14,116 research outputs found

    First-principles investigation of Ag-Cu alloy surfaces in an oxidizing environment

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    In this paper we investigate by means of first-principles density functional theory calculations the (111) surface of the Ag-Cu alloy under varying conditions of pressure of the surrounding oxygen atmosphere and temperature. This alloy has been recently proposed as a catalyst with improved selectivity for ethylene epoxidation with respect to pure silver, the catalyst commonly used in industrial applications. Here we show that the presence of oxygen leads to copper segregation to the surface. Considering the surface free energy as a function of the surface composition, we construct the convex hull to investigate the stability of various surface structures. By including the dependence of the free surface energy on the oxygen chemical potential, we are able compute the phase diagram of the alloy as a function of temperature, pressure and surface composition. We find that, at temperature and pressure typically used in ethylene epoxidation, a number of structures can be present on the surface of the alloy, including clean Ag(111), thin layers of copper oxide and thick oxide-like structures. These results are consistent with, and help explain, recent experimental results.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The elliptic genus from split flows and Donaldson-Thomas invariants

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    We analyze a mixed ensemble of low charge D4-D2-D0 brane states on the quintic and show that these can be successfully enumerated using attractor flow tree techniques and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. In this low charge regime one needs to take into account worldsheet instanton corrections to the central charges, which is accomplished by making use of mirror symmetry. All the charges considered can be realized as fluxed D6-D2-D0 and anti-D6-D2-D0 pairs which we enumerate using DT invariants. Our procedure uses the low charge counterpart of the picture developed Denef and Moore. By establishing the existence of flow trees numerically and refining the index factorization scheme, we reproduce and improve some results obtained by Gaiotto, Strominger and Yin. Our results provide appealing evidence that the strong split flow tree conjecture holds and allows to compute exact results for an important sector of the theory. Our refined scheme for computing indices might shed some light on how to improve index computations for systems with larger charges.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Double transverse spin asymmetries in vector boson production

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    We investigate a helicity non-flip double transverse spin asymmetry in vector boson production in hadron-hadron scattering, which was first considered by Ralston and Soper at the tree level. It does not involve transversity functions and in principle also arises in W-boson production for which we present the expressions. The asymmetry requires observing the transverse momentum of the vector boson, but it is not suppressed by explicit inverse powers of a large energy scale. However, as we will show, inclusion of Sudakov factors causes suppression of the asymmetry, which increases with energy. Moreover, the asymmetry is shown to be approximately proportional to x_1 g_1(x_1) x_2 \bar g_1(x_2), which gives rise to additional suppression at small values of the light cone momentum fractions. This implies that it is negligible for Z or W production and is mainly of interest for \gamma^* at low energies. We also compare the asymmetry with other types of double transverse spin asymmetries and discuss how to disentangle them.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 2 Postscript figures, uses aps.sty, epsf.sty; figures replaced, a few minor other correction

    Predictions from a stochastic polymer model for the MinDE dynamics in E.coli

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    The spatiotemporal oscillations of the Min proteins in the bacterium Escherichia coli play an important role in cell division. A number of different models have been proposed to explain the dynamics from the underlying biochemistry. Here, we extend a previously described discrete polymer model from a deterministic to a stochastic formulation. We express the stochastic evolution of the oscillatory system as a map from the probability distribution of maximum polymer length in one period of the oscillation to the probability distribution of maximum polymer length half a period later and solve for the fixed point of the map with a combined analytical and numerical technique. This solution gives a theoretical prediction of the distributions of both lengths of the polar MinD zones and periods of oscillations -- both of which are experimentally measurable. The model provides an interesting example of a stochastic hybrid system that is, in some limits, analytically tractable.Comment: 16 page

    Probing The Multiphase Interstellar Medium Of The Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 625 With FUSE Spectroscopy

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    We present new FUSE spectroscopy of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 625. These observations probe multiple phases of the interstellar medium, including the coronal, ionized, neutral and molecular gas. This nearby (D = 3.9 +/- 0.2 Mpc) system shows a clear detection of outflowing coronal gas as traced by OVI 1032 Angstrom absorption. The centroid of the OVI profile is blueshifted with respect to the galaxy systemic velocity by ~ 30 km/sec, suggesting a low-velocity outflow. The implied OVI velocity extent is found to be 100 +/- 20 km/sec, which is fully consistent with the detected HI outflow velocity found in radio synthesis observations. We detect multiple lines of diffuse H2 absorption from the ISM of NGC 625; this is one of only a few extragalactic systems with FUSE detections of H2 lines in the Lyman and Werner bands. We find a potential abundance offset between the neutral and nebular gas that exceeds the errors on the derived column densities. Since such an offset has been found in multiple dwarf galaxies, we discuss the implications of a lower-metallicity halo surrounding the central star forming regions of dwarf galaxies. The apparent offset may be due to saturation of the observed OI line, and higher S/N observations are required to resolve this issue.Comment: ApJ, in press; full-resolution version may be obtained at http://www.astro.umn.edu/~cannon/n625.fuse.p

    U(N|M) quantum mechanics on Kaehler manifolds

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    We study the extended supersymmetric quantum mechanics, with supercharges transforming in the fundamental representation of U(N|M), as realized in certain one-dimensional nonlinear sigma models with Kaehler manifolds as target space. We discuss the symmetry algebra characterizing these models and, using operatorial methods, compute the heat kernel in the limit of short propagation time. These models are relevant for studying the quantum properties of a certain class of higher spin field equations in first quantization.Comment: 21 pages, a reference adde

    Quantum theories of (p,q)-forms

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    We describe quantum theories for massless (p,q)-forms living on Kaehler spaces. In particular we consider four different types of quantum theories: two types involve gauge symmetries and two types are simpler theories without gauge invariances. The latter can be seen as building blocks of the former. Their equations of motion can be obtained in a natural way by first-quantizing a spinning particle with a U(2)-extended supersymmetry on the worldline. The particle system contains four supersymmetric charges, represented quantum mechanically by the Dolbeault operators and their hermitian conjugates. After studying how the (p,q)-form field theories emerge from the particle system, we investigate their one loop effective actions, identify corresponding heat kernel coefficients, and derive exact duality relations. The dualities are seen to include mismatches related to topological indices and analytic torsions, which are computed as Tr(-1)^F and Tr[(-1)^F F] in the first quantized supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model for a suitable fermion number operator F.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures, a reference adde

    GHRS and ORFEUS-II Observations of the Highly Ionized Interstellar Medium Toward ESO141-055

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    We present Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph and ORFEUS-II measurements of Si IV, CIV, N V, and O VI absorption in the interstellar medium of the Galactic disk and halo toward the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy ESO141-055. The high ionization absorption is strong, with line strengths consistent with the spectral signature expected for hot (log T = 5-6) collisionally ionized gas in either a ``Galactic fountain'' or an inhomogeneous medium containing a mixture of conductive interfaces and turbulent mixing layers. The total O VI column density of log N ~ 15 suggests that the scale height of O VI is large (>3 kpc) in this direction. Comparison of the high ion column densities with measurements for other sight lines indicates that the highly ionized gas distribution is patchy. The amount of O VI perpendicular to the Galactic plane varies by at least a factor of ~4 among the complete halo sight lines thus far studied. In addition to the high ion absorption, lines of low ionization species are also present in the spectra. With the possible exception of Ar I, which may have a lower than expected abundance resulting from partial photoionization of gas along the sight line, the absorption strengths are typical of those expected for the warm, neutral interstellar medium. The sight line intercepts a cold molecular cloud with log N(H2) ~ 19. The cloud has an identifiable counterpart in IRAS 100-micron emission maps of this region of the sky. We detect a Ly-alpha absorber associated with ESO141-055 at z = 0.03492. This study presents an enticing glimpse into the interstellar and intergalactic absorption patterns that will be observed at high spectral resolution by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer.Comment: 24 pages + 8 figures, uses aaspp4.sty. Accepted for publication in Ap

    AdS_3 Partition Functions Reconstructed

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    For pure gravity in AdS_3, Witten has given a recipe for the construction of holomorphically factorizable partition functions of pure gravity theories with central charge c=24k. The partition function was found to be a polynomial in the modular invariant j-function. We show that the partition function can be obtained instead as a modular sum which has a more physical interpretation as a sum over geometries. We express both the j-function and its derivative in terms of such a sum.Comment: 9 page

    Quantum Entropy Function from AdS(2)/CFT(1) Correspondence

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    We review and extend recent attempts to find a precise relation between extremal black hole entropy and degeneracy of microstates using AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence. Our analysis leads to a specific relation between degeneracy of black hole microstates and an appropriately defined partition function of string theory on the near horizon geometry, -- named the quantum entropy function. In the classical limit this reduces to the usual relation between statistical entropy and Wald entropy.Comment: LaTeX file, 27 pages, A modified and extended version of the talk given at Strings 200
