123 research outputs found

    Nonlocal Quantum Gravity and the Size of the Universe

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    Motivated by the conjecture that the cosmological constant problem is solved by strong quantum effects in the infrared we use the exact flow equation of Quantum Einstein Gravity to determine the renormalization group behavior of a class of nonlocal effective actions. They consist of the Einstein-Hilbert term and a general nonlinear function Fk(V)F_k(V) of the Euclidean spacetime volume VV. For the V+VlnVV + V \ln V-invariant the renormalization group running enormously suppresses the value of the renormalized curvature which results from Planck-size parameters specified at the Planck scale. One obtains very large, i.e., almost flat universes without finetuning the cosmological constant. A critical infrared fixed point is found where gravity is scale invariant.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the proceedings of the 36th International Symposium Ahrenshoop, Berlin, August 26-30, 200

    Impact of topology in foliated Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    We use a functional renormalization group equation tailored to the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formulation of gravity to study the scale-dependence of Newton's coupling and the cosmological constant on a background spacetime with topology S^1xS^d. The resulting beta functions possess a non-trivial renormalization group fixed point, which may provide the high-energy completion of the theory through the asymptotic safety mechanism. The fixed point is robust with respect to changing the parametrization of the metric fluctuations and regulator scheme. The phase diagrams show that this fixed point is connected to a classical regime through a crossover. In addition the flow may exhibit a regime of "gravitational instability", modifying the theory in the deep infrared. Our work complements earlier studies of the gravitational renormalization group flow on a background topology S^1xT^d and establishes that the flow is essentially independent of the background topology.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure

    Asymptotic safety in higher-derivative gravity

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    We study the non-perturbative renormalization group flow of higher-derivative gravity employing functional renormalization group techniques. The non-perturbative contributions to the β\beta-functions shift the known perturbative ultraviolet fixed point into a non-trivial fixed point with three UV-attractive and one UV-repulsive eigendirections, consistent with the asymptotic safety conjecture of gravity. The implication of this transition on the unitarity problem, typically haunting higher-derivative gravity theories, is discussed.Comment: 8 pages; 1 figure; revised versio

    On the scaling of composite operators in Asymptotic Safety

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    The Asymptotic Safety hypothesis states that the high-energy completion of gravity is provided by an interacting renormalization group fixed point. This implies non-trivial quantum corrections to the scaling dimensions of operators and correlation functions which are characteristic for the corresponding universality class. We use the composite operator formalism for the effective average action to derive an analytic expression for the scaling dimension of an infinite family of geometric operators ddxgRn\int d^dx \sqrt{g} R^n. We demonstrate that the anomalous dimensions interpolate continuously between their fixed point value and zero when evaluated along renormalization group trajectories approximating classical general relativity at low energy. Thus classical geometry emerges when quantum fluctuations are integrated out. We also compare our results to the stability properties of the interacting renormalization group fixed point projected to f(R)f(R)-gravity, showing that the composite operator formalism in the single-operator approximation cannot be used to reliably determine the number of relevant parameters of the theory.Comment: matches published versio

    Ghost wave-function renormalization in Asymptotically Safe Quantum Gravity

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    Motivated by Weinberg's asymptotic safety scenario, we investigate the gravitational renormalization group flow in the Einstein-Hilbert truncation supplemented by the wave-function renormalization of the ghost fields. The latter induces non-trivial corrections to the beta-functions for Newton's constant and the cosmological constant. The resulting ghost-improved phase diagram is investigated in detail. In particular, we find a non-trivial ultraviolet fixed point in agreement with the asymptotic safety conjecture, which also survives in the presence of extra dimensions. In four dimensions the ghost anomalous dimension at the fixed point is ηc=1.8\eta_c^* = -1.8, supporting space-time being effectively two-dimensional at short distances.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Membrane and fivebrane instantons from quaternionic geometry

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    We determine the one-instanton corrections to the universal hypermultiplet moduli space coming both from Euclidean membranes and NS-fivebranes wrapping the cycles of a (rigid) Calabi-Yau threefold. These corrections are completely encoded by a single function characterizing a generic four-dimensional quaternion-Kahler metric without isometries. We give explicit solutions for this function describing all one-instanton corrections, including the fluctuations around the instanton to all orders in the string coupling constant. In the semi-classical limit these results are in perfect agreement with previous supergravity calculations

    A proper fixed functional for four-dimensional Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    Abstract: Realizing a quantum theory for gravity based on Asymptotic Safety hinges on the existence of a non-Gaussian fixed point of the theory’s renormalization group flow. In this work, we use the functional renormalization group equation for the effective average action to study the fixed point underlying Quantum Einstein Gravity at the functional level including an infinite number of scale-dependent coupling constants. We formulate a list of guiding principles underlying the construction of a partial differential equation encoding the scale-dependence of f(R)-gravity. We show that this equation admits a unique, globally well-defined fixed functional describing the non-Gaussian fixed point at the level of functions of the scalar curvature. This solution is constructed explicitly via a numerical double-shooting method. In the UV, this solution is in good agreement with results from polynomial expansions including a finite number of coupling constants, while it scales proportional to R2, dressed up with non-analytic terms, in the IR. We demonstrate that its structure is mainly governed by the conformal sector of the flow equation. The relation of our work to previous, partial constructions of similar scaling solutions is discussed

    On the renormalization group flow of f(R)-gravity

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    We use the functional renormalization group equation for quantum gravity to construct a non-perturbative flow equation for modified gravity theories of the form S=ddxgf(R)S = \int d^dx \sqrt{g} f(R). Based on this equation we show that certain gravitational interactions monomials can be consistently decoupled from the renormalization group (RG) flow and reproduce recent results on the asymptotic safety conjecture. The non-perturbative RG flow of non-local extensions of the Einstein-Hilbert truncation including ddxgln(R)\int d^dx \sqrt{g} \ln(R) and ddxgRn\int d^dx \sqrt{g} R^{-n} interactions is investigated in detail. The inclusion of such interactions resolves the infrared singularities plaguing the RG trajectories with positive cosmological constant in previous truncations. In particular, in some RnR^{-n}-truncations all physical trajectories emanate from a Non-Gaussian (UV) fixed point and are well-defined on all RG scales. The RG flow of the ln(R)\ln(R)-truncation contains an infrared attractor which drives a positive cosmological constant to zero dynamically.Comment: 55 pages, 7 figures, typos corrected, references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.