17 research outputs found

    Lipid profile during pregnancy in HIV-infected women

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    Purpose: We investigated the evolution of serum lipid levels in HIV-infected pregnant women and the potential effect of antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy using data from a national surveillance study. Method: Fasting lipid measurements collected during routine care in pregnancy were used, analyzing longitudinal changes and differences in lipid values at each trimester by protease inhibitors (Pls) and stavudine use. Multivariate analyses were used to control for simultaneous factors potentially leading to hyperlipidemia. Study population included 248 women. Results: Lipid values increased progressively and significantly during pregnancy: mean increases between the first and third trimesters were 141.6 mg/dL for triglycerides (p <.001), 60.8 mg/dL for total cholesterol (p <.001), 13.7 mg/dL for HDL cholesterol (p <.001), and 17.8 mg/dL for LDL cholesterol (p =.001). At all trimesters, women on PIs had significantly higher triglyceride values compared to women not on Pis. The effect of Pls on cholesterol levels was less consistent. Stavudine showed a dyslipidemic effect at first trimester only. Multivariate analyses confirmed these observations and suggested a potential role of other cofactors in the development of hyperlipidemia during pregnancy. Conclusion: The changes observed point to the need to further explore the causes and the clinical correlates of hyperlipidemia during pregnancy in women with HIV

    Assunzione di estroprogestinici e folatemia.

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    Assunzione di estroprogestinici e folatemia

    Concentrazioni sieriche ed endoeritrocitarie di folati in corso di assunzione di estroprogestinici.

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    Concentrazioni sieriche ed endoeritrocitarie di folati in corso di assunzione di estroprogestinici

    La carenza di folati in gravidanza.

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    La carenza di folati in gravidanza

    Combined use of goserelin acetate and human menopausal gonadotropin in the induction of follicular growth in a program of fertilization in vitro and embryo transfer

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    OBJECTIVE: to investigate the efficacy of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GN-RH-a) in combination with human menopausal menotropin (hMG) for in-vitro fertilization. METHODS: 30 infertile women aged 32 to 37 years received a combined treatment with a long-acting slow-releasing Gn-RH-a and hMG to perform ovarian stimulation in a program of in-vitro fertilization. Serum levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), 17-beta-estradiol (E2), Progesterone (P), were evaluated and transvaginal ultrasonographic examinations were performed during the treatment to assess the ovarian volume, the mean number and diameter of growing follicles and the endometrial morphology and thickness. Oocyte retrieval was performed by transvaginal-ultrasound-guided approach, 24-36 hours after the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). RESULTS: our data suggest that the combined use of Gn-RH-a and exogenous gonadotropins is associated with a more uniform ovarian response and with the absence of premature LH discharge. Moreover, the Gn-RH-a as polymer implant provides a controlled delivery per day over a one-month period and avoids the inconvenience of a daily administration. CONCLUSIONS: this kind of Gn-RH-a formulation, in in-vitro fertilization programs, appears very effective in inducing a reversible hypogonadic state, easy to manage and well tolerated by the patient. Its association with exogenous gonadotropins appears to be effective in increasing the success rate of good quality oocyte retrieva

    La selvicoltura delle specie sporadiche in Toscana.

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    Le venticinque specie sporadiche trattate in questo volume si incontrano raramente in Toscana, sia perche\u301 le condizioni ecologiche adatte al loro sviluppo si realizzano solo saltuariamente, sia perche\u301 la gestione selvicolturale dei soprassuoli forestali che le ospitano ha favorito altre specie. La loro presenza nei boschi della regione e\u300 stimata in circa 90 milioni di piante e i benefici che esse producono sono di tipo ambientale, naturalistico, paesaggistico e, non ultimo, economico-produttivo. La presente pubblicazione, la terza della collana \u201dSupporti tecnici alla Legge Regionale Forestale della Toscana\u201d, intende promuovere una migliore conoscenza di queste specie e valorizzarne la multifunzionalita\u300 e le potenzialita\u300 produttive per assortimenti legnosi di pregio. Percio\u300 descrive tecniche selvicolturali e strategie gestionali specifiche, talvolta poco conosciute dagli operatori forestali della regione, ma di facile applicabilita\u300, nel rispetto della normativa vigente e in particolare della Legge Regionale Forestale (LR 39/200) e del relativo Regolamento Forestale. Fornisce inoltre un\u2019esauriente descrizione delle caratteristiche delle specie trattate e, ove esistano i presupposti ecologici e ambientali necessari, illustra le tecniche selvicolturali ritenute idonee a valorizzarne le produzioni legnose

    Impact of antiretroviral treatment on lipid profile during pregnancy in HIV-infected women

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    To define serum lipid changes in HIV-infected pregnant women undergoing antiretroviral treatment, clarifyning the independent effects of pregnancy, HIV infection and antiretroviral tratment on cholesterol and triglycerides values

    Lipid profile during pregnancy in HIV-infected women

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    Purpose: We investigated the evolution of serum lipid levels in HIV-infected pregnant women and the potential effect of antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy using data from a national surveillance study. Method: Fasting lipid measurements collected during routine care in pregnancy were used, analyzing longitudinal changes and differences in lipid values at each trimester by protease inhibitors (Pls) and stavudine use. Multivariate analyses were used to control for simultaneous factors potentially leading to hyperlipidemia. Study population included 248 women. Results: Lipid values increased progressively and significantly during pregnancy: mean increases between the first and third trimesters were 141.6 mg/dL for triglycerides (p <.001), 60.8 mg/dL for total cholesterol (p <.001), 13.7 mg/dL for HDL cholesterol (p <.001), and 17.8 mg/dL for LDL cholesterol (p =.001). At all trimesters, women on PIs had significantly higher triglyceride values compared to women not on Pis. The effect of Pls on cholesterol levels was less consistent. Stavudine showed a dyslipidemic effect at first trimester only. Multivariate analyses confirmed these observations and suggested a potential role of other cofactors in the development of hyperlipidemia during pregnancy. Conclusion: The changes observed point to the need to further explore the causes and the clinical correlates of hyperlipidemia during pregnancy in women with HIV