2,225 research outputs found

    Identifying the NMSSM by the interplay of LHC and ILC

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    The interplay between the LHC and the e+e−e^+ e^- International Linear Collider (ILC) with s=500\sqrt{s}=500 GeV might be crucial for the discrimination between the minimal and next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model. We present an NMSSM scenario, where the light neutralinos have a significant singlino component, that cannot be distinguished from the MSSM by cross sections and mass measurements. Mass and mixing state predictions for the heavier neutralinos from the ILC analysis at different energy stages and comparison with observation at the LHC, lead to clear identification of the particle character and identify the underlying supersymmetric model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figures, revtex4 style Contribution to the `2005 International Linear Collider Workshop - Stanford, U.S.A.

    Photon collimator system for the ILC Positron Source

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    High energy e+e- linear colliders are the next large scale project in particle physics. They need intense sources to achieve the required luminosity. In particular, the positron source must provide about 10E+14 positrons per second. The positron source for the International Linear Collider (ILC) is based on a helical undulator passed by the electron beam to create an intense circularly polarized photon beam. With these photons a longitudinally polarized positron beam is generated; the degree of polarization can be enhanced by collimating the photon beam. However, the high photon beam intensity causes huge thermal load in the collimator material. In this paper the thermal load in the photon collimator is discussed and a flexible design solution is presented.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, 8 tables, cross-reference to table 4 fixe

    Interference of Higgs boson resonances in mu^+ mu^- -> neutralino_i neutralino_j with longitudinal beam polarization

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    We study the interference of resonant Higgs boson exchange in neutralino production in \mu^+ \mu^- annihilation with longitudinally polarized beams. We use the energy distribution of the decay lepton in the process \neutralino_j \to \ell^\pm \slepton^\mp to determine the polarization of the neutralinos. In the CP conserving Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model a non-vanishing asymmetry in the lepton energy spectrum is caused by the interference of Higgs boson exchange channels with different CP eigenvalues. The contribution of this interference is large if the heavy neutral bosons H and A are nearly degenerate. We show that the asymmetry can be used to determine the couplings of the neutral Higgs bosons to the neutralinos. In particular, the asymmetry allows to determine the relative phase of the couplings. We find large asymmetries and cross sections for a set of reference scenarios with nearly degenerate neutral Higgs bosons.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, minor typos corrected, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Helmet and active streamers from radio observations

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    Large coronal regions disconnected from any calcium plages and identified by their thermal emission at 169 mHz play a basic role in the sector structure of the interplanetary medium. It was concluded that these coronal regions are to be interpreted as streamers

    Variations spatiotemporelles des compartiments autotrophes et hétérotrophes de la boucle microbienne dans les lacs du sud du Québec

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    Les variations de la biomasse des compartiments autotrophes et hĂ©tĂ©rotrophes de la boucle microbienne ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©es dans neuf lacs de deux rĂ©gions du sud du QuĂ©bec. Six lacs Ă©taient situĂ©s dans les Laurentides et trois lacs dans les Cantons de l'Est. Ils se diffĂ©renciaient en fonction de leur statut trophique, de la gĂ©ologie du bassin versant, et de la physicochimie des eaux. Dans chaque lac, l'Ă©chantillonnage a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  trois profondeurs correspondant aux strates Ă©pi-, mĂ©ta- et hypolimnĂ©tiques et Ă  cinq dates au cours de l'Ă©tĂ© (1990-1992). Les biomasses moyennes de picoplancton autotrophe (PPA : 16-80 ”g·C·L-1), de picoplancton hĂ©tĂ©rotrophe (PPH : 97-647 ”g·C·L-1), de nanoplancton autotrophe (NPA : 7-37 ”g·C·L-1) et de nanoplancton hĂ©tĂ©rotrophe (NPH : 9-29 ”g·C·L-1) notĂ©es dans les lacs du sud du QuĂ©bec le long d'un gradient trophique de PT variant de 7 Ă  73 ”g·L-1 Ă©taient du mĂȘme ordre de grandeur que celles rapportĂ©es pour d'autres Ă©cosystĂšmes d'eau douce au Canada.La majeure partie de la variation dans les biomasses des compartiments microbiens Ă©taient reliĂ©e aux variations inter-lacs mais il existaient aussi des sources de variation significatives au sein des lacs, soit au niveau spatial entre les strates limnĂ©tiques ou au niveau temporel entre les dates d'Ă©chantillonnage durant l'Ă©tĂ©. Toutefois, les patrons de variation spatiotemporelle intra-lac variaient d'un lac Ă  l'autre. Les variations inter-lacs de la biomasse des quatre compartiments microbiens ont Ă©tĂ© mises en relation avec les changements dans les concentrations de phosphore total (PT) et dans les densitĂ©s de macrozooplancton. Le niveau trophique des lacs, exprimĂ©s en PT, et l'abondance du macrozooplancton avaient un effet sur les biomasses des compartiments picoplanctoniques. La biomasse de PPA et PPH dĂ©croissait dans les lacs eutrophes des Cantons de l'Est ayant des concentrations de PT supĂ©rieures Ă  20 ”g·L-1 et dans les lacs ayant de fortes densitĂ©s de macrozooplancton ou un faible rapport micro-macrozooplancton. Notre Ă©tude n'a pas mis clairement en Ă©vidence les effets du niveau trophique ou du macrozoopancton sur les compartiments nanoplanctoniques (NPA, NPH).The biomass of autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial compartments were measured in nine lakes in two regions of southern Quebec. Six lakes were located in the Laurentides while three lakes were situated in the Eastern Townships. They varied in trophic status, watershed geology, and water chemistry. Each lake was sampled at three depths, corresponding to the epi-, meta-, and hypolimnion strata, and at five dates over the summer season (1991-1992). The mean biomass of autotrophic picoplankton (PPA: 16-80 ”g·C·L-1), heterotrophic picoplankton (PPH: 97-647 ”g·C·L-1), autotrophic nanoplankton (NPA: 7-37 ”g·C·L-1), and heterotrophic nanoplankton (NPH: 9-29 ”g·C·L-1) found in Quebec lakes over a PT range of trophy varying from 7 to 73 ”g·L-1 were of the same order as those reported in other freshwater environments in Canada.Most of the variation in the biomass of the four microbial compartments was related to among-lake variation. Some variation was also due to within-lake spatial variation among limnetic strata or temporal variation over the summer season. However, within-lake patterns of variation patterns were different among lakes. Among-lake variations in the biomass of the four microbial compartments were examined in relation to changes in total phosphorus concentrations (PT) and macrozooplankton densities between lakes. Both lake trophy, expressed by PT, and macrozooplankton abundance influence the biomass of picoplankton compartments. The biomass of PPA and PPH decline in the most eutrophic lakes of the Eastern Townships where PT > 20 ”g·L-1. PPA and PPH biomass were also reduced in lakes with the highest density of macrozooplankton or with low micro-/macrozooplankton ratio. Our study did not clearly detected the effects of lake trophy or macrozooplankton on nanoplanktonic compartments

    Neutralino Pair Production and 3-Body Decays at e+e−e^+e^- Linear Colliders as Probes of CP Violation in the Neutralino System

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    In the CP-invariant supersymmetric theories, the steep S-wave (slow P-wave) rise of the cross section for any non-diagonal neutralino pair production in e+e−e^+ e^- annihilation, e+e−→χ~i0χ~j0e^+e^- \to \tilde{\chi}^0_i \tilde{\chi}^0_j (i≠ji \neq j), near threshold is accompanied by the slow P-wave (steep S-wave) decrease of the fermion invariant mass distribution of the 3-body neutralino decay, χ~i0→χ~j0ffˉ\tilde{\chi}^0_i \to \tilde{\chi}^0_j f\bar{f} (f=lf=l or qq), near the end point. These selection rules, unique to the neutralino system due to its Majorana nature, guarantee that the observation of simultaneous sharp S-wave excitations of the production cross section near threshold and the lepton and quark invariant mass distribution near the end point is a qualitative, unambiguous evidence for CP violation in the neutralino system.Comment: 11 pages, 1 eps figure, a reference adde
