884 research outputs found

    A reduced-order model of three-dimensional unsteady flow in a cavity based on the resolvent operator

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    A novel reduced-order model for nonlinear flows is presented. The model arises from a resolvent decomposition in which the nonlinear advection terms of the Navier-Stokes equation are considered as the input to a linear system in Fourier space. Results show that Taylor-G\"ortler-like vortices can be represented from a low-order resolvent decomposition of a nonlinear lid-driven cavity flow. The present approach provides an approximation of the fluctuating velocity given the time-mean and the time history of a single velocity probe

    Steady streamwise transpiration control in turbulent pipe flow

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    A study of the the main features of low- and high amplitude steady streamwise wall transpiration applied to pipe flow is presented. The effect of the two transpiration parameters, amplitude and wavenumber, on the flow have been investigated by means of direct numerical simulation at a moderate turbulent Reynolds number. The behaviour of the three identified mechanisms that act in the flow: modification of Reynolds shear stress, steady streaming and generation of non-zero mean streamwise gradients, have been linked to the transpiration parameters. The observed trends have permitted the identification of wall transpiration configurations able to reduce or increase the overall flow rate in -36.1% and 19.3% respectively. A resolvent analysis has been carried out to obtain a description of the reorganization of the flow structures induced by the transpiration

    Fortran Program for the Upward and Downward Continuation and Derivatives of Potential Fields

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    In 1960 Roland G. Henderson, of the U.S. Geological Survey, published a comprehensive system for computation of first and second derivatives of potential fields and the continuation of fields to levels above or below the plane of observation. In our study a Fortran IV program (HNDRSN2), based on Henderson's algorithm, uses map data digitized at an equally spaced grid interval. Output from program HNDRSN2 includes maps of the field continued upward or downward from one to five grid units and first and second derivative maps on the surface and on selected downward continued levels. Test cases demonstrate the reliability of the program in standard analyses of gravity and magnetic fields

    Countering Social Engineering through Social Media: An Enterprise Security Perspective

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    The increasing threat of social engineers targeting social media channels to advance their attack effectiveness on company data has seen many organizations introducing initiatives to better understand these vulnerabilities. This paper examines concerns of social engineering through social media within the enterprise and explores countermeasures undertaken to stem ensuing risk. Also included is an analysis of existing social media security policies and guidelines within the public and private sectors.Comment: Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications (ICCCI 2015), LNAI, Springer, Vol. 9330, pp. 54-6

    Part 2. Power Spectral Analysis

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    Automatic (computer) correlation of geophysical logs is complicated by stratigraphic thickening (or stretch) from one area to another. Previous algorithms compute the stretch with repeated crosscorrelations of the original logs. Program SPECOR presented in this report uses crosscorrelation of the power spectra of the logs to identify the stretch factor between logs in one simplified operation. Computations are performed in the frequency domain with the scequency intervals transformed to a logarithmic scale. Interpolation is required to obtain equally spaced power spectra. Given the stretch, displacement or lag between wells is computed rapidly by correlation processes, without needing to rely on iterative procedures

    Nonconstant electronic density of states tunneling inversion for A15 superconductors: Nb3Sn

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    We re-examine the tunneling data on A15 superconductors by performing a generalized McMillan-Rowell tunneling inversion that incorporates a nonconstant electronic density of states obtained from band-structure calculations. For Nb3Sn, we find that the fit to the experimental data can be slightly improved by taking into account the sharp structure in the density of states, but it is likely that such an analysis alone is not enough to completely explain the superconducting tunneling characteristics of this material. Nevertheless, the extracted Eliashberg function displays a number of features expected to be present for the highest quality Nb3Sn samples.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Current and projected global distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi, one of the world's worst plant pathogens

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    Globally, Phytophthora cinnamomi is listed as one of the 100 worst invasive alien species and active management is required to reduce impact and prevent spread in both horticulture and natural ecosystems. Conversely, there are regions thought to be suitable for the pathogen where no disease is observed. We developed a climex model for the global distribution of P. cinnamomi based on the pathogen's response to temperature and moisture and by incorporating extensive empirical evidence on the presence and absence of the pathogen. The climex model captured areas of climatic suitability where P. cinnamomi occurs that is congruent with all available records. The model was validated by the collection of soil samples from asymptomatic vegetation in areas projected to be suitable by the model for which there were few records. DNA was extracted, and the presence or absence of P. cinnamomi was determined by high-throughput sequencing (HTS). While not detected using traditional isolation methods, HTS detected P. cinnamomi at higher elevations in eastern Australia and central Tasmania as projected by the climex model. Further support for the climex model was obtained using the large data set from south-west Australia where the proportion of positive records in an area is related to the Ecoclimatic Index value for the same area. We provide for the first time a comprehensive global map of the current P. cinnamomi distribution, an improved climex model of the distribution, and a projection to 2080 of the distribution with predicted climate change. This information provides the basis for more detailed regional-scale modelling and supports risk assessment for governments to plan management of this important soil-borne plant pathogen

    War Injuries of Colon and Rectum – Results After 10 Years

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    The aim of our study is to evaluate results of treating war injuries of colon and rectum, after 10 years. During the war in Croatia, 21 wounded, with colon (19) and rectum (2) injuries, were treated in the Department of Surgery at Nova Gradi{ka General Hospital from August 1991 to April 1992. Bullet wounds accounted for 57% of the injuries. All patients had other associated injuries. Primary repair and proximal derivation was possible in 2 cases (9.5%), while primary resection with intraperitoneal anastomosis was performed in 3 (14.3%) patients. In 2 (9.5%) patients sustained intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal rectal penetrating injury rectum was resected and closed performing temporary sigmoidostomy. When multiple perforations or crush injury of the colon were found, in 8 (38.1%) injured persons resection of the involved segment was combined with proximal end colostomy and aboral mucous fistula. Exteriorization of injured segment of the colon and creating colostomy incorporating the injured colon as the stoma was performed in 6 (28.5%) wounded patients. Four of the wounded (19.0 %) died two of them during the operative procedure due to hemorrhagic shock. One injured died after eight days due to pulmonary embolism, and one patient died after thirty days due to sepsis. Reoperation was necessary in two (9.5%) injured due to bowel obstruction four days following initial surgery because of adhesions. Three (14.3%) of the injured had wound infection, one of them died 30 days after injury due to sepsis, and two (9.5%) consequently developed ventral hernia that was operated after 4 and 5 years respectively. Four (19.0%) of the injured are still occasionally experiencing occasional abdominal pain

    A qualitative study of the experiences and expectations of women receiving in-patient postnatal care in one English maternity unit

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    Background Studies consistently highlight in-patient postnatal care as the area of maternity care women are least satisfied with. As part of a quality improvement study to promote a continuum of care from the birthing room to discharge home from hospital, we explored women’s expectations and experiences of current inpatient care. Methods For this part of the study, qualitative data from semi-structured interviews were transcribed and analysed using content analyses to identify issues and concepts. Women were recruited from two postnatal wards in one large maternity unit in the South of England, with around 6,000 births a year. Results Twenty women, who had a vaginal or caesarean birth, were interviewed on the postnatal ward. Identified themes included; the impact of the ward environment; the impact of the attitude of staff; quality and level of support for breastfeeding; unmet information needs; and women’s low expectations of hospital based postnatal care. Findings informed revision to the content and planning of in-patient postnatal care, results of which will be reported elsewhere. Conclusions Women’s responses highlighted several areas where changes could be implemented. Staff should be aware that how they inter-act with women could make a difference to care as a positive or negative experience. The lack of support and inconsistent advice on breastfeeding highlights that units need to consider how individual staff communicate information to women. Units need to address how and when information on practical aspects of infant care is provided if women and their partners are to feel confident on the woman’s transfer home from hospital
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