: a crowdsourcing project for mobile user generated content

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    This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily

    Statins, fibrates and retinoic acid upregulate mitochondrial acylcarnitine carrier gene expression

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    In this study, we investigated the effects of statins, fibrates, 9-cis-retinoic acid and forskolin on the transcription of the mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier (CAC) gene. Statins, fibrates, retinoic acid and forskolin activate luciferase gene reporter activity driven by the -334/+3 bp region of the human CAC promoter containing wild-type (but not mutated) PPRE. These four agents also increase CAC transcript and protein levels. The combinations of statins and fibrates, retinoic acid and fibrates and fibrates and forskolin act synergistically. Mevalonate abolishes the activation of CAC gene expression by statins; the inhibitor of the PKA pathway H89 suppresses the stimulation of CAC gene expression by forskolin. Because CAC is essential for fatty acid beta-oxidation, the above results on the regulation of CAC gene expression provide a novel contribution to the understanding of the hypolipidemic action of statins, fibrates and retinoic acid

    stream temperature estimated in situ from thermal infrared images best estimate and uncertainty

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    The paper aims to show a technique to estimate in situ the stream temperature from thermal-infrared images deepening its best estimate and uncertainty. Stream temperature is an important indicator of water quality and nowadays its assessment is important particularly for thermal pollution monitoring in water bodies. Stream temperature changes are especially due to the anthropogenic heat input from urban wastewater and from water used as a coolant by power plants and industrial manufacturers. The stream temperatures assessment using ordinary techniques (e.g. appropriate thermometers) is limited by sparse sampling in space due to a spatial discretization necessarily punctual. Latest and most advanced techniques assess the stream temperature using thermal-infrared remote sensing based on thermal imagers placed usually on aircrafts or using satellite images. These techniques assess only the surface water temperature and they are suitable to detect the temperature of vast water bodies but do not allow a detailed and precise surface water temperature assessment in limited areas of the water body. The technique shown in this research is based on the assessment of thermal-infrared images obtained in situ via portable thermal imager. As in all thermographic techniques, also in this technique, it is possible to estimate only the surface water temperature. A stream with the presence of a discharge of urban wastewater is proposed as case study to validate the technique and to show its application limits. Since the technique analyzes limited areas in extension of the water body, it allows a detailed and precise assessment of the water temperature. In general, the punctual and average stream temperatures are respectively uncorrected and corrected. An appropriate statistical method that minimizes the errors in the average stream temperature is proposed. The correct measurement of this temperature through the assessment of thermal- infrared images obtained in situ via portable thermal imager is confirmed by the direct measurement of stream temperature using an ordinary technique based on an appropriate thermometer

    Surgical complications after pancreatic transplantation: A computed tomography imaging pictorial review

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    pancreatic transplantation should start with the evaluation of the arterial Y-graft, the venous anastomosis and the duodenojejunostomy. With regard to complications, CT allows for the identification of vascular complications, such as thrombosis or stenosis of blood vessels supplying the graft, the detection of pancreatic fluid collections, including pseudocysts, abscesses, or leaks, the assessment of bowel complications (anastomotic leaks, ileus or obstruction), and the identification of bleeding. The aim of this pictorial review is to illustrate CT findings of surgical-related complications after pancreatic transplantation. The knowledge of surgical techniques is of key importance to understand postoperative anatomic changes and imaging evaluation. Therefore, we first provide a short summary of the main techniques of pancreatic transplantation. Then, we provide a practical imaging approach to pancreatic transplantation and its complications providing tips and tricks for the prompt imaging diagnosis on CT.Pancreatic transplantation is considered by the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes an acceptable surgical procedure in patients with type 1 diabetes also undergoing kidney transplantation in pre-final or end-stage renal disease if no contraindications are present. Pancreatic transplantation, however, is a complex surgical procedure and may lead to a range of postoperative complications that can significantly impact graft function and patient outcomes. Postoperative computed tomography (CT) is often adopted to evaluate perfusion of the transplanted pancreas, identify complications and as a guide for interventional radiology procedures. CT assessment afte

    Statins, fibrates and retinoic acid upregulate mitochondrial acylcarnitine carrier gene expression

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    In this study, we investigated the effects of statins, fibrates, 9-cis-retinoic acid and forskolin on the transcription of the mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier (CAC) gene. Statins, fibrates, retinoic acid and forskolin activate luciferase gene reporter activity driven by the -334/+3 bp region of the human CAC promoter containing wild-type (but not mutated) PPRE. These four agents also increase CAC transcript and protein levels. The combinations of statins and fibrates, retinoic acid and fibrates and fibrates and forskolin act synergistically. Mevalonate abolishes the activation of CAC gene expression by statins; the inhibitor of the PKA pathway H89 suppresses the stimulation of CAC gene expression by forskolin. Because CAC is essential for fatty acid beta-oxidation, the above results on the regulation of CAC gene expression provide a novel contribution to the understanding of the hypolipidemic action of statins, fibrates and retinoic acid
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