19,948 research outputs found

    A Positive Test for Fermi-Dirac Distributions of Quark-Partons

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    By describing a large class of deep inelastic processes with standard parameterization for the different parton species, we check the characteristic relationship dictated by Pauli principle: broader shapes for higher first moments. Indeed, the ratios between the second and the first moment and the one between the third and the second moment for the valence partons is an increasing function of the first moment and agrees quantitatively with the values found with Fermi-Dirac distributions.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, 2 eps figures. Final version, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Hemispherical power asymmetries in the WMAP 7-year low-resolution temperature and polarization maps

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    We test the hemispherical power asymmetry of the WMAP 7-year low-resolution temperature and polarization maps. We consider two natural estimators for such an asymmetry and exploit our implementation of an optimal angular power spectrum estimator for all the six CMB spectra. By scanning the whole sky through a sample of 24 directions, we search for asymmetries in the power spectra of the two hemispheres, comparing the results with Monte Carlo simulations drawn from the WMAP 7-year best-fit model. Our analysis extends previous results to the polarization sector. The level of asymmetry on the ILC temperature map is found to be compatible with previous results, whereas no significant asymmetry on the polarized spectra is detected. Moreover, we show that our results are only weakly affected by the a posteriori choice of the maximum multipole considered for the analysis. We also forecast the capability to detect dipole modulation by our methodology at Planck sensitivity.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Effect of the Gribov horizon on the Polyakov loop and vice versa

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    We consider finite temperature SU(2) gauge theory in the continuum formulation, which necessitates the choice of a gauge fixing. Choosing the Landau gauge, the existing gauge copies are taken into account by means of the Gribov-Zwanziger (GZ) quantization scheme, which entails the introduction of a dynamical mass scale (Gribov mass) directly influencing the Green functions of the theory. Here, we determine simultaneously the Polyakov loop (vacuum expectation value) and Gribov mass in terms of temperature, by minimizing the vacuum energy w.r.t. the Polyakov loop parameter and solving the Gribov gap equation. Inspired by the Casimir energy-style of computation, we illustrate the usage of Zeta function regularization in finite temperature calculations. Our main result is that the Gribov mass directly feels the deconfinement transition, visible from a cusp occurring at the same temperature where the Polyakov loop becomes nonzero. In this exploratory work we mainly restrict ourselves to the original Gribov-Zwanziger quantization procedure in order to illustrate the approach and the potential direct link between the vacuum structure of the theory (dynamical mass scales) and (de)confinement. We also present a first look at the critical temperature obtained from the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger approach. Finally, a particular problem for the pressure at low temperatures is reported.Comment: 19 pages, 8 .pdf figures. v2: extended section 3 + extra references; version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Double non-perturbative gluon exchange: an update on the soft Pomeron contribution to pp scattering

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    We employ a set of recent, theoretically motivated, fits to non-perturbative unquenched gluon propagators to check in how far double gluon exchange can be used to describe the soft sector of pp scattering data (total and differential cross section). In particular, we use the refined Gribov--Zwanziger gluon propagator (as arising from dealing with the Gribov gauge fixing ambiguity) and the massive Cornwall-type gluon propagator (as motivated from Dyson-Schwinger equations) in conjunction with a perturbative quark-gluon vertex, next to a model based on the non-perturbative quark-gluon Maris-Tandy vertex, popular from Bethe-Salpeter descriptions of hadronic bound states. We compare the cross sections arising from these models with "older" ISR and more recent TOTEM and ATLAS data. The lower the value of total energy \sqrt{s}, the better the results appear to be.Comment: 14 pages, 8 .pdf figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Crystal structure and physical properties of EuPtIn4_{4} intermetallic antiferromagnet

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    We report the synthesis of EuPtIn4_{4} single crystalline platelets by the In-flux technique. This compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic Cmcm structure with lattice parameters a=4.542(1)a=4.542(1) \AA, b=16.955(2)b=16.955(2) \AA \, and c=7.389(1)c=7.389(1) \AA. Measurements of magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and electron spin resonance (ESR) reveal that EuPtIn4_{4} is a metallic Curie-Weiss paramagnet at high temperatures and presents antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering below TN=13.3T_{N}=13.3 K. In addition, we observe a successive anomaly at T∗=12.6T^{*} = 12.6 K and a spin-flop transition at Hc∼2.5H_{c} \sim 2.5 T applied along the acac-plane. In the paramagnetic state, a single Eu2+^{2+} Dysonian ESR line with a Korringa relaxation rate of b=4.1(2)b = 4.1(2) Oe/K is observed. Interestingly, even at high temperatures, both ESR linewidth and electrical resistivity reveal a similar anisotropy. We discuss a possible common microscopic origin for the observed anisotropy in these physical quantities likely associated with an anisotropic magnetic interaction between Eu2+^{2+} 4ff electrons mediated by conduction electrons.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Electromagnetic Energy, Absorption, and Casimir Forces. Inhomogeneous Dielectric Media

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    A general, exact formula is derived for the expectation value of the electromagnetic energy density of an inhomogeneous absorbing and dispersive dielectric medium in thermal equilibrium, assuming that the medium is well approximated as a continuum. From this formula we obtain the formal expression for the Casimir force density. Unlike most previous approaches to Casimir effects in which absorption is either ignored or admitted implicitly through the required analytic properties of the permittivity, we include dissipation explicitly via the coupling of each dipole oscillator of the medium to a reservoir of harmonic oscillators. We obtain the energy density and the Casimir force density as a consequence of the van der Waals interactions of the oscillators and also from Poynting's theorem.Comment: 13 pages, no figures. Updated version with generalization to finite temperature and added example
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